Dad Is a Hero, Mom Is a Spirit, I'm a Reincarnator - Vol. 3 Ch. 15

Jan 21, 2018
@xfaca It's not about whether that it's normal. It's about how they could've handled this before the wedding especially since they knew that the father has a charm effect against women. But then they somewhat make it because it was all her fault, even shaming her in front of all of her (now) family, even using a kid to do that. I'm surprised they just didn't go all the way and shame her in front of her kid also.
Plus, as MC said, this wouldn't have happened if this was a normal wedding. This happened especially because it's a wedding concerning the Goddess' family (which is only understandable if the brother/MC's father are the one with direct ties to the Goddesses, but in this scenario, it's the MC's father's spouse that has the connection, so it's not their business tbh). But even with that, as a Goddess, they should've done things as usual to make it fair to all people regardless of whether they're family or not. They're a Goddess for Goddess sake, not human who act sometimes based on emotion. So in this case, the Goddesses are just being a cunt for the brother and Aria.
Aggregator gang
Sep 15, 2018
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2018
You know, regarding the judgment passed by Origin's older sisters... Has nobody ever considered that the two goddesses (or at least Vohl) wasn't exactly thinking straight when she passed the judgment? Maybe discovering that Aria was shamelessly lusting after Rovel despite having her own man who is marrying her shocked and pissed Vohl off so much that she placed the curse without thinking twice, and only afterwards did she eventually realize that what she did added more problems than it solved.
Active member
Feb 27, 2019
everything can be easily solved. smash the king. the end. this is probably what will happen in the end anyway, after going around and around.
but they chose to not be proactive, before it worked well because the mother had no connection with the world. everything worked out.
but now things changed. the guy is from here, and his family is here. so how can they keep the same policies?
but anyway, the underline story isn't bad, the art neither, but one thing i can clearly feel is that this one failed to build tension.
i simple can't consider the whole thing as trouble. there is none.
they all have absolute control over everything. and the only point of contact is a small family that still is on those lands, something easily solvable.
they all have a sense of justice, but they aren't blindly loyal, and know that distancing themselves would be the easy way out, and they did it before. and while the guy is a 'hero' indeed, he isn't planing on going around solving every little bad thing, he would move only if it was actually a big disaster, the rest? people need to live their lives, even if some have a bad one.
the world moves on, and they aren't chained down to those lands, they are only good people that don't have bad ambitions.
so there is no sense of trouble or danger. there is no tension. it is simple wait and see when they will get tired and chose to smash, and how they will do it.
so while i understand it, and know this is supposed to be a bit more serious, i only think it is a bit pointless.
so that is it. with 15 chapter there is a good understanding of the novel lit off, a bit weird.
Aggregator gang
Aug 25, 2019
pretty sure she was desperately lusting after rovel the whole wedding, and i mean if you love someone and were marrying them you wouldn't be ... doing that??? on your wedding day??? right??? but also i don't trust that aunt, what was that reaction... bitch, die then lmao she trying to save you from being killed off so mc's uncle can get a royalty-approved wife??? they can use??? i thought it was simple enough to follow lakfsjkdkj anyway you got this, mc!!!

thank you very much for the update~
Jan 29, 2018
i mean... persecuting someone for their feelings is kinda fucked up tbh, i mean if i feel like i wanna kill someone, thats different from planning it out and preparing to actually do it... whats next prosecuting people for "bad thoughts" ?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2018
When goddess Vohl secretly had an "oh sht" moment and is trying to make it up by giving another form of blessing
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
This manga is kinda stupid, everything could be solved if they are just flexing their godlike abilities or spreading some disease to royal family.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
After reading the manga up to this point I've got a few ideas about how this situation is coming together (or falling apart).

Considering the fact the twin goddesses have always been full blood spirits, with no real understanding of how humans think or function, like their lovable and somewhat ditsy little sister. These doting imouto-cons are highly interested in anything related to goings on with her and their darling little niece. If they are just as smitten by Ori and Ellen as Rovel, they may be just as much a cause for "disappointment" (in Ellen's opinion) as Rovel when his brain turns to mush from her cuteness😍. Now consider how they would react when precious little sister's potential love rival is submitting a vow to forsake all others while visibly addled by the presence of little sister's spouse. I think the judgement Aria received was mild considering Origin was flustered to the point of considering the most appropriate means of destroying the planet when Aria reached for his hand. The sister that responded to Ellen's prayer seemed to have Origin's easy going 'no worries' like mannerism so they may be just as ditsy too.

Watching Ellen's father he seems to have been a bit of a introvert his whole life so he may have never really related to anyone other then Origin. He considered people to be pretentious and obnoxious. He spent all is time in excelling in his specialties of warfare, and now he has been faced with a situation he can't just eliminate with a sweep of his blade, or spirit magic. He was often pursued by the opposite sex, and may have developed his back off thot attitude at a early age. It's likely he may consider the possibility Ellen might be used as hostage to manipulate him, Origin, or even the twin goddesses in a situation like what occurred 200 years prior. (Think the terrorist hostage taker threatening and in some nasty cases actually following through with the threat to kill a hostage every 5 minutes till the his demands are met) And that's considering they don't exploit her personal elemental abilities, or use a political marriage arrangement to form a favorable relationship with the spirit realm. Can you really blame him for being ready to wage war on any perceived threat? He was nearly crushed by his emotions when he glomped Ellen last chapter. His thrash the fish about to unset the hook technique with the girls his legendary status snags may be painful to watch, but he has little patience left after being pushed deep into a corner.

