Do you prefer Dub or The Original one ?

Do you prefer Dub or The Original one ?

  • Dub

    Votes: 16 10.9%
  • Original one

    Votes: 131 89.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2018
Mostly Japanese/original, but some anime I watched as a kid had English and Indonesian dubs. So it felt weird hearing them in Japanese
Animax's English dubs were awesome. I was surprise how close the voice was when I listened to the Japanese/original

Edit: Spelling mistakes
Group Leader
Sep 13, 2019
I prefer Original than Dub but I had exceptions like Dragon Ball(Original, Z, GT and Super)'s fantastic Latinamerican dub or Cowboy Bebop's godlike English dub
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Depends on the dub/sub

Ghost stories = Dub
Sgt Frog = Dub
Jojo = Sub
Serious Shit = Sub
May 5, 2018
I have never found a dub that's better than the original, including Cowboy Bebop and Ghibli movies. Dubs could be good, but the voice actors they use are emotionless and have no talent. 😐
It's not an anime dub problem either. I saw a dubbed spanish show on netflix and it was the worst dub I've ever seen. Heard a few lines and closed that trash so fast.
Nov 6, 2018
original with english subtitles. the only time i'll watch something dubbed is if i happen to catch it on tv.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
It depends, for most animes, i'll usually watch them subbed because i ain't paying for dubs, but for animes i saw as a kid, i'll most likely watch them in spanish, animes like DBZ feel weird to watch in japanese because the original dub is top tier and is what i grew up with, another one is Fullmetal Alchemist, only because i didn't bother to change the language. One exception for the animes i've watched recently is the Youjo Senki movie that came out with a free spanish dub on CR, it was pretty good, but everything else i watch with subtitles.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Where I live, more or less the only anime possible to watch with dubs would be Ghibli movies or stuff aimed at small children (that being said, I don't watch little kids' shows). Not even "Your Name" was released with a dub over here, so this whole thing isn't much of a question for me personally.
Oct 10, 2019
Normally original, but I am biased towards the dubs of my childhood anime (Naruto, FMA, Inuyasha, DBZ, Samarui Champloo etc). Naruto, I don't mind watching in dub or original, but the rest I HAVE to watch in dub.
Nov 1, 2019
Never dubbed, but always with subtitles (unless the original is in my native language or english originally)..... I firmly believe there is always something lost when dubbing.
Jan 27, 2018
The first way I hear them.
I cannot watch many of the toonami animes (Cowboy Bebop, Big O, all the Dragon Balls, etc.) with subs because i first heard them dubbed.
On the subbed side, there's Lucky Star, Kill-la-Kill, Gamers!, Konosuba, & many others.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2018
Almost 100% of the time the dub'ed version sucks. And sometimes they do it real bad "re: Bodacious space pirates."
Sometimes it's watchable "re: Monster Musume."

I usually avoid the dubs.
Jun 23, 2020
Original obviously. People who prefer dubs are just lazy.

The voices for the originals are usually chosen by the creator of the manga, or even hand picked. Dubs are whoever was in the room at the time they got the license.
Jan 18, 2018
You haven't heard of the LA Dragon Ball dub, right? Also, your argument falls apart when it's just a lazy adaptation, which can happen.
Though I prefer original with subtitles, since even with all that said, those tends to be outliers.
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
there's a so many reason why i would prefer dubs rather than OG (sub).
First, english isn't my native language and i want to learn more vocabulary and pronouciation,
Second, it's in my native language.
Third, i want to try to find the difference between the dub and the OG (sub)

e.g :
Nichijou Dub and Nichijou Sub.
There's one particural joke that i am really curios about, it makes sense when you understand Indonesia or Malay (using Malay or Indonesia sub obviously)

Bear as Beruang (in dispute)
There is a speculation about a Malay pun in Episode 2, Part 5. So far we have found no confirmation whether the pun was intentional and someone saw it simply as a straight Japanese pun.

Am I the only one here that gets the pun as japanese pun instead of indo/malay pun? "aru toki ha kuma, soshite mata aru toki ha~a- ku- ma" which as a pun it could mean "sometimes i'm a bear, other times i'm a devil" which is shown as she takes mio's money I dunno, even if the show did involves parts of indo and malay as their randomness I still think this is a Japanese show aired in Japan. I think you're overthinking this since I doubt they make this as pun that only Indonesian and Malaysian people understand.

