It feels like she's gonna get some wariness that'll make it feel like she doesn't love her son.
If I had to guess what'll happen, a time skip's gonna happen and the snake son gains human intelligence like his dad but resents his mother and envies his sister's relationship with his mother culminating in him biting his sister or something that'll really tear the family a part.
I feel uncomfortable about this plot. However, it's also interesting path that the author is going to take, and I want to see what happen next. I hope the snake lord will help improve the relationship between mother and children.
I'm excited what will happen too the next coming months. How fast will Ina or Tokitaro learn. I mean, there's a certain learning curve for them, right? Will they bypass it? I'm all for Tokitaro not going thru the same process of learning and development Daija did, or had.
Until that snake child starts displaying signs of sentience I am gravely concerned for Mom's welfare. Young venomous snakes are actually more dangerous than adults because they have not learned control over how much venom they inject with their bites.
This is very interesting, this is how folk tales are born, I foresee some difficult in the future but this is quite literally the birth of snake people.