As much as Ellen may be a genius, her past was more then likely that of a bookish lab nerd. She's brilliant and less oblivious then a child, but a geek's not going to relate to people the same as normies. She can pick up on the likely consequences when her father blew up, and threatened to forsake the earthbound branch of the family because of Aria's treachery, that Aria would be identified as a threat to the country's strongest military power provider household's stability. Aria would be in the same situation as a hound dog that repeatedly spooks the master's game at precisely the worst moments, if the hunter spots a fresh trail and a successful hunt hinges on a distasteful decision, it'd be likely the dog wouldn't make it out of the woods. Ellen wanted to convey that message to Aria, but she has a bit of a odd manner of interacting with people and comes across a bit harsh at times. But I can understand the "if you try to steal my father I'll wreck you homewrecker" sentiment also. Sometimes a girl has to firmly stake her claim you know.

Still not sure about Aria. She may have been a Bakarina-ish girl that earnestly went about her duties as a barmaid and drew the hearts of people around her. She may have been the type that was aware of her effects on men, and used her charm and assets to get more sales and tips without any nefarious motives. She may be a more reserved and streetwise version of the orc princess Sauvel was married to while she acted as his mistress. I can't say if she genuinely loved him or if he was a means to upgrade her lifestyle and status. If she does love him she could have still been rolling the stories of the legendary hero in her head like most of the people in the country. I'm sure a large portion of the womenfolk in the country had romantic fantasies of the hero coming and whisking them away. If Aria had those fairytail like thoughts filling her mind before her relationship with Sauvel, it could add to the effect of actually meeting the hero in person. Even if she wasn't charmed by his spirit aspects, overcoming irrational celebrity hero-worship awe, and desire would likely have many a girl swooning for a while. 😍

Just my take on things. What do you think?
May 5, 2018
@Brutu It IS her fault, though. She can't control who she feels attracted to, but she should be able to control whether her focus is on some guy she's wet for or her husband-to-be during their fucking wedding. If you're thinking about some other guy's dick while giving your wedding vows, one of if not the most intimate moment of a relationship, you are either seriously fucked up or completely lacking impulse control and in either way in no state to be married. Especially when there is an actual goddess presiding and not just a social union. And it couldn't have been handled before the wedding because they just met the day before and no one expected her to be that fickle, though they could probably have guessed given her reaction when meeting Rovel and Origin at the wedding but it's a bit late by then.
And who the fuck are you to dictate how far extended someone's family is? You might not give a shit about anyone you don't have a judicial tie to but don't push that view on others.

This isn't a world with abstract, algorithmic gods, it's more like religions where gods were actually people with families and feelings. As such, Vahl and Vohl are perfectly within their stature to get mad when someone is reciting THEIR sacred rites, in THEIR temple, trying to join THEIR extended family, while thinking about THEIR brother-in-law instead of the groom.
The fact that they allow leeway to sham marriages doesn't mean it's unfair of them to simply hold Aria to her vows.
Active member
May 21, 2018
@onionskins I'm more surprised the royal family still managed to keep their authority when they're the only one who can't use magic in a magical world.
Jan 21, 2018
@xfaca Bruh I didn't say that it wasn't her fault. What I said was it wasn't all her fault. I agree she fucked up by still thinking about the father. The problem is, is the attraction all because of her or the father's charm also in effect?
As I said, they could've handled this better by reminding her before the wedding. Instead they antagonize her in front of all of her family, even using a kid to reprimand her, and making it all like it was all her fault, even though it was also the fault of many people. The goddesses by being a cunt, the father by not turn of the fucking charm, the family that knows all this by not reminding her what's at stake by marrying into the family.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
@Cancel if you can convince a whole country to believe you are the king then like it or not the fact in that country is that you are the king. that's what the maoist did, and that's what the maoist are still doing
Active member
Jun 7, 2019
I'm just as confused with their reasoning this chapter but then again if the spoilers are true and that Aria herself
was truly two timing and will attempt to assassinate someone
then the sh*t she's going through right now is semi justified. Poor Uncle can't catch a break though
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
So like, I'm having a little trouble understanding the two chapters worth of the reason you suck speech Aria is getting. Like, she had lustful interests towards her husband's brother, which yeah, that ain't good. But doesn't he have a natural aura that attracts people, or at least the opposite sex to him? It also seems rather overboard to then punish her with a mark to the nation that indicates unfaithfulness. Not to mention that the actions of a families ancestors causes them to punish their descendants with being one of the few people unable to use magic.(granted by some of the royal family's actions it might be good, but then they might be acting like that because they are again, one of the few unable to use magic)

Really, till I see more it just seems like the spirits are a bunch of holier then thou spiteful pricks, MC included. Sure they have a lot of good sides, but a pretty glaring bad side.


Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2018
@Skyknight2003 Gods are literaly holier than thou and are famous for being spiteful pricks - That last sentence is just their job description word for word.
1. that wasn't just anyone - to normal people he's barely bellow the goddesses, someone they could never dream of even speaking to, to wifey he's her husband's brother and is (she thought) within arm's reach;
2. The sins of the father are and will always be the sins of the son.
Active member
Sep 23, 2018
Well at least now Suavel actually looks his age.
10 years too early for that beard, my guy.

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