@kaminomikan your whole arguments with the built upon crimes thing completely falls apart if you would just spare a single moment to remember 1 thing: The one doing that to the spirits was already royalty (you remember how she was called queen), therefore the princes didnt use things which was built upon crimes.
With that all your arguments are nothing more than bullcrap that is trying to justify such clear overboard (and insane) measures to kill innocent children.
And that is why all people who repeatedly claim to massacre them should really question themselves or need to seek help, because that isnt normal anymore.
@Darkmeep that was for the things that got destroyed and so on and was put onto the people of that time. Now after so many years and all reparations are paid, judging germans for the world wars isnt legit anymore. That is the point. The royal family is still suffering without a true reason to. If only the douchebag father would be cursed or something like that, it would be legit. But his 2 sons didnt do anything bad until now and shouldnt neither suffer from the curse nor get killed.
PS: Even if the MC lifts the curse, it doesnt mean that the royal family is forgiven.
Even if the sons later commit crimes or do something bad it doesnt make you right at this point in time.
Anyone who doesnt want to acknowledge that is in his own way worse than the douchebag here, but that is something you most liely dont want to hear and therefore wont accept.