While pocketing Mio's money, her elder sister said this phrase :

Japanese : ある時はクマ、そしてまたある時は…ク-マ
Romanji : aru toki wa kuma, soshite mata aru toki wa- ku-ma
English translation : sometimes I'm a bear, and other times I'm a be-ar.
Indonesian translation : Kadang-kadang aku adalah beruang, dan kadang-kadang aku adalah ber - uang.
In Indo and Malay bear translation is beruang, while (noting ク-マ = ku-ma → be-ar) it became Ber - Uang (Uang means Money), it means you won![1].
Putting these together, we'll have: "sometimes I'm a bear, other times I also have money".
Yoshino uttered the 2nd phrase at the time when she pocketed Mio's money.
So, is the pun intentional or a weird coincidence?
- Source Wiki Fandom.

I watch three difference thing with this particuraly joke alone, first i watch Indonesia Sub, then English Sub, followed by dub in the end, just to find the difference joke.

Dub is good when you have a reason why you should use a dub rather than OG (sub), even if it's "low effort" or something.
Also, i watched twice a comedy anime if there's a dub just to find something else, maybe for shit and giggles. like "How Clumsy You Are Miss Ueno."
Aug 18, 2020
It depends on what I'm watching. I usually watch the dub first cause it is the easiest to stream on my tv. I'll also watch the sub if it's available. Also, Ghost Stories. I can only watch that show in English because it's so darn hilarious.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
ah ye olde "subs vs dubs" debate.
I've always stood that subs are better, but there's actually an objective reason for it: Japan simply puts more money into the anime industry (for obvious reasons). Rant below
US dubs at least, I've found unwatchable mostly for the voice acting. There are a few great English voice actors out there, but for the most part it seems like the major companies like Funimation pull in "youtube" tier voice actors and it really shows. They often don't emote right, they sound like they're reading a script. I got to see one of the Vets of the industry, Eric Vale speak at a convention once and when asked for advice on getting into voice acting his response stuck with me. He said something along the lines of "Remember that you're an actor, not a 'Voice Actor', an ACTOR. You cannot voice act without acting"
And I realized that was it. That's what bothered me about a lot of English voice actors, they didn't really get into their character the same way a stage actor would.
The other beef I have with a lot of English adaptations is that they butcher the names lol. I get it, some Japanese names are difficult to say even if you've studied Japanese, and especially so if you haven't, but god damn it's so cringy to me to hear the names get said in an American accent lol. Especially since we have more "sounds" than Japanese. It's much easier for us to pronounce Japanese words/names than the other way around.

Anyway, I somewhat necroposted to bring up a question because I've found my ADD's been too much lately to actually sit down and watch a show without doing something else at the same time, ergo I want to be able to watch some dubs and am looking for recommendations where the dubs are at least ok.
Some of the dubs I have watched or attempted to:
I started watching Promised Neverland bc it was on netflix and it's ok. The only character that drives me up a wall is Ray, because he sounds like an obvious female voice actor trying to make her voice sound deep and masculine. Like I get it, he's a kid. He doesn't need a male voice actor, but if you're gonna try and make him sound like his balls have dropped already anyway, then just get a damn male actor.
Parasyte's dub was pretty decent, the only characters with truly bad voice acting were minor characters at least.
Death Note and FMA's dubs were pretty good too, but admittedly idk how much of that is nostalgia glasses (Nostalgia hearing aids? lol) due to the fact those were some of the first anime I ever watched.
Inuyasha was objectively bad lol, but I could watch it with the nostalgia factor lol
Durarara and Psychopass I think I was hit or miss on, but I could watch either. It's been along time but if irc Psychopass was a little hard because the MC's voice was a little too stiff.
Bakuman was one of the worst I'd ever heard, dropped it hard.
Mirai Nikki got dropped bc you'd think that for a character that's supposed to be a very expressive Yandere, you'd actually cast someone who could emote as a VA
SNK I think I dropped due to bad acting and the pronunciation thing. Like, how'd they fuck up the European names as well? lol

Anyway, TL;DR what dubs did you find decent or good?

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