She's not that little"nah, i dont like little girl"
So just your average Japanese author?Ah yes the average pedo author.
Oh no sensei is here!! Quick, hide all the loli
If you're talking about killing herself, I presume she's worried that her "blessing" will automatically activate and kill whoever is nearest to her if she tries (as it did when she first demonstrated its existence). It won't let her die.Why didn't she do it herself? It's not like she doesn't have access to kitchen and knife.
Leave it to a bunch of old men in white robes to go banning books in an attempt to keep religion in power.White Mage association/church must have wanetd to monoploize the healing arts as usual and made it as hard as possible for people to learn it on their own.
Who had the aptitude have to join their organization and likely gets a life contract.
I'm just guessing, but can't see another reason for them to ban books that teach their job.