Im not blind, your just a vulgar racist 😊
You think stealing working of Asian artist for western countries deserves some sort of “etiquette” hilarious. All you white nationalist think people should bow down to you be polite as you steal their nations hard work media, as well as exploit their people for labor and resource. 🙄
As the saying goes,” there is no hour among thieves” you don’t deserve respect after you already disrespected the author and stole their work without their permission. LOL, your so hypocritical.
You are stealing money for the author you thief 😊, if its free then no one is paying for it, ergo you disrupt the economic viability of the artist source of revue. Also all these comic end up on other pirate sites immediately so the delusion where you think you are helping by saying “please support the artist” means nothing.
Unspoken rules aren’t laws, laws are laws. Your deeply delusional if you think people are going to follow your made-up fantasy rules that you don’t even respect your selves.
The idea that ya'll think you have any sport of claim because you 'pirated it first" 😂.. Okay Christopher Columbus, how very European colonizer of you.