How much did the Parents owed to have a neighbor basically owned the child? Isn't that basically slavery without force Labour? In the past slaves cost at least 40,000 US Dollars to own (4,337,160 Japanese yen) and the modern cost for a slave is at least 90 US dollars (9,758.160 Japanese Yen) [And yes Slavery is still a thing in Africa, Some parts of China, a few parts in India, and I heard it was still legal in Uzbekistan] . In earlier chapter's he said there were two shady persons wanting to sell his organs, the Average Human Body (If the body quality is healthy) is at least 500,000 US dollars if they sold it right. Since the Parents ran away and are hiding from the suspected debt collectors I am suspecting that the travel money cost very much. (I don't know about how traveling in Japan cost to avoid shady debt collectors, so I will suspect at least 10,000 US dollars minimum and 70,000 US dollars maximum.) So the parents at least owe (In my rough estimate) at least 500,000 US Dollars Minimum, and 800,000 US Dollars maximum... If any people has a better calculation and suspection about the debt please comment as I am curious.