Concerning the US Protests and Our Rules

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May 30, 2020
Its my time to go to sleep, lets see how many pages can this thread continue in like 7 hours or sometin.

My popcorn is out, smh

@justforthelulz just like what i said at page ????? idk
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Fair, though it was more a defense of the spirit of the thing rather than the specifics here. @Swagner

Also, I love your icon. Rip Rohan's house.

I wish I could could make memes as dank as @Justforthelulz, but I never learned how to upload and I'm too embarrassed to ask
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Speaking of money...
- In 2015, The Wall Street Journal reported that during a five-year period the 10 United States cities with the largest police departments had spent over $1.4 billion on police misconduct settlements. In between the years of 2010 and 2014 the total annual cost of police misconduct settlements increased, declining only in 2012, and then followed by the highest total in 2014 of $248.7 million. - wiki
- NYC spent $230M on NYPD settlements last year - nydailynews
- The Los Angeles Police Department paid nearly $81 million in legal settlements last fiscal year - latimes
Turns out, conservatives love paying taxes and welfare, who knew? 🙄
Sep 27, 2019
Yeah sorry man. I really wanted to vent.
I'm seeing this shit all over my social media I can't keep up with unfollowing many of them and their guilt tripping posts.
Jan 24, 2018
This thread delivers. Keep it up guys.
It's very amusing seeing both sides discussing the matter here.

While the current US events are terrible, both cause and consequences, frankly, the core of the issue do not matter much for the rest of the world. At. All.
Don't even bring "empathy", "racism" or "human rights" BS here since no one bats an eye when this kind of stuff (or worse. Often, worse) happens below the Tropic of Cancer (unless it's in Australia/NZ).

The moderation has done a good job IMO.
Always remember: posting in a private forum is not a right, but a privilege. Either follow the site rules or deal with them.
And MD forums are even more awesome since they do not delete the offending posts, so everyone can see what has been done wrong.
In a sense, the offenders are rioting too, and I feel like some would even "loot" (hack) if they could. So it's amusing AND ironic.

One detail though, @Plykiya : MD is not being very neutral when directing donations.
Don't claim to be neutral and then in the very same post show a clear bias for one side (even if it's on good will).
At least make it clear that it's your (or the staff's) personal preference, not the platform's as a whole.

As usual, it's the details that make a whole lot of difference.
Aggregator gang
Apr 27, 2018
First off while not completely neutral and unbiased (posting links to groups you support etc). the MD official stance is atleast not vilifying anyone or out right forcing it's beliefs on people is good enough for me (honestly it's better than basically all big tech giants etc in that regard) so gonna commend the site for that.

I see all these people calling it a "human rights issue" and telling people from other countries that they should also be concerned and if they dont they're horrible people but then blatantly ignoring what's happening in hong kong which is much fucking worse like it doesn't exist is annoying. is it because it could be historic oppression? china has that too (your social credit score will ajust upon reading this). is it because it's seen as racist? well china's got you covered but the racism is much worse there. is it because America thinks itself the center of the world and everyone should be concerned with their politics? oh yeah that's exactly why. if you didn't get all up in arms about china/hong kong's human rights violations and police brutality (I saw nowhere near the coverage or protests for these much worse violations) then you have no leg to stand on when telling people from other countries to care about your country's internal issues.

i'm biased in that part of my family is from / lives in hong kong (i'm a brit) but my point still stands.
Apr 20, 2020
*looks over the police side*

-police brutality
-usage of low-lethality weapons on bystanders and reporters
-cops taking other cops in a line away from a cop-created crime scenes in which there may or may not have been a victim, likely to not make any cop accountable of anything, all while a person might be dying on the ground
-trying to cover up the issue with lies and deceit

*looks over at the rioters and protesters side*

-neighboorhoods that include facilities to help the minorities and poor who live there as well as pharmacies complely totaled in the name of the very same people they are claiming to be aiding, but that are actually hurting
-looters beating up en masse and killing other black people(cops and not) while sporting "BLM" tags
-stores of innocent people looted for pretty much no reason
-namecalling and shaming as well as social canceling of others without having any form of civil debate due to outcry and social bubbles over on twitter
-people giving out addresses of cops in the hope that nutjbs may go to their house and do who-knows-what, potentially endangering they lives of their families which most likely include innocent children and other PoC or people with disabilities.

honestly, i can't see how anybody is defendable in this scenario, which is probably why so many shitposters find the whole situation funny like it was black humor, then again, black humor to be acceptable has to age a bit first, like a fine wine...
Aug 7, 2019
first I would like to say great meme. @naimasitiayot

I'm from the US
I'm guessing my definitition of civil is different then yours. For me it is about being well mannered. Someone saying something that is disturbing to some or appears to be callous to some to me is not being impolite, but just simply expressing a view. I do not like what is happening in my country. At the same time I do not see someone stating they find it entertaining as uncivil. We have a long history of inserting ourselves into other countries affairs, of acting arrogant towards other countries, of thinking our view is the only right one, so I can understand a view like this. Even if that is not the reason it is still just at statement of views. Also to me pointing out hypocrisy is not being uncivil.

