Danjohi 1:5 no Sekai demo Futsu ni Ikirareru to Omotta? ~ Geki Juu Kanjou na Kanojotachi ga Mujikaku Danshi ni Honrousaretara - Ch. 1

Dex-chan lover
Jul 31, 2023
I feel like the author kept forgetting the premise of the story he's writing. He keeps throwing in these tropes but he's forgetting that these tropes work because they're MALE-centered in MALE-centered universes. In a world with such a massive gender skew, where women are the dominant and aggressive sex, they don't work.

For example, guys being arrogant about who they date. If women are as overly aggressive as they appeared in the first couple of pages, few guys would act like that so it shouldn't be a normative thing. Why? Because getting constantly hit on and seen as a sex object doesn't innately instill confidence, it mainly instills annoyance and disgust for the people who go through it.

Another one is that part about "Treating people like equals" when looking for a guy. Author-san, in this world, GUYS should be thinking that! Women are the DOMINANT SEX! They're the ones in position of power, they're the ones initiating and objectifying by your own mouth! You literally showed us the female equivalent of a Playboy who can't take "No" for an answer hitting on MC!

It just feels like he's throwing out the premise whenever it's convenient and expecting the reader not to notice.

You're sort of making up stuff and making it to be a general truth. You don't feel disgust if there is no serious threat of violence behind being hit on. Being hit on by someone who can punch you to death if you say no is scary, not being hit on by someone you can punch to death.

Not having to be pregnant, or having to deal with a menstrual cycle, but rather while having testosterone flowing through your bloodstream 24/7 makes what you seem to think to be a universal truth actually only apply to women.

Also, they showed one asshole at the beginning who seems to be, like in real life, an epiphenomenon. Society in general in that world seems to value proactivity, not harassment, and doesn't seem to have lots of it going on because men in this society will mostly say yes anyway (because once again, the cost of sex is not the same for men and women).
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
You're sort of making up stuff and making it to be a general truth. You don't feel disgust if there is no serious threat of violence behind being hit on. Being hit on by someone who can punch you to death if you say no is scary, not being hit on by someone you can punch to death. Not having to be pregnant, or having to deal with a menstrual cycle, but rather while having testosterone flowing through your bloodstream 24/7 makes what you seem to think to be a universal truth actually only apply to women.

Let's try a thought experiment. A 18 year old woman is going to be hit on at least 100 times a day for 10 years. How long will it take until she's sick and tired of people hitting on her? If you legitimately think she'll suddenly stop being annoyed with attempt 101 on any given day because they're "Not scary" you're deluding yourself. Disgust with being hit on and seen as an object has nothing to do with sense of safety. It's the same reaction one gets when someone dates you only for your race, it's blatant devaluation. Something people generally don't like and not something that only applies to women.

Guys going to Japan will often get told to avoid "Gaijin hunters" like the plague. Why? Because a Gaijin Hunter has no interest in you as a person, even if they're dating you. They only want you as a trophy to show off rather than someone to be interested in. People who follow this advice do not want to be devalued to a specific trait, that annoys and disgusts them. Now, if a person experiences this scenario enough times, they instinctively get put off by it because humans have Pattern Recognition built into their subconscious. It's situational recognition.


A japanese website pointing out this very thing. Safety has nothing to do with it.

Also, they showed one asshole at the beginning who seems to be, like in real life, an epiphenomenon. Society in general in that world seems to value proactivity, not harassment, and doesn't seem to have lots of it going on because men in this society will mostly say yes anyway (because once again, the cost of sex is not the same for men and women).
I don't think you understand what was being said. I say this specifically because of the comment on the pickup chick and "Cost of sex" you're making, both of which miss the point by a large mile.

I already equated that women to a playboy who can't take no for an answer. You don't need to specify to me that she's atypical, that description should already point that out. The point of that segment (the entire comment, actually) was to talk about the fact the author both brought up and dropped the premise of the series in the same chapter. It was not to say she's the standard.

As for your "Cost of sex" statement.... What cost of sex? In a world where only 20% of the total population is male, there isn't a cost of sex. At that point, sex and reproduction is a straight up requirement for any functioning, heterosexual guy or girl. The human species would be battling constant population decline, yet somehow they're a monogamous society that has to fight for Polygamy.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 31, 2023
Let's try a thought experiment. A 18 year old woman is going to be hit on at least 100 times a day for 10 years. How long will it take until she's sick and tired of people hitting on her? If you legitimately think she'll suddenly stop being annoyed with attempt 101 on any given day because they're "Not scary" you're deluding yourself. Disgust with being hit on and seen as an object has nothing to do with sense of safety. It's the same reaction one gets when someone dates you only for your race, it's blatant devaluation. Something people generally don't like and not something that only applies to women.

