Concerning the US Protests and Our Rules

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Sep 26, 2019
@Tamerlane You do have a point about it spreading to other threads, guess that's better this way. Unrelated trash being concentrated in one place, which you can easily avoid visiting by simply not opening the link, instead of seeing "muh oppression" comments under every chapter.
Active member
Nov 18, 2018
While banning a subject from mangas uploads, comments and threads is sensible, to prevent discussion of this issue on the whole website is a dangerous stance overall. People could use reddit or Twitter, yes... But reserving free speech to a handful of platforms is just placating free speech. On the contrary, aside from a few dedicated spaces where controversial themes are restricted, platforms should let their users express what they wish. The multiplicity, and the randomness of the content found is a good way to prevent polarization and uniformization, like we see on other mainstream platforms.

I think mangadex is doing a good job right now. The general forums are open for debate, and manga keep being manga, without added agenda in credit pages (hopefully).
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
Thank you America!
Looks like you have successfully exported all of their anarchism to London yesterday.
Let's see if the Police will actually do their job and start arresting criminals and not just online shitposters and people who break lockdown regulation by chilling at their own backyard (lol)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@Tamerlane The problem with what "economists think" is that economists in their own way have a function that's not so different from that of the police. They work for think tanks (funded by billionaires and large corporations), they work in hedge funds and similar financial institutions, they work in universities (dependent on endowment funds from wealthy alumni donors), in economics and business departments (which are more intimately connected with such donors than most other departments), the tenured ones often in "chairs", tenured positions, individually funded by wealthy donors, so that they literally owe their jobs to some wealthy guy. So for instance, my university has the Beedie School of Business, named after the wealthy dude who gave the business school a bunch of money to put his name on it, which is in the Lohn building, named after the wealthy guy who gave the university a bunch of money to put his name on it, often holds lectures in the Barrick Gold room, named after the prominent and highly unethical international gold mining company that gave the university a bunch of . . . you get the idea, and definitely has a couple of Econ and Business department chairs named after other rich dudes who created a fund so the position lives off the interest.
With all this, it's not very surprising that the concerns of economists are overwhelmingly towards articulating theories whose implications benefit the wealthy. Not that they think of themselves as doing that, but people who aren't into that tend to get frozen out, or not want in in the first place, or not get the job because someone else was "better qualified". Despite this, there are heterodox economists . . . but they're not going to get taught in ECON 101 or featured in the pages of the New York Times. This pattern is the only reason so much discourse about economics in effect behaves as though the "efficient market hypothesis" were more or less true even though, when you get to upper level stuff, even orthodox mainstream economists will admit that it isn't, and do a lot of interesting research about the different exceptions and reasons why not . . . none of which ever feed back into ECON 101 where the people outside the priesthood might see it.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
Should this also be understood as a ban on touching this topic in the comments? A couple of days ago I left a sarcastic comment about this in a discussion of manga, whose MC is known for his racism, so I want to get an answer in advance.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@SuperOniichan Correct, not allowed in the comments either. Otherwise there's nothing stopping scanlators or users from talking about it in the comment section even if it wasn't mentioned in the chapter. Forum rules section 5.2, "Don't be disruptive, keep your posts on topic." If your manga is political and literally mentioning the events, it would be fine to talk about it. It's not a flat out ban on political conversation, would be silly if people could read something in a chapter but not be able to talk about. Just when it's inserted into manga that is otherwise devoid of what's being mentioned is when it's an issue.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Plykiya Well, this manga is about zoopeople, so satire on racism is essentially the foundation of its premise. But as far as I can judge by the reaction of other people, they took my words exactly as agenda pushing.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@SuperOniichan I can't say for sure whether or not it was relevant to the manga, if it ever gets reported the mods would be the ones to deliberate on that decision. Mods will most likely just warn users to keep things on topic if it does get reported. Maybe moderate the comment itself, which just hides it from people who have the setting turned off. Wouldn't worry about it too much
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Plykiya Well, in any case, I will try not to touch politics at this time. I live far from the United States, but if West folks is sensitive to this theme, I don’t want to hurt anyone.
Aug 13, 2019
America is reality show hillarious idiocy all over looting riots and people say it ok because a person few knew died unjust guess what people die shit death all the time
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
@Angeldog123 Given that the rioters have killed far more people than the police (at least 9 non-police alone), I'd probably feel the same.

