Agreed 100%, it's a lot more frustrating and "rote" that management/command in these stories so rarely is professional, competent and actually sees incredibly obvious acting out coming. People (particularly in comments sections

) have a bad habit of treating children/teens as little adults. But they're not, they're children/teens. Their brains are still works in progress, they don't have experience yet, hormones are there, they often don't have a real sense of vulnerability or feel like they really have a lot to lose, they can be impulsive. It's not at all unexpected for them to do silly stuff. I can certainly think back to my childhood and teen years and see a few adventures I went on that in retrospect could have ended quite badly, that's part of growing up. And obviously IRL that's why we don't generally approve the use children in dangerous work. But in a world with the super natural where there are good reasons why it might be necessary, at the least one could hope that once in a while the employers would be professional and anticipate the unique requirements of high value employees that are still inexperienced and growing. Normal people might not be able to directly do the magic fighting/detective work/whatever, but they could act as a support team for those assets.