Prez makes Agawa internally seethe by bragging about having reformed Gotou and leverage his academic results, but Agawa doesn't care. After pretending she doesn't, she realizes she does after seeing him spending his spare days with Akito celebrating about having gone through summer school hell, gets jealous and manages to sever their relationship and friendship by forcing Gotou to spill his honest feelings. Akito, because of being corrupted, becomes the new gigaslut with an eternal grudge against Gotou. Agawa promises Gotou exclusivity if he keeps himself in check with his studies.
Gotou has a nice head start in the final high school year, but gets too cocky doing it with Agawa inside the library after studying and they get caught.
Agawa gets spared because she's a woman, but Gotou is expelled due to his pisspoor academic results, is punished due to breaking moral rules (simply to show life can be unfair) and because author hates him and needs to give a lesson to his readers about not letting dick override your responsibilities. This ends being his canon event.
Quick montage of him managing to finish school in whatever shit authorities send troubled and troublesome people to finish studies and doing the test to become a traffic officer.
OG Hentai doujin plot habbenz.