Concerning the US Protests and Our Rules

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Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
I checked your twitter and surprise, of course you're a white-hating BLM extremist.
Really can't argue with your kind. You're a lost cause, blinded by self-righteousness.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018

Gaijin go home! Protecc Japan from alien invaders, banzai!
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 21, 2018
@Plykiya @Elilla I agree that ACLU is a total garbage these days. I observed the process of it sliding for decades now, from giving a full-on support to civil liberties, to taking up token cases, and now to fighting against the rights of the accused with the support they've thrown to the university kangaroo courts this year.

However, ACLU's decline has left a vacuum, and I'm having a hard time nominating a successor. It goes with the overall corruption of our institutions, I'm afraid. Consider how far NRA and AOPA have gone, too.

Online, we still have EFF. Their work to curb the copyright abuses is something very much relevant to MangaDex. They are worth a donation. But they were able to do this in part by staying true to their mission and tuning out the plight of the victim group de-jour. You aren't fighting police brutality if you donate to EFF.


Fed-Kun's army
Mar 11, 2019
And then the discussion ensued right under the post that called for it to stop. Lol.
Active member
Mar 30, 2020
I find funny about all this post about poor black being murdered when they are responsible for most murder in America at least.
Oct 13, 2019
I'm of the opinion that politics shouldn't be discussed in online forums where sincerity can't be seen for yourself, but I suppose people just NEED to argue about current events eh?

I hate politics. Ruins everything I know and love.
May 30, 2020
One time, a strange Alien said.

Even if it's pointless, you still have to do it, because this is the world my friend tried to save

"Dear my friend, for so long all i could do was destroy..... but now ? i have a chance to save something."
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@portable Well, nearly all murders are committed by men, as opposed to women. If it was about who commits murders, the cops would all be female and the media would spend its time stereotyping all men as criminals. Through most of the years when they were big on how all muslims were terrorists, more terrorist-style killings were done by white right wing militia types than by muslims. So if it was about who actually did terrorism, any time a militia type showed up with a gun they'd be slammed to the pavement or shot as a danger to the public, like what happens to blacks when they "reach for their waistband" (which doesn't actually have a gun in it).
Clearly it's not about that.
Also as a side note, if it was about who "belongs" here and who doesn't, the ancestry of most blacks goes back longer in the US than the ancestry of most whites, and of course all of both are ultimately immigrants. If it was about who really belongs here, those people we Canadians call "first nations" and you Americans call "Indians" would be respected wealthy landlords.

One thing we can be clear on is that differential policing based on race is not some kind of illusion. If we look at New York city, for years the rules explicitly called for semi-randomly stopping and frisking passersby, but most of the semi-random passersby that they stopped were black. And then surprise, surprise, most of the people they put away as a result were also black--who'd have thought it? And then they said look, it's right to stop mostly blacks because most of the people we put away are black. So if 80% of the people you search are black, and 80% of the people you find drugs on are black, that means criminals are mostly black. Talk about your self-fulfilling prophecy! Especially when you can bet half of the people they put away, it was for "resisting arrest", "assaulting an officer" etc., which basically means "Looking at us funny while we were harassing them". Of course, the statistics are also very clear that blacks arrested for a crime are more likely to be charged than whites, more likely to be convicted than whites, get longer sentences for the same crime than whites, and are overwhelmingly more likely to get the death penalty for the same crime than whites. So for whatever reasons, there's a bias at every stage.

But the differential is much bigger than even that kind of thing makes it look. Consider: Major banks in the United States commit massive, systematic fraud in which they effectively steal billions of dollars from their customers. There was one case a while ago in which it was found that one of the biggest banks in the US was systematically creating accounts for customers that they hadn't asked for, doing "services" that customers didn't want, and charging for it; bank customers were losing hundred of bucks each to these scams. It was widespread; dozens and dozens of employees were involved, ordered by upper management to do whatever it took to extract more money from the customers, given quotas and so on. The total was huge, hundreds of millions of dollars, the equivalent of millions of 7-11 holdups.

Now, if it had been millions of 7-11 holdups by young black men, we would have been hearing of nothing in the media except the massive crime wave for months. There would be massive funding for more police, new laws passed to make sure the perpetrators did longer, harder time, a million more black men in jail, oodles of law-and-order candidates elected and so on and so forth. But since it was, instead, respectable, well off white people committing the crimes in respectable, well off ways, not a single person went to jail, nobody even got handcuffed or perp-walked or shoved in pre-trial detention and interrogated. The bank paid a fine which was smaller than the money they made on all the scams. It's as if a black kid holding up a 7-11 for $100 could pay a fine of $40 and walk. And the number of people investigating such things has since been reduced, not increased--there hardly are any in the first place. And the whole thing made barely a ripple in the media. And that case is just the tip of the iceberg--in terms of dollars, the crime committed by white pillars of the community is dozens of times as big as the crime committed by the poor and coloured, and in terms of people it seems at least as widespread; if you can talk of a culture of lawbreaking in poor communities, you can certainly talk equally of a culture of lawbreaking (and law-buying) in the rich white financial community. But the former, who tend to commit crimes out of desperation, are policed literally to death while the latter, who commit crime to get more even though they already have plenty, are largely ignored or even looked up to for their successful crimes. We're so used to it that it seems normal, that even talking about white collar crime as if it was, you know, actual crime, that the police might enforce the way they enforce other crime, feels crazy . . . but surely stealing $100 is still stealing $100 if it's done by a white guy with a computer and official access to your bank account.
Active member
Mar 30, 2020
@Purplelibraryguy you could add that most murder are made by young man which is true but which does not matter as their is no society whiteout men.

