Concerning the US Protests and Our Rules

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Aug 22, 2018
I think that a more important consideration is the percentage of people killed by cops vs. the percentage of cop killers. This should provide a more meaningful picture than simply going by percentage of the population. In which case blacks don't appear to be "more likely to get shot by the police".

But I have to say that this is a stupid discussion because you're ultimately making this about race and not police brutality. All this conversation about "systemic racism" is an obfuscation when Americans should be focusing less on skin pigmentation and more on the institutional failings of law enforcement. #BLM is poisoning the well and you guys are cheering them on.
Dec 19, 2018

If you actually checked out my links:

"Violent crimes are offenses of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault." Since I was comparing violent crime which includes both manslaughter and robbery, in addition to even more crimes, I imagine your point is moot.

All your other points are excellent whataboutisms, but are conveniently ignoring the treatment of minority groups in this country (all groups have their struggles, although some groups have been treated worse for a much, much longer period of time), so I'm going to ignore them.

Have a nice day :)
May 25, 2019
You k ow whats wrong with this making it a race thing thats whats wrong don't matter if your black white or the color of the rainbow we are all the same inside we breath we bleed we laugh we cry. People that should understand that there isgood and bad everywhere and this was the last thing we needed are a bunch of ignorant fools rioting in America they took what could have United people and twisted it its just a sad shame and what a coincidence that it happened during an election year and a major one wanna know why America is in the sad state its in 3 generations of not being able to discipline your children no repsect for human life and parents having to work 2-3 jobs to make ends meet and these 3 generations weren't taught the value of hard work. And the last two generations expect things handed to them on a golden platter. On top of that you have idiots in the democratic party with they're own agenda instead of working together these idiots devide the people. Open our boarders up to illegal immigrants and grant the voting rights to prisoners and illegal immigrants when the vote is supposed to be exclusivd to the people of the United State of America In a time of unrest the last thing we need is this Melarky and B.S.
May 30, 2020
Latest forum post.

Concerning the US Protests and Our Rules
Concerning the US Protests and Our Rules
Concerning the US Protests and Our Rules
Concerning the US Protests and Our Rules
Concerning the US Protests and Our Rules
Concerning the US Protests and Our Rules
Concerning the US Protests and Our Rules

i love ichigo gyunyu
Dec 19, 2018

In the first link I posted:

"Violent crimes are offenses of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault." Please don't try to move the goalposts. Since violent crime already includes manslaughter and robbery, I'd imagine your first point doesn't hold much water.

Everything else you wrote are excellent whataboutisms, but conveniently ignore how different minority groups are treated in the USA, so I'm going to ignore them. All groups have their struggles, though some of them have been dealing with those struggles and the consequences of those struggles for centuries longer in the United States than others. And I love how easily you can pretend racism ended when the Civil Rights Act was passed. I wonder why we still don't have an Equal Rights Amendment...

Have a nice day :)
Dec 19, 2018

From the first link I posted:

"Violent crimes are offenses of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault." Since violent crime already accounts for manslaughter and robbery, in addition to several other kinds of violent crimes that all of us should agree are also reprehensible, I'd imagine your first point to be moot.

All your other points are excellent whataboutisms, but also (very) conveniently ignore centuries of the history of different minority groups in the United States that, so I'm going to ignore them. All groups have their struggles, although some have been dealing with their struggles and the consequences of those struggles for centuries longer than others.
I love how you pretend racism ended in the 60s with the Civil Rights Act. I wonder why we still don't have an Equal Rights Amendment if it was that easy though...

Have a nice day :)
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@Mr_Detective Even if 1350 was solely about murder and robbery, these aren't the statistics for the number of people convicted of these crimes, these are just the arrest statistics and the charges used for the arrest. Whether or not they were successfully convicted and found guilty of it is another thing and assuming 100% of people that get arrested are convicted of the crimes they were charged with is absurd. Plus the violent crimes include even more charges than just murder, percentages would stay more consistent if it really was true

>And assuming that only 0.37% of blacks were arrested for violent crimes or any kinds, then by no means does it back the idea that plenty of black people get arrested unfairly by police. Otherwise, that number would have 100 times higher
If we're going by percentage of arrests for violent crimes of any kind, comparing it to white people in roughly 2016/17, the number would be 0.12%. About a 3x difference for arrests, it doesn't have to be some absurd number like 100x but the difference is there. There's also twice the percentage of black people in poverty or just in general more poor (20 to 30%?) than the percentage of white people (10%ish). It scales with their socioeconomic status.

