@JumboWheat01 Hmm.. Ad should be more like... Cut down a bit of your belly fat and gain it ten-fold using this one conventional trick! Still is a great ad though.
Decent healthy lifestyle propaganda, but this half-assed Russian girl with a name from the Stalin era, that knows 3 Russian words (literally), annoys me by now.
@JayJay_Tracer I don't know who you think you are advising on health and fitness when you're fat yourself. You're delusional calling it bullshit because you're too fat to try it
Bruh... The manga is literally about people wanting to exercise to lose weight/build muscle...
You're imparting your personal biases onto the characters.
There's nothing more pathetic than self-victimization.
@JayJay_Tracer astounding how every fatty ever that complains about diet and excercise advice can't "lose weight" themselves because fatties are above the laws of thermodynamics I guess, also first you said you feel awful being obese now you say no one should shame you for being obese, prior to you comenting you were obese you were the only one shaming yourself and you said you can't lose weight but managed to go down to 75 kilos, how does that work? And what part of this is bullshit? As far as I can see the excercises mentioned in the manga are exercises you see every day at the gym, you'd know that if you actually excercised.
TL;DR NIH study finds extreme obesity may shorten life expectancy up to 14 years
@JayJay_Tracer fair enough, you do deserve to have an opinion on it. I'd like to suggest you don't compare youself to anime characters because frankly 3DPD women just can't compete