You're talking about a woman. That's not relevant.

Guys going to Japan will often get told to avoid "Gaijin hunters" like the plague. Why? Because a Gaijin Hunter has no interest in you as a person, even if they're dating you. They only want you as a trophy to show off rather than someone to be interested in. People who follow this advice do not want to be devalued to a specific trait, that annoys and disgusts them. Now, if a person experiences this scenario enough times, they instinctively get put off by it because humans have Pattern Recognition built into their subconscious. It's situational recognition.


A japanese website pointing out this very thing. Safety has nothing to do with it.
Having lived there i can tell you three things :

  • most men who end up bumping uglies with gaijin hunters were actively looking for them.
  • most men who have issues with them are victims of the cultural gap more than any objectification because they come from societies where they are not taught how to have standards when you are the one being pursued (which in the manga would be taught)
  • "a japanese website" is not necessarily the objective source you think it is. I'll remind you that Japanese society is largely misogynistic and xenophobic. An assertive woman who favors foreigners will be demonized irrespective of her actual behavior. I know plenty of women who were considered gaijin hunters by their peers because they weren't into the overwhelmingly chauvinistic japanese men, hence wanted to get with foreigners, and are now happily married to a non-japanese who they love.

I don't think you understand what was being said. I say this specifically because of the comment on the pickup chick and "Cost of sex" you're making, both of which miss the point by a large mile.

I already equated that women to a playboy who can't take no for an answer. You don't need to specify to me that she's atypical, that description should already point that out. The point of that segment (the entire comment, actually) was to talk about the fact the author both brought up and dropped the premise of the series in the same chapter. It was not to say she's the standard.
The premise is that some of the gender stereotypes are reversed. Not that men are affected the same way in that world by gender dynamics.
As for your "Cost of sex" statement.... What cost of sex? In a world where only 20% of the total population is male, there isn't a cost of sex. At that point, sex and reproduction is a straight up requirement for any functioning, heterosexual guy or girl. The human species would be battling constant population decline, yet somehow they're a monogamous society that has to fight for Polygamy.
There is always a cost of sex, and it's even lower in this world. Having sex with a woman in the real world means bearing the responsibility of having a child, which a woman also bears on top of the bodily cost of pregnancy. In this world where men can't possibly care for all the children they'd have to maintain viable birthrates, the cost of sex for them would be to have sex, while women would still have to deal with the consequences.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
You're talking about a woman. That's not relevant.
Buddy it's called a thought experiment for a reason, even then, YOU were the one who brought up the topic of women disliking being hit on because they "Don't feel safe."

You literally cannot bring something up and then pretend it's not relevant to the conversation when it's rebutted.
Having lived there i can tell you three things :

  • most men who end up bumping uglies with gaijin hunters were actively looking for them.

Not relevant? I specifically pointed out people who were taking advice to AVOID them.
  • most men who have issues with them are victims of the cultural gap more than any objectification because they come from societies where they are not taught how to have standards when you are the one being pursued (which in the manga would be taught)
What is this even supposed to mean? If someone doesn't value you as a person, no cultural barrier being removed is going to make that ok. Gaijin Hunters do not value their targets as humans. That's why some people consider them problematic.

  • "a japanese website" is not necessarily the objective source you think it is.
"objective source"? It was to point out that even Japanese people know who these guys and girls are and what they're after. What objective information do I need from a website talking about people on a kink run other than "these people exist, here's their kink"?

  • I'll remind you that Japanese society is largely misogynistic and xenophobic. An assertive woman who favors foreigners will be demonized irrespective of her actual behavior. I know plenty of women who were considered gaijin hunters by their peers because they weren't into the overwhelmingly chauvinistic japanese men, hence wanted to get with foreigners, and are now happily married to a non-japanese who they love.
What are you even on about? How is any of this relevant to the specific topic and people we're talking about? We're not talking about some rando woman who just happens to be into foreigners, that's not not even what a Gaijin Hunter is. We're talking specifically about men and women who are using other people as their accessory because they find foreigners to be trendy notches on their belt. They're not the same and I've been very consistent and specific in pointing out who I'm talking about.

The premise is that some of the gender stereotypes are reversed. Not that men are affected the same way in that world by gender dynamics.

Buddy in a world of 1:5 men/women, you'll be getting a lot more than some minor gender role reversal. As was pointed out to me by someone else earlier:

The women in this world ARE physically stronger than the men, as the MC will get over powered by a child. They ARE the superior sex in this world and the ones setting the gender dynamics.