What I think isn't civil is posting links (@Plykiya) that will help free people who have rioted and created problems in areas that are currently having problems, see you can get upset at anything and it can be made to sound uncivil. Others have made comments that basically imply if you don't agree you are then racist, name calling doesn't seem civil. Will there be comment timeouts for them?

Although I do think there is one very rude and uncivil statement that you should look at:
If I take pleasure in anything, it's showing rule breakers in this particular thread that no, you really don't get to have a callous disregard for life and MD's rules and not get called out for it.
I consider the above to be very rude and sad. I understand having to enforce the rules, but taking pleasure from it? In the same thread where you have voiced a strong view on the situation that is different from theirs? If anything it seems like bias and abuse of position which is anything but civil.

fyi, I'm pro-choice. So will you be giving out comment timeouts to people who support pro-choice if a thread pops up about abortion. It is often viewed as a callous disregard for life.

Anyways, count me as one stepping up for a comment timeout.
May 5, 2018
And MD forums are even more awesome since they do not delete the offending posts, so everyone can see what has been done wrong.
Yeah, they just moderate the post and ban the user from posting. And how do you know that no posts have been deleted?

-usage of low-lethality weapons on bystanders and reporters
Less lethal*. Even tasers can kill people.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Nobody is asking to cry for America and change their avatar or some shit, just don't be an asshole. I don't see anyone here saying "fuck HK who cares when they die, it's hilarious to me lmao". The sentiment that was thrown towards America, at least several times.
Hong Kong was covered and supported by the US media for months, and I somehow end up watching the Tank Man almost every other day. HK stuff was more universally supported by American citizens than this current shitshow.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Crazy, but that's how it goes
Millions of people living as foes
Maybe it's not too late
To learn how to love and forget how to hate
Mental wounds not healing
Life's a bitter shame
I'm going off the rails on a crazy train
I'm going off the rails on a crazy train
I've listened to preachers, I've listened to fools
I've watched all the dropouts who make their own rules
One person conditioned to rule and control
The media sells it and you live the role
Mental wounds still screaming
Driving me insane
I'm going off the rails on a crazy train
I'm going off the rails on a crazy train

One thing I've learned is that there's never something as simple as "good" and "evil," or right and wrong. Reality is complicated and people are even moreso. People like to categorize, divide, and label without considering both the complex nature of how people interact, especially under extreme pressure with high emotions and when in a group. Looking for a clear answer or a clear-cut solution will hardly ever work, because everything does come at a cost and simplistic notions and ideals tend to live up to the way things work out. Then again, that's probably the absurdist in me, so who knows. @iota-09

There's a conflict of interest in that the CCP has funds in everything, especially on things that relate on an international level. The media also has agendas to push and information they want to ruminate in their audiences. If they don't think that something will get ratings, or if publicizing something will hurt their bottom line, then they won't do it. The fact China is systematically trying to wipe out the Uighyrs, suppressing Hong Kong, and imposing its will onto independent nations like Taiwan and Tibet remains largely unacknowledged by the mainstream because it would hurt them when their parent companies want to release products in the Chinese market.

Not that every news story, every piece of information, is likely to be specifically chosen or selected to push and agenda or point, and to act as propaganda for a mentality that the establishment wants you to hear. Keep the proles in check, if Orwell is to be believed. That's why we have the luxury of the internet allowing us to bypass the filters of information and let us collect evidence and information ourselves without fear of government or corporate suppression. (Hell, people have made Minecraft servers that are just libraries full of censored works that governments like the CCP or Saudi Arabia don't want people to read. There's always a backdoor.)

Treat everything and everyone with a healthy dose of skepticism and doubt. It never pays to be careless. @noobtube2
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
I don't get it. I don't see these Comments moderated by Zephyrus. I am having a hell of a time hunting through the pages.

Which page was it? And how many Comments got moderated? I have moderated comments visible and I still can't find what Kanami and Mr. Detective are talking about.
May 5, 2018
Hong Kong was covered and supported by the US media for months
If there's one thing I know about the media, it's that they weren't doing that because they care about HK's citizens.

There's one by Captaininvictus on page 16. It's the 4th post, right after another post by them. Halo -> Captaininvictus -> Captaininvictus (this one is moderated) -> Fuckwit.
I think around 20 posts total were moderated. There would probably be more but some users were banned from posting.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
If there's one thing I know about the media, it's that they weren't doing that because they care about HK's citizens.
You think companies and celebs express their support for BLM because they care?

Page 8 has quite a few.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
He's saying that basically people in the public spotlight are basically trying to make themselves have good optics instead of standing on any actual principles.


Though, if I recall correctly, it was less the mainstream reporting on Hong Kong and more independent journalists and various internet-based reporters that covered the news, though that might be exposure bias as I don't watch a lot of the MSM anymore on principle.
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