Dex-chan lover
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Your pfp loves strong boys. Was Guts able to kill him?It's like inter-species reviewers, except 10 times better.
Your pfp loves strong boys. Was Guts able to kill him?It's like inter-species reviewers, except 10 times better.
Agreed my friend. Author is morally corrupt. While he talk of acceptance he doesn't delve deeper.
Examples from the history of our world can hardly be quoted here. As I wrote above, we are talking about completely different creatures. When Taishi began to encourage the leader of the Lamia to take part in the orgies, she even then needed to assess the situation and what her people would become in the end. In her situation, it would be more logical to find out about nearby villages that could accept them and ask Taishi to escort them there. This would be the best outcome for her. Staying in the goblin village means dooming your own daughters to become breeding livestock for goblins and orcs.Agreed my friend. Author is morally corrupt. While he talk of acceptance he doesn't delve deeper.
Authors take on everything is surface level. His politic: acceptance is the key.
Also the case with Lamia, do you know why women in many cultures are not given the right to defend or hold power? It's exactly because they are more keen to surrender, they are not losing anything in case of surrender. Genetically they will still have a chance to reproduce and continue their lineage. When it comes to males it's the other way around, if we don't defend or hold power others will conquer us and kill us, castrate us(happened in our history), take our women and etc.
Basically strip male population of current race, culture or nation of rights to reproduce and continue genetic lineage.
In older ages it wasn't uncommon that when conquered, male population including children were killed, while women taken as slaves. Osmans/Ottomans(Other muslims too but they had whole armies of castrated guys) took slaves and castrated them, especially popular was to take europeans and even some christian europeans sold off european pagans to north africa and middle east.
Women in all of those cases were slaves/concubines/wifes(harem) while men were subjected to cruel fate.
Author takes up many interesting things and only talk about surface level stuff without delving deeper.
1) Examples from history are good just examples from life. Our literature is defined by our experience and history. This author cannot think beyond the our human brain. The closest to different races we have is color/nationality/belief/ and other factors.Examples
1) This is exactly what I'm talking about. In the case of orcs and goblins in this universe, it is impossible to say with confidence that your DNA will live on in your offspring. In this particular world, orcs and goblins are a parasitic life form. Their offspring do not receive anything new from another species - they turn out to be ordinary orcs and goblins. Taishi masterfully brainwashes the Lamia leader with the idea that this is an opportunity to truly become part of their village, otherwise they will be viewed as outsiders. The absence of family as a concept and mass love create ideal conditions for goblins and orcs. Note that Taisha himself, in this sense, has two girls who are exclusively his - in a sense, his wives.1) Examples from history are good just examples from life. Our literature is defined by our experience and history. This author cannot think beyond the our human brain. The closest to different races we have is color/nationality/belief/ and other factors.
For any living organism main objective is to survive and to prove that their DNA is the best.(Maybe not objective, but that's what we do in essence)
So Lamias peoples DNA will live on in orcs and goblins, sure they will take the image of orcs and goblins but the tribe blood will flow through them (mother would be lamias, flesh and blood from lamia and sperm from orcs and goblin).
Dooming for breeding livestock? I agree with you, but do you remember that author told us it's not dooming it's an opportunity.
Author painted the picture living under goblins as something good and freeing.
That's why i told, author is a surface level cunt who doesn't deeply enough.
2) I do not know who said that you cannot judge about whole race based on 1 tribe. But it's stupid then. Why are MC's accepting one stupid tribes WAY OF LIFE? If every tribe has different tradition, it means that you can create your own GOOD traditions.
Logic about not judging one tribe is good in our world, it is not good logic in this manga. These races preach about r*pe being good, having incestous relationship as something good and etc. Than does it mean there are more sober minded tribes? IF so then it means that manga MC's are very bad and stupid people who accept savage tribe mentality despite being humans from modern times who studied and overcame savage times.
The second part about goblins, authors idea is that: These girls have ability to die, take a knife, bite your tongue(suffocation from your own blood, very painful). Basically if they didn't want to be r*ped they could die, nobody forced them to have sex....(idiocy from the author). They even go as far as judge these girls "How dare they! They either die or become your sex slaves, the demand to release them or not touch them but do not provide anything in return!" <-- Jist of their logic.
3) Both MC's when teleported to that world got stronger and received special abilities. You can see it from first chapters that they both gotten stronger. Taishi played sports and also was a martial artist so by human standards he was not only smart but also strong. The first MC wasn't strong to begin with, he was a plain biologist while Taishi was not only a scientist but also an active sports guy.
