@BitesZaDusto And you probably have not met someone who has been sexually abused.
It takes more courage than you might think to even look at their mental and emotional trauma, to begin with. They live with all that fucked up experiences every day, trying not to break down or worse.
And this IS factoring your puerile "jaded cynicism" and considering the extremely low possibility that the author might be lying and doing it for attention. Yes, it's regrettable that SOME WOMEN do lie about being raped.
However, more often than not, liars do not write about their horrible experiences, and yes, Elie Wiesel MIGHT have lied in his book.
It doesn't take much to dismiss a cry for help. History has proven that seven billionfold.
It takes much more to say "I lived with a relative who raped me and sexually abused me". It takes so much more than your puerile "cynicism".
But hey, you don't want to listen to all of this and live in your little bubble. Why don't you go somewhere else more fitting for your views.