>Just... get the police the fuck out of black areas. That's what they demand, and let the so-called "allies" stay with them. Let these people be responsible for themselves.
That's not what they demand at all, it's about getting closer to equality both in treatment and socioeconomically. You said it yourself, assuming 99.63% of black people aren't being arrested for committing crimes, why should 99.63% of people be denied protection from the police?
Apr 22, 2020
Historically illiterate people are trying to teach everyone in the world about propaganda POZZED buzzwords and ideologies they picked up from american school, american tv and american news.

not everyone cares for your propaganda and wants it in their lives.
you are destroying cultures with your disgusting fake propaganda and spreading a disease on the rest of the world.
i dont know of any european people except for the swedes & germans (that have been murdered into submission in 2 worldwars) that even like your propaganda.
its extreemly concering to see it beeing pushed on whites in europe when we have nothing to do with your people.
Aggregator gang
Jan 27, 2018
That's what I come to my favorite mongolian cave painting website for, politics and domestic problems of the US.
Dec 22, 2018
as expected, instead this thread become the place for the said political event discussion.

i think no one mind your heated political discussion about current event as long as you do it in the right place. dont force other ppl who doesnt want to or get tired hearing it again and again, to listen and read your heated debate in manga comment sections. there are place and time for everything
Jul 15, 2019
This is America

Black lives matter
White lives matter
Yellow lives matter
Red lives matter

Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
After being warned of off-topic posts, you proceeded to make a post that had no substance but insults. Take two days off from commenting.

Users have previously been warned about using dog-whistles to refer to African-Americans. Please don't use it again or I'll assume you're doing it on purpose.

I've seen that book on the fantasy shelf a few times. It usually earns the reader a comment ban. I think two days will be sufficient.

You have made several problematic posts in this thread and you have used dog-whistle terminology even though you have been asked not to. And admitting that you're posting just to troll is precisely the right way to lose commenting privileges. Considering the past warnings I've given you and you've chosen to ignore them, take 4 days off.

Well, you did it. You've earned the highest comment ban in this thread so far. Take a week off.

White supremacist talking points aren't welcome here. Please don't post that again.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
"White supremacist talking points"
People on the patrol for wrongthink always say this shit.

Also none of the 11 post-Floyd deaths so far were killed by police or national guard. Really makes you think.
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
name-calling, shaming and gaslighting are the only things they can do.
@Ixlone @holo take action already please. Take off the badge from this self-righteous mod on power trip.
He's clearly unfit. Anyone sane can see this clearly.
Group Leader
Jan 29, 2018
If everyone just really hard believes that the world is full or racism (against black people, done by white people, the opposite is against the laws of physics) AND that giving moral support on the internet to people burning down their neighborhoods will help this racism go away, then the promised lands will unfold in front of our eyes. It’s as simple as that. Trying to argue this with FACTS is hateful.
Mar 3, 2018
Also none of the 11 post-Floyd deaths so far were killed by police or national guard. Really makes you think.

David McAtee was killed by police -

Sean Monterrosa was killed by police -

Jorge Gomez was killed by police -
Jun 13, 2018
LMAO @ people complaining abt being moderated in this thread when they very clearly break forum rules.

you do realize you aren't being censored by the government right? you are in an online forum about manga genius. the moderators can set any rules they want and enforce them however they please, it's their site. that's not """WRONGTHINK""". you arent as important as you think you are

again i dunno how many times i have to say this issues concerns every single person on this planet. someone was murdered and the murderer was filmed on camera and yet still got away with it UNTIL people rioted. how is that political? you cant just act apathetic towards human life
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