1) I think we exhausted this one. If we keep digging deeper we would find more flaws and we both agree.
That's why I cited the manga Dr. Stone as an example. Even if you are a scientist and know how things work and how to create them, even if you are a modern engineer, you cannot create modern things immediately after you have built a clay oven. Making a sword, shield or armor is one thing, but creating small parts for a gun with mathematical precision is quite another. As another example of a modern engineer, I'll use Howard from The Big Bang Theory. A NASA engineer, but I doubt he would create gas cylinders in the wilderness, fill them with compressed air, and then use them to create guns and circular saws for large-scale logging. This is not some kind of cooking, where, knowing the recipe, after a few mistakes you can already make something sane. Hell, even the main character from “The greatest estate designer” could not create something sane with all his knowledge without the global help of skilled builders and simply craftsmens.3) Taishi is physics and engineering guy i.e. practical thing construction. 1st MC is sociology and biology expert. Taishi knows how to build things and is smart. 1st MC knows biology and how to exploit other races and their benefits(I dislike him the most btw). Even though Taishi also scummy, at least he has some sort of ego of self-respect, 1st MC doesn't have that "he is scientist" he accepts everything, because it's new and interesting, he doesn't question or debate why something can be wrong instead he accepts and even tries to justify that.
They probably just don’t know about themselves. However, the new Japanese has appeared to know about Taishi and that he is also an “otherworlder”. Taishi doesn’t know about other “outworlders”. The situation there is already tied up in such a way that they cannot avoid conflict.2) They are on opposite continental sides thus they didn't receive any information about others exploits.
2.1 If so they will fight, Taishi being a tyrannical empire that is for MONO CULTURE (homogenous) i.e. orks and goblins and 1st MC for MULTICULTURALISM (Guess who will win).
3) You are right about the science of things. Taishi even referred that he is "that" and because of that he doesn't know how to create something. And despite author acknowledging this fact through Taishi he was able to create impossible things. (The cylinder thing and circular saw are great examples, just making cylindrical something from metal is work of art that needs a lot of labour, creating rectangular is much easier). But yeah, you are correct author created convenient technology that normally would not be possible and just stamped it with "He is scientist".That's
I don't make excuses for the first hero. I think that the attitude towards a game, which I wrote about above, is reflected everywhere. His harem is a collection of monster girls with whom he will simply have sex. He often thinks about the influence of different creatures on culture, but almost immediately discards these ideas. He's like an explorer who was temporarily sent to another planet to see how the natives there live. And then, when the business trip is over, he will return back. So far his attitude towards everything seems exactly like this. Have time to fuck as many girls as possible and ride off into the sunset.About MC referring to everything as NPC is correct. But even with all that i have my problems, harem is something personal. You can experiment and take a soft approach towards other cultures and tribes while dealing with them but your harem? It is your intimate place. Did the author forget about basic things as venereal diseases? Or possibility that children could belong to others? (And he would have 0 chances to proof that they are his).
This is an excellent point. I wonder how the first hero would react if Taishi caught his harpy and raped her? Food for thought...I'm not even talking about his secrets being exposed(or set ups) by his harem mates who can be seduced by the enemy and betray him.
Well, there are already hints of this. Logic dictates that a herd of orcs and goblins with modern weapons would win against a herd of aborigines with crossbows, but we have a manga and we need to show the power of multicultures. But who knows? Seeing how the author does not hesitate to throw mud at this and that in modern society, he can do anything.If they are in the same timeline, I think Taishi and 1st MC will have a big clash. On one side armies of goblins and orcs with modern weaponry and on the other many races with various tactics. Strength in multiculturalism, basically multicultures can mask the negatives and flesh out the positives. (A standard 21st century propaganda tale)
Couldn't have said it better.He often thinks about the influence of different creatures on culture, but almost immediately discards these ideas. He's like an explorer who was temporarily sent to another planet to see how the natives there live. And then, when the business trip is over, he will return back. So far his attitude towards everything seems exactly like this. Have time to fuck as many girls as possible and ride off into the suns
Good point, author diggs his own grave the more he tries to be "smart".Sexually transmitted diseases and illnesses in general are quite an interesting topic. As a biologist, he could show himself in this field by starting to prepare medicines, like antibiotics or something more serious. As a biologist, he should be familiar with chemistry from college. Although this is doubtful, given that he could not remember even the elementary composition for obtaining glass.
