Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku - Vol. 9 Ch. 54 - Giants of the Forest

Double-page supporter
Dec 24, 2018
Will you all stop complaining about Satou being able to do everything? It's an isekai fantasy world. You knew what it was going to be like before getting into this. Almost all of them are about a grossly overpowered main character who doesn't have to struggle until some convoluted 'rival' or 'demon king' or their own powers turn against them or something.

If you understood that coming into this then nothing that's happened so far is worth complaining about. Just enjoy the story, which has more worldbuilding than many other isekai, moe murderfloofs, and giant noblewoman tits.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
Satou being able to do so much is linked to the other reincarnated individuals. We need to meet quite a few more to get the big picture...

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Sep 5, 2018
@macarroiz it's a way of speaking, similar to "like" or "you know" in English. Adds nothing to the sentence.

For example: What are you gonna do, like, today?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
If my understanding of the system is right, he would probably run out of skill points someday. He has spent it on useless things like musical instruments mastery already.

However, the author never detailed on how much he had in the beginning after leveling up from one usage of meteor, so he's probably going to conveniently run out of skill points for the plot... and perhaps even use up the rest of his meteors. If the story doesn't end there, then that's the point where it might get interesting. Considering most of the heroines are children, the author might have long term plans for them (growing into adults). I mean, it's called "death march" despite the relatively chill atmosphere; there's even foreshadowing of it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2019
@jonsmth That's possible.

Although, the "death march" part is actually a reference to "black companies" in Japan where they have a bunch of super long and harsh work days before a project is due. So the last week might be a "death march" of 16hr+ work days.

It's a cultural thing that was never really explained in the manga, but the novel mentioned it a bit.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
I see. Death march refers to an actual march of death in my country, and it happened during the Imperial Japanese occupation.

It might be relevant again since it was mentioned again at some point as if to foreshadow something.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2018
well for what i know i think it will be in the future but it will be a long time since apparently he still has more than 200 skill point (according to my calculation)
and he is cheating since all like i said all of his skill only need 1 skill point to lvl up
even the rarity above normal skill is still the same which is why i think it will be far off in the future but at that time he literally already master many-many kind of skill
well that what it feel from reading the webnovel
lel if game system like that hell i will probably quit faster since all of the skill already max out at lvl 100 :v
Nov 23, 2018
i didn't expect the giants to be so bad-ass, that clothes is sooo majestic!!!
Nov 15, 2018
@srishak yup, their giant size was also unexpected as i was expecting their size to be just a little 'giant' between human but it appears to be truly 'GIANT' as the name for the race.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2018
well for what i remember he already got more than 100 skill that most of them already max even the one where he rarely use :v
i meant when he got a new resistance skill beside that fear he often max them out :v
well he still got one weakness thought before that later on got fix
which is chanting for magic but later on she got a chant orb which fix this problem and he become even more op
Dec 4, 2018
That chant orb arc was one of the best in all of Death March. ;)

Although it was already mentioned, he got 10 points for each level he got. Also, he has learned Meteor as a skill when he used it at the start, and also levelled it up... it is a lot stronger now.

Eventually, he will find his style to fight and he wont need new skills anymore, so 3000ish sp is enough for him imo.

About the complaints, DM is a slice of life, not a shounen. The fights are in for just fun, but in reality this one is just an other one about cooking. ;)

Oh, and he will definitely work more than 16hrs a day in the future. ;) So many ladies, huh. ;)
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018
@jonsmth @Varler

Aside from the literal meaning referring to POWs, the "Death March" metaphor term is quite common in the west as well to mean grueling deadlines for a long time...more common than you might think, not only a Japanese thing. In the programming/software, and game development world (and I'm sure many other industries), it's normally referred to as "Crunch time" or just "Crunch", or "End game" if you want to use a recent pop culture example. But they all generally mean the same thing.

Source: personal experience having worked in said industry.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
@macarroiz - in Japanese novels, each character usually has a unique way of speaking, so the author doesn't have to specify who said which line. This means they can have some quite unusual ones if the author plans to have a lot of characters (or has a fancy setting). In translations, translators usually keep whatever unusual word the character tends to end their sentences on, for flavor. They don't actually mean anything, and work more like markers of who is speaking.
@jonsmth -
at some point in the web novel, he seems to stop taking new skills, because he runs out of useful ones. I don't think he mentioned his points running low.

@Kayriel - I really like the word "murderfloofs" for some reason. Thank you.
Dec 11, 2018
20 minutes long name? What are they, Portuguese/Brazilian royals?

Fun fact, the name of the current Prince Imperial of Brazil is Bertrand Maria José Pio Januário Miguel Gabriel Raphael Gonzaga de Orléans e Bragança
Apr 24, 2019
Most isekai have a main character ridiculously overpowered in a fantasy world. Their problem is how you keep progressing a main character so buffed up already and finding any challenges? It could be like dragon ball, a race to power with stronger opponent at every turn, which also can get old fast. I like DM because, for me at least, shift the focus out of the main character; i get more view on the girls and their evolution as they stick around a mature godly figure who is helping them. Thanks again for the chapter Eraser-kun.

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