There is always a cost of sex, and it's even lower in this world. Having sex with a woman in the real world means bearing the responsibility of having a child, which a woman also bears on top of the bodily cost of pregnancy. In this world where men can't possibly care for all the children they'd have to maintain viable birthrates, the cost of sex for them would be to have sex, while women would still have to deal with the consequences.
I'm sorry? We're calling the process of reproduction a "Cost" now? Is that what I'm reading properly? Yeah, ok. That strange turn of phrase aside.

It's a monogamous society, you seem to have forgotten that part. The guys aren't running rampant having a bunch of kids to keep society afloat. The women are fighting for legalization of Polygamy because there aren't enough men to go around in general. And yet, sex isn't their requirement, it's their choice. It's also very likely their choice when they want to have kids if the "role reversal" keeps up to any significant extent, so...no there is no real cost to them at all as far as can be discerned.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 29, 2023
Well he certainly seems as oblivious as the 1:39 guy, and just as nice too. Good thing for him the women aren't as crazy here though

Need him to slowly build his harem please
Dex-chan lover
Jul 31, 2023
Buddy it's called a thought experiment for a reason, even then, YOU were the one who brought up the topic of women disliking being hit on because they "Don't feel safe."

You literally cannot bring something up and then pretend it's not relevant to the conversation when it's rebutted.
Your "thought experiment" is not relevant because it "proves" that men would feel the same as women by assuming that men would feel the same as a woman by giving the example of a woman. As i said, not having the burden of pregnancy and having testosterone dependant traits makes the dynamic of those encounters different.
Not relevant? I specifically pointed out people who were taking advice to AVOID them.
You pointed out people who were giving advice to avoid them. Which is a minority talking to a minority of all people interacting with them in the first place. You can point as many microphenomena as you want, that doesn't make a general rule.
What is this even supposed to mean? If someone doesn't value you as a person, no cultural barrier being removed is going to make that ok. Gaijin Hunters do not value their targets as humans. That's why some people consider them problematic.
No, except for the people who will misunderstand their intention to hook up for cultural reason. Pretty much nobody has any more issues about some girl wanting to sleep with you because she liked your skin color more than her wanting to because she liked your abs and jawline.
"objective source"? It was to point out that even Japanese people know who these guys and girls are and what they're after. What objective information do I need from a website talking about people on a kink run other than "these people exist, here's their kink"?
"Japanese people know other Japanese people and they are mad at them for having a free sex life and liking foreigners better, because they are xenophobic misogynists" is what you wanted to say i guess. It's like showing me a webpage about "coalburners" and concluding that this page shows an issue being american women who are into black dudes rather than concluding that the page reflects misogyny and racism.
What are you even on about? How is any of this relevant to the specific topic and people we're talking about? We're not talking about some rando woman who just happens to be into foreigners, that's not not even what a Gaijin Hunter is. We're talking specifically about men and women who are using other people as their accessory because they find foreigners to be trendy notches on their belt. They're not the same and I've been very consistent and specific in pointing out who I'm talking about.
People who engage in those are using each other. Gaijin hunters fetishise foreigners and end up with foreigners who fetishize them almost systematically. You don't find them in spots where the blissfully unaware tourist who might be open to the love of their life might cross them.

Buddy in a world of 1:5 men/women, you'll be getting a lot more than some minor gender role reversal. As was pointed out to me by someone else earlier:

The women in this world ARE physically stronger than the men, as the MC will get over powered by a child. They ARE the superior sex in this world and the ones setting the gender dynamics.
Men are systematically taller from what we are shown. Meaning that even in this world testosterone is the anabolic hormone. A child also has no developmental difference that would justify them overpowering any adult. Meaning this is played for laughs as in most manga featuring female on male abuse for slapstick. Chapter 3 shows that very clearly he is when shown seriously far more athletically gifted than even a teenager. So that's a load of dirty barnacles from you here.
I'm sorry? We're calling the process of reproduction a "Cost" now? Is that what I'm reading properly? Yeah, ok. That strange turn of phrase aside.
It is very much a cost, as unromantic or whatever that sounds to you, things in life have costs and they have rewards. The miracle of life is very nice to discuss from an emotional standpoint and from some philosophical aspects. From a psychologic, biologic and social standpoint, pregnancy has a steep cost. Pregnancy is vulnerability. Pregnancy is mood swings. Pregnancy is sometimes irreversible bodily consequences. Pregnancy is a non-zero risk of death. Those are costs, and men don't have to pay them during those 9 months. Replace it with "burden", "toll", "onus" if you like those better.