It's all in the culture or at least that's how he should react. And his centaur girl should be given to every guest due to her culture having this tradition (fun hole)This is an excellent point. I wonder how the first hero would react if Taishi caught his harpy and raped her? Food for thought...
Hmm...You might be right. Author is a funny person, he shits on patriarchy the same way he shits on matriarchy. Same as on feminism and men's right movement. But i doubt he will be so courageous as to let rape culture to dominate the world (eventually all females will be replaced (by goblin females, i don't know if there are orc females)Well, there are already hints of this. Logic dictates that a herd of orcs and goblins with modern weapons would win against a herd of aborigines with crossbows, but we have a manga and we need to show the power of multicultures. But who knows? Seeing how the author does not hesitate to throw mud at this and that in modern society, he can do anything.
Something akin to mongols maybe? Basically enslaving everyone all around and demanding tribute for safety(resources and girls). In case someone doesn't obey full destruction. To my understanding Taishi already commented that he can somehow destroy the kingdom with ease he simply chooses not to do so, because he doesn't require it right now.I am interested in another question - how does Taishi see the future of his village in general? We haven't been told about his global plans for the future and he acts as if this will always be a small village.
In this sense, the first hero at least establishes connections between several villages. He builds roads, creates transport, but even with this no one tells us where he is leading? What is this for? Does he want to create a single state out of them?
What I mean is, on the one hand, if this is one of the inhabitants of this world or a representative of exactly the culture to which this tradition belongs. On the other hand, the attitude may change if, say, a person from the human state comes to visit and wants to take advantage of this tradition - the first hero’s attitude towards him may be completely different. Taishi, as a representative of his own world, has the right to take advantage of his wives? Has the right to rape a harpy or take a centaur when visiting? Doubtful. They are both from a culture that condemns this and it will be taken as a personal insult, although it will be taken normally by his wives. There are too many different situations to say unequivocally that he will be okay with the fact that his wife will be taken by different guests. What if there is a delegation of several people from the human state? I'm still trying to think of this character as a decent person.It's all in the culture or at least that's how he should react. And his centaur girl should be given to every guest due to her culture having this tradition (fun hole)
Don’t forget that the author does not present this as rape, but as breaking down blocks in the head and discovering something new. "New opportunities", as you wrote above. I will be glad if I’m wrong, but I think that in this case the author himself expresses his opinion for Taishi and tries to show how good it is for everyone in such communes. But we know that this would only work if goblins and orcs were not parasitic races. If the rules of reproduction of all other intelligent races applied to them, then something else could be discussed here, but the way Taishi does it, it’s just a field for using everyone else for the benefit of the goblins.It seems to me that the prospect of all races being eventually absorbed is much worse than even the fact of individual rapes. Maybe I'm thinking too globally...But i doubt he will be so courageous as to let rape culture to dominate the world
This already makes him automatically the enemy of everyone else and will force other states and species to unite against him.Something akin to mongols maybe? Basically enslaving everyone all around and demanding tribute for safety(resources and girls)
I think that at this stage it is too early for him to talk about the destruction of an entire kingdom. This is a bluff, but he knows psychology and makes others think that this is really so. It’s one thing when someone attacks them (as was the case in the last chapter), and quite another when this village tries to attack the whole kingdom on its own. Except that he actually already has an atomic bomb, which he created in the forest from shit and sticks.To my understanding Taishi already commented that he can somehow destroy the kingdom with ease he simply chooses not to do so, because he doesn't require it right now.
Agree. We were shown that he was the same preoccupied idiot back in our world (he dreamed of collecting a harem in all seriousness and rushed around with this thought like a crazy person).i think he is single chromosome creature, that exchanges his "knowledge" for harem members and all others simply naturally build around him
I think that he is already this symbol of unification. They already look at him like on a child who wants boob. However, this child is quite useful and knows a lot, so they periodically give him boob. Otherwise, no one needs him.I think you should ask what will harem wifes will decide. I think they will take the household and politics in their hands while demanding from him technology and inspiration a mascot of sorts who connects everyone.
Agreed with you. I was using it as a mere joke, it's quite understandable that this will be taken as an insult and a direct attack.What I mean is, on the one hand, if this is one of the inhabitants of this world or a representative of exactly the culture to which this tradition belongs.
