@iJaco25 aggregator links are links from KM and other aggregs. They host official scans (not scanlation !!!), while scanlation is kinda illegal but stands in a grey area, uploading the official content is black area illegal in absolutely every country. And that's beyond the morality point.
But to make it shorter, official rips are banned on MD, that's it. Either it's scanlation, an original, or it's not on MD.
@Brotagonist @Fro5tburn nothing to thank about uploading stuff from an aggregator :/
@FrostBlood what's uploaded on MD are scanlated (fan translation, edition etc) from the RAWs. While there's an official English release, we do NOT upload the officially released chapters.
We didn't partner with an aggregate site at all, MD partenered with MangaPlus which is the official Shueisha Inc manga reader.