Dandelions in Wonderland

Jun 24, 2020
Stop sniping, especially if you're just going to make the quality ten times worse
May 7, 2019
Hey! Don’t be discouraged by their words. You will improve in time if u keep translating.
Keep up the translation if u have time and thx for your hardwork ^^
Jan 6, 2020
Keep it up >: D, Translate what you want.

Its hilarious that this entire website is based on stealing content from from Asian countries, which is truly so racist and illegal
wants to claim your are "stealing". Talk about the plot calling the kettle black.
Group Leader
Jan 12, 2020
Thank you so much for scanlating! Hope you have a nice day :)
Sep 2, 2020
yall clearly don't know the rules of scanlating groups. it's basic etiquette to not scanlate what's already been claimed. if you wanted it you should've won it at the speedrun when the manhwa was released. STOP SNIPING. EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE IS SNIPING. FIND A SERIES THAT YOU LIKE THAT ISN'T TAKEN OR ASK FOR A COLLAB. if they reject ur collab that's also well in their right because they speedran and finished the first chapter first. so STOP SNIPING. if a group does not post for three months, then you can probably take it. speedcat has not dropped this project for what we know so STOP SNIPING. literally if u were just translating a series that u didn't snipe there would be no problem. everyone improves and learns. the issue is YOU'RE SNIPING.
Sep 2, 2020
@blazing_boz where in the world is the racism???? are you blind?????? as much as it is illegal there is an etiquette to it such as dropping when authors tell you to stop or if it gets published (assuming that the official isn't super behind it usually is dropped) and another thing is to not monetize anything so that no one profits and steals money from the original author. groups try to promote checking out the official version while enjoying the translated version. not everyone follows it but a lot do and it's the sort of "unspoken rules" ,for the lack of a better word, that everyone is expected to follow
Jul 10, 2019
Thanks for all of your hard work and everything. Don't listen to those people and remember me when you become a famous group.
Jan 6, 2020
Im not blind, your just a vulgar racist 😊
You think stealing working of Asian artist for western countries deserves some sort of “etiquette” hilarious. All you white nationalist think people should bow down to you be polite as you steal their nations hard work media, as well as exploit their people for labor and resource. 🙄

As the saying goes,” there is no hour among thieves” you don’t deserve respect after you already disrespected the author and stole their work without their permission. LOL, your so hypocritical.
You are stealing money for the author you thief 😊, if its free then no one is paying for it, ergo you disrupt the economic viability of the artist source of revue. Also all these comic end up on other pirate sites immediately so the delusion where you think you are helping by saying “please support the artist” means nothing.

Unspoken rules aren’t laws, laws are laws. Your deeply delusional if you think people are going to follow your made-up fantasy rules that you don’t even respect your selves.
The idea that ya'll think you have any sport of claim because you 'pirated it first" 😂.. Okay Christopher Columbus, how very European colonizer of you.
Jun 12, 2020
@blazing_boz you don’t even realize that by doing a bad job in translating ratings of a title are dropping, people stop reading it and supporting authors by buying originals. As much as you might detest scanlations or pirating in overall, it is still the best way of advertising for most media formats. If there is no official translation then scanlators help new titles to get attention around the world for free which brings additional money to authors and publishing corporations. Even producers of Games of Thrones said that torrents have brought to them a lot of fans and the show is popular around the world thanks to pirates, otherwise only a limited amount of TV subscribers would have seen it and bought merch.
Jan 6, 2020
Actually mate, the only way to support a creator, is to pay the creator.
Because money = commerce, money is used to buy goods and service.
you don't know money works ?
If your not paying for the work anyway, then claiming that the author is no longer getting support is a false example.

Also using tv production pirating as free marketing isn't relative at all. [and its not true either]
why ?
because we are talking about who as the right to steal comics or not. Use some basic reading comprehension and read the FULL conversation instead of ignorantly making assumption on the part of it. The chat is recorded and up for all to read , so their really is no excuse.
And if ya'll actually though it was free advertisement you would constantly write "don't post on social media" everywhere. The logical gymnastic ya'll go through lol
Jun 12, 2020
@blazing_boz so ignorant! if you don’t buy original chapters it doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t. moreover there are plenty of original websites with less strict rules than kakao like daum where you can read originals for free except for the newest 3-5 locked chapters. you don’t even need to pay to support authors, just open chapters and watch ads.
Jan 6, 2020
Wow you are truly a twit
posting 3 or 5 comics for purchase is in no equivalent to posting 50 to 100 chapters for free all the time. Clearly you to ignorant to do math as well.
Also the fact that lawsuits and cease and desist orders from all Asian companies make it clear

your a racist colonizing piece of racist trash :), no one wants you to pirate their hard work
no body asked you to pirate their work
and the lawsuits against pirating content prove it.
Again the only the that support an artist is paying for the work, the ad revenue is for the hosting website.

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