Even if author represents it, magazine that publishes it won't allow him to do so. Despite Japanese representation of rape is quite different compared to others it's still regarded as something negative. And even if author thinks otherwise, publishing company won't allow him. By the way Japanese interpretation of rape has many layers. For example its not so uncommon when they use it as a "sex play". While others also practise it, in Japan if i understand correctly this kind of play is more acceptable.Don’t forget that the author does not present this as rape, but as breaking down blocks in the head and discovering something new. "New opportunities", as you wrote above.
Isn't he already? Just by associating with goblins he became one. Others don't attack him simply because he is in a remote region or because the kingdom is afraid.This already makes him automatically the enemy of everyone else and will force other states and species to unite against him.
You have a point, i somehow assumed that he wasn't bluffing.I think that at this stage it is too early for him to talk about the destruction of an entire kingdom.
It is worth noting that such things happen in societies in which modern technologies and views on things come quite abruptly - within literally one generation. Because of this, in my opinion, this mixture of old traditions and new views will temporarily persist. Sooner or later, traditions that were considered a barbaric relic will disappear. There remain traditions that do not contradict modern law - usually in the form of holidays or small everyday things like the rules for serving dishes or receiving guests. But this is part of a larger topic that I will cover towards the end of this post.Also once again the whole premise of his compliance to outrageous traditions sickens me, for example in some countries it was a tradition to steal your potential wife and by that forcefully without her or her family consent, some people in said cultures hate this while other follow it
I thought that in terms of girls and sex, this Taishi is not much better than the first hero. Although the first hero looks like a child with a harem, the second behaves essentially the same way - he was completely unremarkable in his home world and was not paid attention to at all. Here he is the king and uses everything to successfully brainwash the wild tribes into getting sex. The history of mankind can also “boast” of similar sex tourists who travel to frankly wild places among tribes of people who still live in the Stone Age precisely to receive those same pleasures from primitive womens. Goblins, with their society of open love and lamias in the form of women who have nowhere to go, came in handy. It is worth noting once again that he keeps his former maids practically as wives and does not give them to anyone.Taishi also tries to bring it in that kind of sense, release yourself from your ego, give up and enjoy, thus you will be taken care of.
I don’t know what the author thinks, but I would really like to see how the leader of the Lamia begins to think about the future of his people more globally. And the roles of her lamias, whom she brought to volunteer to become incubators for goblins. Of the whole story, for some reason this part has stuck with me so far. However, everything is going to the point that the author will show us how, on the contrary, everyone is happy to live “under the wing” of Taishi. And yes - this contradicts any common sense.Isn't he already? Just by associating with goblins he became one. Others don't attack him simply because he is in a remote region or because the kingdom is afraid.
He doesn't or not enough. He opens questions but doesn't think deeply enough about them. Most of authors ideas can be easily beaten in submission by any scholar of idea which he provoked.I don’t know what the author thinks
Polygamy (harems) isn't a stone age mentality. It is being popularized today even in "western world".That's why I always return to the example of the lamias. I feel VERY sorry for them and everything that happens to them upsets me. They came from a monogamous society with a higher moral view of things, but Taishi simply returned them to the stone age. I just want to yell in the face of the lamia leader, “What are you doing, you fool!?”.
I gave this example because... is it closer to what we see in the manga? Maybe polyamory could also be taken as an example. It is in the manga that we see a tribal system in which there is not even the conception of a family at all - all children are considered common, all men are considered common to all women and vice versa. It is worth noting that specifically in the village of Taishi they do not engage in other types of sex other than “classic”. It is written right here at the basic level that getting pleasure from sex is secondary. First of all, you need to conceive a child, give her a compliment when you cum inside her, “Give birth to a healthy baby from me!” and go about your business without even thinking about who will fuck her next that day or even in minutes. The concept of modern polygamy/polyamory in this case is much more “puritanical” if this word can be applied to them at all. Something similar to what we see in this particular goblin village, we can see only in the most primitive tribes, so I focus on this and still insist that in THIS case monogamy will be the result.Polygamy (harems) isn't a stone age mentality.
All your further examples are excellent, but again they only confirm what I wrote. At this stage, there is a confrontation with nature/other kingdoms/villages in Taishi village. There is a struggle for survival and this is just as characteristic of all primitive tribes. Low infant survival rate, disease, hunger, predators, weather, etc. - There are many factors that force goblins to survive in this way. But again, with the help of Taishi, these dangers will disappear (if they do). The surrounding predators will be exterminated, vast forest areas will be cut down and planted with fields of some kind of rice (after all, he is Japanese), and nearby villages will either be destroyed or absorbed (subjugated).Harems are acceptable (were at least) in times of great wars where men died and women were left behind