I would love to see your number about attentat made by white guy. In my country I have difficulty to count more than one which did not even account in one dead.

Also I am sure you do not count killing in Afghanistan, Syria or Irak in your counting of number of people killed by terrorist by ideologies.
I live in Europe so my ancestor clearly where living in my country earlier. I have immigrant ancestor but that does not really matter.

I mean they just did there choice based on statistic and prejudice. It is a racist choice, but different ethnies do not have similar crime rate.
I would love to see your source about how black get longer sentence, most source I see say that they do an disproportionate amount of crime. They represent like 50 percent of Violent crime like murder or mass shooting. It is not crazy to see them getting longer sentence if they do more crimes and more serious crimes.
The statistic are Very clear, I may be stupid but they are not for me.

About the money thing, they are criminal and should be dealed accordingly but that does not mean than killing people or stealing them is ok either.

Poor white people exist and they do not have the similar amount of crime. The world is more complicated than poor non white and rich white. In the us, people from India or Asian are more rich in average than white people and white people still represent the highest number of poor people.

You seem to have a lot of prejudice and I have clearly a problem with your statistics and need some of your source.
Everything I stated here I could provide state for you and serious one.
Also you did not respond to my statement at all. To be completly honnest yes a bit, but your response was more about they do not really crime which is you see statistic false and white people do crime but white collar crime, which clearly is false. White people and black people do all kind of crimes, in fonction of their status they are more likely to do murder or white collar crime but black per capita still do way way more crime than white people. Sadly I do not have the statistic for every country, but for the US the number are clear.

Speaking more about white on black crime or black on white crime the number are even worse. Still people will say that black people are oppressed when they have a free pass to loot during an epidemic and even dirty our ancestor memory like they did in England with monument of the ww2 dead.

@Fuckwit no i will not
Jan 23, 2018
Christ. Post detailing how we should keep politics out of MD, and it devolves into a shitshow on politics.

I feel bad for the moderators.
Mar 10, 2019
So much negativity. People talking over each other about how one view is right and the other wrong. Did y'all forget that this is a scanlation site?

Read manga, translate manga, leave irl for a bit. Please don't be petulant about irl, the world is a large place and it is almost guaranteed that your political opinion will likely bother someone somewhere who wants to escape reality and read fun stories. Twitter, yandex, wechat, reddit, all those sites are for irl, not MD.

Y'all likely all have hot takes that you'd love to post under an anonymous identity. Please do so elsewhere.
Oct 13, 2019
@Purplelibraryguy If you're looking for a good man, then you've got the wrong guy. I want everyone I despise to burn and die a slow and painful death, and I say that without any humor.

America's riots can easily be dealt with a show of military force. I want every rioteer and looter rotting in jail fed with nothing but gruel and water once a day. You might think it's inhumane. It's because it is. Malnourished prisoners will lack the proper mindset to plan an escape and a weak body due to lack of nutrients, and I do not care one whit about people dying of hunger and dehydration in prisons due to factions forming and robbing others of their food.

Antifa? BLM? They can both go to hell. But it's not by my hand that they'll go there.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
You'd make a pretty good American, not gonna lie. The protest is about police brutality and accountability in general, but you're trying to dismiss it because the question of race is involved.

Couple of tips to improve your game:
[ul]Try to focus on BLM and how racist they are.
Focus on the most radical demands, like disbanding the police.
Talk about looters and murderers, how they hurt small businesses and innocent people.
Try giving black people a honest advice on how to improve their situation, for instance: cancellation of planned parenthood and welfare programs.
Shift towards other problems, like low income or lack of education.
Make some vague revelations about "the true enemy of black and white". Do not use triple parentheses, it's a honest typo but biased mods will use it as a reason to moderate your post.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2018
If they wanted to truly keep politics out of MD then they'd have locked the thread from the get-go and not have a BTW WE ARE TOTALLY NEUTRAL BUT DONATE HERE!!! on the post itself too.
Why are you feeling bad for them? It's exactly what they wanted. And it's not like they are suffering much from moderating considering how they've already expressed utmost joy at moderating the people that express views they disagree with through the classical, and flimsy, excuses. Nothing but hypocrisy of the utmost level.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@ Dennis
I have no idea what could have led you to think that the moderators don't want politics to be discussed when you're posting in a thread where they deliberately started political discussion.
Oct 13, 2019
@anon763 It's so the discussion is contained instead of multiple forum threads talking about the same topic (or worse, getting spammed all over).
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