Dad Is a Hero, Mom Is a Spirit, I'm a Reincarnator - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

Double-page supporter
Feb 18, 2018
Yes i think it's a pretty low move on forcing himself on a lady to get pregnant. Though it should be easy since he's a noble, it goes against his morals/personality. It was a baby not conceived with love but convenience. I think MC should pick his wife, who knows maybe there's someone who loves him deeply enough to move him. In a way she's sacrificing herself by entrusting her body and child to him..
Active member
Mar 30, 2018

I was remembering the same thing. But maybe there are issues as nobility? It's likely that his family are commoners, and the court will push a noble onto him anyways. If he died, then maybe someone from his existing family could become his successor. But since he's alive still (and relatively young) there's still plenty of time for him to produce another heir.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
@chaos_animagic I knew people would be calling pedo but the prince has shown nothing that makes him a pedo. He has not lusted after her or even seen her. Her age is not even a factor.

Basically he's a creep for sure, but he's at this point universally a creep. I had this discussion earlier but many who prey upon children are not even pedo's. They are predators looking for easy game. The prince is looking for something interesting and she is interesting. She only happens to be a child. Just like a victim of a serial kill who targets those too weak to fight back would go after the old or otherwise weaker members of society.

Look at Alessi from Jojo's. He did not target children for sexual reasons. He just liked picking on them to make himself look stronger. Jojo's is actually full of characters that make good examples for this kind of stuff. Angelo for instance was a child rapist. He did not however target people based on if they were children. he did not care about that. He went after those he could go after. He was just a kind of predator which need to be kept separate from things that have no aggression implicit in them.

Just like how someone with tendencies or desires to do things needs to be treated differently than someone who has actually done those things. If everyone acted on their feelings the world would be a much bloodier darker place.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@Merilirem It also sounded as though he was trying to arrange a marriage between his son and Ellen in the first place. I'd say his interests in her are more aligned with her usefulness to the royal family going forward than just himself in particular. He's playing that three dimensional chess shit from Star Trek but everyone's looking at it like he's playing tic tac toe.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Didn't Rovel tell his brother that the deal was the royal house wouldn't bother the Vankreift family anymore? Obviously the crown prince/new king wouldn't be able to push anyone for Sauvel to marry without breaking the deal. They have nothing to worry about, unless the author forgot the whole thing.

@Glomoro His son? Weren't they afraid the abdicated old king would try to arrange a marriage between the crown prince (the villain we are talking about) and Ellen? I don't think this new-king-to-be has any children yet. I don't think he's even married. I believe he'd like to marry Ellen himself, like a real pedo.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@Kaarme The king probably wants to unite the two families as well, but the crown prince is the one we've actually seen scheming about this and that and yes he has his own children already.

I just checked for it too, here we go in chapter 6, crown prince trying to set Ellen up with his son before we've even seen the son at all.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
hes already going full lolicon without having seen her yet and he doesnt even know that she can create diamonds out of thin air lmfao
Active member
Sep 23, 2018
The royal family is literally just a parasitic leech to Rovel's family.

What do you do with leeches?

Burn the little fuckers off.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2019

It's like it even switched places.. not only are both noblemen and commoners siding with Rovel's family; pretty much sums up with both the throne and judge instances but the fact that the royal family is actually pretty much powerless.

they only have their title to uphold them.


hope she turns all his red blood cells into white.
Active member
Nov 19, 2019
As soon as Alberto said "Even if I have to lay down my life"
Death flag bing bong boom

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