Cosmic Censorship - Vol. 5 Ch. 39 - Old Friend

Mar 10, 2018
and yet you read it. okay then
Yes, i read it because i like good drawings, never said i didn't, but i already forget about it. No surprised the publisher axed it, this kind of plot was too generic and clichè.
But th author is very talended, he should hire a writer and start a new story.
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Double-page supporter
May 25, 2023
It's getting axed, but instead of force ending like you see in some of them, this one is just

"Aw I'm getting axed, let's drop the biggest plot twist in this story, implying that this story might get continuation, even thought it will never be"

I like that part
Dex-chan lover
Dec 6, 2019
Fucking hate axes tbh. I wish the author could auto edit the end but I guess they gotta make a living...
May 5, 2023
I wonder if it had anything to do with the "MC" not being typeecal stocc slef-insetr shoenen protog
Dex-chan lover
Dec 3, 2018
Even when the story hasn't gone to disorganized mess that is the last volume, there's still many times where it feels like the author doesn't know how to lead the story (to say nothing of very abrupt fan service).

It's still has some of my favorite side-characters in any fiction though, they're all generally kinda chill despite coming from doomed future/alt universe. Also some of the least stereotyped depiction of foreigners in manga.

Ah well, the ax fell without mercy nor pity, and the author hasn't written any new manga too.

oh and thanks to J.U.M team for not abandoning this.
Dex-chan lover
May 22, 2018
It's pretty interesting that works with a bunch of stuff like Ryuuichi mentioned usually have strong leads and are largely episodic with a central slowly unfolding plot, like Area 51, Tokyo Interstellar Immigration or you know, the X-Files, unlike Cosmic Censorship.
According to both cosmic censorship hypotheses the universe is deterministic, except for the regions of space inside singularities, as they cannot be observed, hidden away by the event horizons (hence the name, cosmic censorship). The fact that Roger seemingly trying to fight against Maki's fated death probably means their ultimate goal would involve destroying the universe itself in a way by making a naked singularity or something.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 16, 2018
Since the physical behavior of singularities is unknown, if singularities can be observed from the rest of spacetime, causality may break down, and physics may lose its predictive power.

my hypotesis is:
roger is maki's child from the "first" universe
1st universe have open war with invaders
invaders are basically exist for universal "CTRL+N", creating singularity so the next universe can born, that's why they can manipulate gravity
1st universe survivors reject death (as humanity always try to survive), probably lead by makino maki, they "found" the akashic record
they created cosmic censors, trying to protect human progression by defending it against invaders
this created causality, created multiverse that constantly expand (and destroyed)

my other hypotesis is King is 1st universe Maki's husband and Roger's father, after he understand that invaders are inevitable end and a necessity in cycle of life, he "evolved" into the first sentient invaders to fight against cosmic censor agents . each time an universe got force reboot by cosmic censorship, these human/invaders grow in size to fight against cosmic censor agents.

and why King and his gang wont show up against cosmic censorship? because that'll bring more causality, and invaders are against causality. because they are technically anomally for the universe.

but in this manga, in this latest universe, things are going even more chaotic because Maki found out about the singularity pretty soon, especially because it is from Yui who should not even exist. this letting cosmic censorship know about their existence. will it change anything? who knows, that is probably the big picture ryuuichi trying to tell us. that even if you know the future, it could still be different in present time. so just do your best and never give up.

cosmic censor agents are not the bad guy. they are you trying your best to get the best result.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 15, 2018
Honestly, I'm more happy with such an open ending with the possibility of a sequel than if the author had tried to wrap up the story in a couple of chapters. Now I will hope that a sequel will still be released someday.
Thanks for the translation.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
I‘m glad that nowadays I don‘t start manga until they are completely scanlated (or get a lot of hype). That way I can read your opinions in the final chapter discussion and avoid shitty/axed manga like this one.
Double-page supporter
Jan 22, 2018
So the author just cramp some crap in the manga and just end it with " use your imagination" ending ... Disappointing...

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