Danjohi 1:5 no Sekai demo Futsu ni Ikirareru to Omotta? ~ Geki Juu Kanjou na Kanojotachi ga Mujikaku Danshi ni Honrousaretara - Ch. 1

Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2023
First page of the first episode, and someone’s already complaining about people sharing their opinions in the comments.
Truly a certified MangaDex moment.
Opinions are one thing, but silly criticism off ONE(1) chapter is another. Not that it’s wrong, I just found it silly for a dumb first chapter. But of course, a retard like you wouldn’t get it. Don’t you have some poorly translated Japanese comments to post for internet points?
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 19, 2023
To be fair a 1:1 ratio isn't really all that necessary in a modern developed society. Male population numbers are already almost irrelevant to reproductive rates, that's why those rates are always given as babies per woman. I could totally see us evolving into a non-Fisherian species in a few million years.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2019
If a 1:39 ratio made the women horny beasts who can barely control themselves, a 1:5 ratio makes them even more unhinged. Hmm, or maybe not.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 15, 2023
There’s sharing an opinion, and then there’s silly criticism based on the limited information of one chapter.
But of course, a retard like you wouldn’t know the difference.
Throwing insults because you can't handle a different opinion? If people sharing their thoughts bothers you so much, maybe you should just stop reading the comments instead of acting like it's a problem. Not everyone’s going to agree with you, deal with it.

Don’t you have badly translated Japanese comments to post just to fish for internet points?
No, that's not why I post them. I started after arguing with a translator who claimed the Japanese public's opinion is so different from Western readers. So now, when I see a controversial manga, I share some Japanese comments. Sure, the translations aren't perfect—I'm using MTL—but I always include the original text and a screenshot so people can correct it if they want. Get off your high horse.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2023
If a 1:39 ratio made the women horny beasts who can barely control themselves, a 1:5 ratio makes them even more unhinged. Hmm, or maybe not.
That's a good thought actually. Are the women more sane in 1:5 than in 1:39? Cause the women in 1:39 have accepted that they will most likely never get a man, so they just work, enjoy hobbies, and live normally (and maybe get artificially inseminated) While 1:5 women know they have a chance so they may get a little crazier and lustful than 1:30 women (unawakened).
Dex-chan lover
Nov 19, 2023
Office Lady supremacy
She comes off like a stalker at times but she has enough common sense for it to be a bit heart-wrenching rather than just creepy. She's basically 'Creep' by Radiohead in anime girl form. Yes, I have a fetish.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2024
Another one of those. Unlike others, it doesn't look downright pornographic or even lewd, at least not yet.
I feel like the author kept forgetting the premise of the story he's writing. He keeps throwing in these tropes but he's forgetting that these tropes work because they're MALE-centered in MALE-centered universes. In a world with such a massive gender skew, where women are the dominant and aggressive sex, they don't work.

For example, guys being arrogant about who they date. If women are as overly aggressive as they appeared in the first couple of pages, few guys would act like that so it shouldn't be a normative thing. Why? Because getting constantly hit on and seen as a sex object doesn't innately instill confidence, it mainly instills annoyance and disgust for the people who go through it.
That's not what's happening here. This is clearly some kind of a macho planet where the guys are either in charge or a privileged minority and get to pick and choose who to date while the women have to bend over backwards to have a shot, not unlike irl guys in Japan who struggle in a small dating pool where women have a lot of agency. These women are assertive not because they're dominant, but because they're the ones who have to make a move to get picked.
The only one struggling here is the MC because he's a meek outsider who doesn't throw his weight around enough.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2023
I think the premise and flow is different enough from 1:39 to make it its own thing. But to all the people saying this got made first, I don’t think it’s a coincidence this finally got an adaption after all this time. I mean just look at the cover it has on Mangadex rn and compare it to 1:39…
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2023
Our MC will be the one to make polygamy legal by using his overwhelming knowledge of a slightly different world to charm the majority of citizens
Dex-chan lover
Nov 19, 2023
I think the premise and flow is different enough from 1:39 to make it its own thing. But to all the people saying this got made first, I don’t think it’s a coincidence this finally got an adaption after all this time. I mean just look at the cover it has on Mangadex rn and compare it to 1:39…
To be honest I'm surprised Masho no Otoko wo Mezashimasu didn't get an adaptation before this did. It's from 2015 and got a pretty extensive LN adaptation, and was very popular in it's time.
And yeah, no real reason to compare this to 1:39, there are hundreds of other gender ratio stories out there that are more similar to one or the other than either are to eachother.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2023
To be honest I'm surprised Masho no Otoko wo Mezashimasu didn't get an adaptation before this did. It's from 2015 and got a pretty extensive LN adaptation, and was very popular in it's time.
And yeah, no real reason to compare this to 1:39, there are hundreds of other gender ratio stories out there that are more similar to one or the other than either are to eachother.
I agree, I will be waiting patiently for the next chapter 😌
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
That's not what's happening here. This is clearly some kind of a macho planet where the guys are either in charge or a privileged minority and get to pick and choose who to date while the women have to bend over backwards to have a shot, not unlike irl guys in Japan who struggle in a small dating pool where women have a lot of agency. These women are assertive not because they're dominant, but because they're the ones who have to make a move to get picked.
The only one struggling here is the MC because he's a meek outsider who doesn't throw his weight around enough.
Right I understand that this is what's happening, that's my complaint. Less than 30 percent of their planet is male. At that point, women become the dominant force by default. Women have to be the ones to set up infrastructure, fight in wars, maintain the country because men become a valued resource by default. You, as a species, can't afford to let men die in large scale, that will doom you, so the excess is what becomes expendable: Women.

That would also make men a prize to be won by women considering they're so scarce, and women by necessity have to be dominant. Women would compete against other women for the ability to reproduce just as men did in our world. And it would likely go to the strongest woman who was able to keep her man the safest and well fed.

This is what my problem is. Assuming that this has always been the case, a world of mostly women wouldn't have people acting like this, they would be incredibly reserved/feminine by nature because women would have had to be the historic leaders and hunters and gatherers and protectors. The author tells us women are aggressive and shows us that one in the beginning, but is ignoring that total gravity of what that means for the story and world overall while considering the premise.

THAT is my problem with the story. It's half baked.

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