Also people bringing up the Boston Tea Party are ignorant in the extreme. They dumped tea into the water. They didn't shoot anyone, or torch and loot their own city and neighbors.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
Statistics vs people.

When you talk about road accidents each year. You can talk about an acceptable number of deaths or deaths are actually good for society but when its someone you care about there is a much more emotion and holistic effect not only on their loved ones health not just mental health but physical and financial health too.

However the businesses and people being affected by rage, discrimination (not just Black, but police and Asian, White, store managers etc), looting is also as real as police brutality in America.

There's no point in being angry. America is on the world stage now both to be ridiculed and but also analyzed; they have a voice now, they need proper activists that aren't consumed by rage but can formulate a plan and negotiate terms to quell this problem.

The damage has been done might as well use the ashes to create some benefits; but mitigation of the damage and rebuilding is more important.
Sep 13, 2019
idk what has been happening but there are peaceful protesters and there are antifa/leftists looting the shops it`s sad to see that once a great country has fallen to mediocrity
Feb 21, 2018
I can guarantee 90% of the people in this thread that are praising MD for being neutral or spouting some brain-dead "looting is wrong," peaceful protests are the way to go, are white. Not that your opinion is invalidated because you are white, it just shows how extremely priveledged you are. Everything is ok for you, so you are resistant to change that does not affect you. You all want shit to go back to normal, when normal for black people is fearing for their life at a traffic stop. You want shit to go back to normal, when normal is police having next to 0 accountability in this country.

MD staying neutral is extremely disheartening. It is not a political statement to say you care about the lives of people. It's cowardly to not do so. I sincerely hope you reconsider your position.

No shit looting is wrong, and when it happens to a small mom and pop or black owned shop it's sad to see; however, focusing on the looting is trying to cure a symptom instead of looking for the disease that caused it. Why are these people rioting and looting? It's a grieving process for a loss that has been ongoing for decades. Every murder of an innocent person at the hands of police has contributed to that grief, and that cup runneth over.

Peaceful protests do have their place, as do violent ones. Right now, look where the biggest changes are happening: In Minneapolis, where the police precinct was burnt to the fucking floor, the police force is being disbanded and restructured from the ground up. In New York, where looting/rioting has been quite bad, the curfew was called off and more cops are being held accountable. It's only a matter of time before these changes spread.

Nothing I've said is political or controversial. There are no but's. I know I've probably wasted my time here.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
London... Let's see if the Police will actually do their job and start arresting criminals and not just online shitposters...
Wait, that can't be rea-

The UK, unlike the US, has robust hate speech laws. In addition to banning derogatory speech on the basis of someone’s race, ethnicity, disability, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, the 2003 Communications Act banned online communication that would cause “annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another.” With that act, arguing, trolling, or posting anything that could be perceived as remotely offensive became punishable under the law. - [url=]thestranger[/url]

May 30, 2018
Patriots burnt down a stamp distributor's office building, and a lieutenant governor's home. They also tarred and feathered customs agents. And they "fractured the skull of loyalist Thomas Brown, then tarred his legs and held them over a fire. Then they scalped him and left him for dead". So I guess, in the interest of mimicking them, protesters should really be targeting government officials and their opponents? That would definitely give them legitimacy. (I hope it's obvious, but I'm being sarcastic)
Active member
Nov 18, 2018
Well, if someone suddenly decided to wear a mask, go into a big city and insult/troll a bunch of random strangers, arresting them would be common sense. People have an expectation of respect, and the law protect it. I don't see why it should be different on the web.
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