It's a monogamous society, you seem to have forgotten that part. The guys aren't running rampant having a bunch of kids to keep society afloat. The women are fighting for legalization of Polygamy because there aren't enough men to go around in general. And yet, sex isn't their requirement, it's their choice. It's also very likely their choice when they want to have kids if the "role reversal" keeps up to any significant extent, so...no there is no real cost to them at all as far as can be discerned.
There is no such thing as a pregnancy without cost, except if you are imagining a world where pregnancy doesn't impact their body, health or mind at all and child rearing takes care of itself magically later. The society being strictly monogamous is also not true, a guy clearly mentions offering the FMC to be his third girlfriend. The mangaka hence mostly kept the prejudice against single motherhood from real life and implemented it into the manga. Which would mean that being a single mother is still an issue even in this world, and having polygamous marriage would solve it.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
Talk about a jumpscare, I completely forgot this existed.

Your "thought experiment" is not relevant because it "proves" that men would feel the same as women by assuming that men would feel the same as a woman by giving the example of a woman. As i said, not having the burden of pregnancy and having testosterone dependant traits makes the dynamic of those encounters different.
The thought experiment doesn't prove that....like at all. You're literally just avoiding thinking about it because it's counter to your argument.

You pointed out people who were giving advice to avoid them. Which is a minority talking to a minority of all people interacting with them in the first place. You can point as many microphenomena as you want, that doesn't make a general rule.
Neither you nor I have the statistics to describe them as a minority or majority, let's cut that thread right there. At best we've both got anecdotal evidence because no one has legitimately studied this phenomenon to that extent. The point was that I was specific about the cases I was referring to and you jumped off that to something else.

No, except for the people who will misunderstand their intention to hook up for cultural reason. Pretty much nobody has any more issues about some girl wanting to sleep with you because she liked your skin color more than her wanting to because she liked your abs and jawline.
This is verifiably false. People, in general, have always had a problem with being sex objects because of their skin color, far more than abs and jawlines. That's a fact provable by literally spending 5 minutes looking into people actually feel about being fetishized. Hell I'll spend 2 minutes, and I'll time myself just to prove it.

2 minutes 1 second and 71 milliseconds, and most of that was loading through pages.

"Japanese people know other Japanese people and they are mad at them for having a free sex life and liking foreigners better, because they are xenophobic misogynists" is what you wanted to say i guess. It's like showing me a webpage about "coalburners" and concluding that this page shows an issue being american women who are into black dudes rather than concluding that the page reflects misogyny and racism.
No one is bringing up misogyny or racism (Cept that 1 dude), why are you so fixated on that?

People who engage in those are using each other. Gaijin hunters fetishise foreigners and end up with foreigners who fetishize them almost systematically. You don't find them in spots where the blissfully unaware tourist who might be open to the love of their life might cross them.
The problem is that not every foreigner they hook up with or try to hook up with is interested in that sort of relationship. You can keep tap dancing around the specificity all you like, but they were specified for a reason. I'm not interested in talking about two consenting fetishists, what they do is their own business.

Men are systematically taller from what we are shown. Meaning that even in this world testosterone is the anabolic hormone. A child also has no developmental difference that would justify them overpowering any adult. Meaning this is played for laughs as in most manga featuring female on male abuse for slapstick. Chapter 3 shows that very clearly he is when shown seriously far more athletically gifted than even a teenager. So that's a load of dirty barnacles from you here.

Buddy, this is a manga adaptation of a novel and we're 3 chapters in (we literally haven't even met the entire cast yet). Look up the spoilers yourself since you seem to be so impatient on being wrong.

It is very much a cost, as unromantic or whatever that sounds to you, things in life have costs and they have rewards. The miracle of life is very nice to discuss from an emotional standpoint and from some philosophical aspects. From a psychologic, biologic and social standpoint, pregnancy has a steep cost. Pregnancy is vulnerability. Pregnancy is mood swings. Pregnancy is sometimes irreversible bodily consequences. Pregnancy is a non-zero risk of death. Those are costs, and men don't have to pay them during those 9 months. Replace it with "burden", "toll", "onus" if you like those better.

A cost means you lose something to get something else and you generally don't get it back. Two of the literal definitions of cost is "Loss" and "Sacrifice" so when someone starts referring to something temporary as "Cost" then I get confused, but again, you do you.

There is no such thing as a pregnancy without cost, except if you are imagining a world where pregnancy doesn't impact their body, health or mind at all and child rearing takes care of itself magically later. The society being strictly monogamous is also not true, a guy clearly mentions offering the FMC to be his third girlfriend.

What was that you said earlier? "You can point as many microphenomena as you want, that doesn't make a general rule"? Feelin' like that works here.

At this point it really does feel like you're arguing just to argue and quite frankly I don't even think you have the life experience to have this conversation if some of the red flags you've given are to be taken at face value. So I'm gonna let you get your last word in, because I know that's what you want, and head out because we're derailing at this point.
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Fed-Kun's army
Oct 20, 2023
that shadow over Igarashi's eye on page 45 makes her look a bit sinister there. I wonder if that was subtle foreshadowing, assuming it's not just from her hair.

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