I feel like the author kept forgetting the premise of the story he's writing. He keeps throwing in these tropes but he's forgetting that these tropes work because they're MALE-centered in MALE-centered universes. In a world with such a massive gender skew, where women are the dominant and aggressive sex, they don't work.
For example, guys being arrogant about who they date. If women are as overly aggressive as they appeared in the first couple of pages, few guys would act like that so it shouldn't be a normative thing. Why? Because getting constantly hit on and seen as a sex object doesn't innately instill confidence, it mainly instills annoyance and disgust for the people who go through it.
Another one is that part about "Treating people like equals" when looking for a guy. Author-san, in this world, GUYS should be thinking that! Women are the DOMINANT SEX! They're the ones in position of power, they're the ones initiating and objectifying by your own mouth! You literally showed us the female equivalent of a Playboy who can't take "No" for an answer hitting on MC!
It just feels like he's throwing out the premise whenever it's convenient and expecting the reader not to notice.