Dad Is a Hero, Mom Is a Spirit, I'm a Reincarnator - Vol. 4 Ch. 19

Fed-Kun's army
May 29, 2018
If the curse is tied to the bloodline then there's just one simple trick
Kill/Dispose them, remove the cursed spirits anchor and boom
it's as simple as that...

Also why is the prince kindly stupid? is the prince kindly stupid in some way? watdaheckmen🙁 , It's just what @Seracila said...
Mar 22, 2019
Why the MC suddenly so sentimental about the prince? not only some characters actions are stupid, the world building is not presented well to make me know what's going on or why i should even care about these guys. Poor writing.
Double-page supporter
Apr 16, 2018
@jojo1 the spirits don't care about blood, they care about who's running the country, so even if you wiped them out the replacements would just get cursed instead.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 21, 2019
Aww man I really don't care about the royal family, Ellen crying there was weird and out of place
Thanks for the chapters!!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
You apparently lack reading comprehension.
Mc will do the right thing and release them and the spirits from that curse END OF STORY.
Ther spirits can't be released from the curse, they are the curse. All the living spirits did was force the old king to hear their grudges. When he died the dead spirits lost their anchor, so the dead spirits forced their way into the royal bloodline, becoming the curse. 'Remove' the curse, and you essentially delete the dead spirits. The living spirits only suffer from the curse when the royalty forces it on them. The only way to 'peacefully' remove the curse is to force the dead spirits into forgiveness, essentially punishing them for being the victims of a crime.

Sure, I agree the royalty don't deserve to pay for crimes they didn't commit. But the world does work that way, no matter what you think about it. Else they wouldn't fucking suffer the curse! People make society, right and wrong, and people decided to become a curse and suffer for all eternity to punish this particular wrong-doer. Are you going to tell me the majority of the Australian population should be forced to move to wherever their family came from? Moving to Australia was punishment for crimes, after all, but they shouldn't be punished for crimes of their forebears, right? So, move them all back, right now.

Also, the royalty still commit the crimes. They intentionally seek out spirits, knowing it inflicts suffering on them. They are intentionally and knowingly inflicting harm on the very people whose aid and friendship they seek. The prince out of a selfish need for forgiveness, his father out of a selfish need of power. The royalty don't need spirits to aid the country, the country already has spiritual aid through Rovel's family. The very family the royalty fucks over repeatedly out of power-thirst, fucking over their own plans to get spirit power in the process. The royal bloodline is a family of fucking morons, and they deserve every single bit of suffering they get.

Either way, I can see you just won't see reason, so I won't try. Have fun with your blind 'justice', I guess.
Active member
Sep 5, 2018
I'll answer the first sentence
What I mean by ending the spirits curse is ending their suffering.
Not going to read or respond to the rest of your comment because this entire argument has become dumb and repetitive. I said what I had to say about the topic. whether you agree with me or not is all up to you. I don't have time for someone so blind. Good day
Sep 15, 2018
Sigh ...
Seeing someone going argument and fight in here is unpleasant tho...
And well, the argument were makin ruckus and became OOT sometime just to win something they daydreamin' about...
Why didn't you just sit down and enjoy the story? Don't be a morron fetus that mad because they didn't get so much fun.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
why do the servants allow the royal family into the house for anything other than official business. wouldn't it be a risk for the curse to get near ellen and her mother if they happened to be around? shouldn't her dad and uncle instruct the servants not to let the princes in anymore?
Nov 2, 2018
@captain_crunch Well, it was precisely because they weren't around the manor anymore that they were let in. Butler oji-san was refused to let the princes at the beginning, it was because he knew they weren't around anymore that he let the princes in.
Jan 3, 2019
ooo are we seeing a “new” ML? the black haired boy. i don’t know if the prince is gonna be the male lead and is going to end up with our angel. hmm i do kinda hope is the black haired boy?? haha just a thought nothing serious

Also i find it a bit odd for her to cry for such matter (not that she can’t cry, everyone’s different) but idk i don’t really see this situation to cry? although she probably feel some pity on those who don’t “deserve” the suffering (cursed)
Oct 14, 2019
Idk about Lafilia and the Princes, but damn do I wish that black haired boy would be a kind one and thus be the ML ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 14, 2019
That's right, it's not pleasing goind thru comments just to read those kind of back and forths😔 I just also wanted to know what everyone thinks of the chapter and story, not how they would like it or how they throw words at each other
Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2019
Considering the fairies/ Gods life spans this might as well be the same generation. The same gods are still alive and well. For them it's still the current generation lmao.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
A big time skip... her cousin changed this much in 1 year? Didn't she play with ellen? And why is everyone ignoring and not even annoucing the proper way to free the spirits that were used for that curse... Kill the whole bloodline and free the poor spirits finally.

I hope, this series won't be ruined through all this nonesense...
Feb 11, 2019
The 2 princes are dipshits but not evil, the king is a dipshit and evil and yet the spirit godess can see all this shit and cant figure out how to help the dead spirits and needs the kid to do it? Kill the royals, make kids with them IDK but come on, bitch is THE spirit queen, the highest spirit. It would make more sense for the process to be long, hard and forced the royal famly to change or die trying. Also bland jap MC self insert is on the way too, either hes from the shitshow 200 years ago or another reincarnated dope.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
The dead spirits are not cursed, they are the curse of the royal bloodline. The living spirits only made the old king able to hear them. The dead spirits then tied themselves to the royal bloodline, not just the king, because his suffering alone just wasn't enough to ease their regret.

I don't think the dead spirits suffer because of what the living spirits did, I only think they are constantly reacting to what actually killed them: the torture the old king put them through.

Edit: I should clarify. What I mean is killing the royal bloodline won't ease the dead spirits' suffering, it will only leave them anchor-less. Without a way to vent their regret. Like shutting them in a soundproof box, not actually freeing them.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
@Darkmeep even if the same Spirits are alive, they are aware of the fact that the humans are not of the same generation. Naturally they wont forgive what happened, but lifting the curse and forgiving them isnt neccesary the same. But even then I greatly doubt that they see them as the same generation my argument is still true.
Because what you say is the same like an old person who lived back in the time of vietnam and would make the "child" of someone who is already dead suffer. Would he be in the right? No he wouldnt, because the "child" never comitted these crimes.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2019
Real world example the Rape of Nanjing. The chinese still hate the Japanese. Current generation wasn't raped but their grandmother was. The grandmother or who was raped by the japanese in ww2 hated the shit out of the japanese mabe they were even raped themselves or a family member was. I assume great grandmother and grandmother hate the Japanese for raping their children. They pass on this hate to their children so who grew up with adults that hate the Japanese and were directly harmed by them. So the children grow up to hate the Japanese because they raped their mothers and as years pass by they have children too. Eventually the hate is passed onto the grandchildren who grew up around adults parents and grandparents who hate the Japanese.

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