Dog Nigga

Double-page supporter
Mar 19, 2019
Dog Nigga on his quest to find and rape his absent dad while fighting nemesis cat bitch.

The covers and description did give me a good chuckle, but thats kinda all it has. Is more a short comic with messy art.
Aggregator gang
Aug 29, 2020
dog nigga after raping his dad
Apr 25, 2020
I've read a lot of manga, and this is really the one that made me realize that creativity is the absolute pinnacle of human expression. Posing as a comedy initially, Dog Nigga sends a bigger message with the carefully planned even that take place in the story, rather than just having funny words some of the characters like to say for meme potential -- One of the multiple ways it does this is by putting characters in realistic situations, even if they are situations nobody likes to talk about, like being the victim of bullying, bad parenting, and generally capturing the feeling of being a social outcast really well.

Something that I related with greatly in this manga is the part when (no spoilers) a person is trying their best to improve themself, and then other people think they're not even trying, or something along the lines of being so bad that their presence is insulting to others. Another strength of this masterpiece lies in its lack of weaknesses. You'll see many manga where a guy trips and falls on the girl's cleavage and then she yells "Hentai!" or "Baka!" and Dog Nigga is not one of those manga: I find myself thinking about what's going to happen next often when I read this manga, and the author will reward you for doing so by subverting your expectations.

All in all, a solid 10/10 masterpiece that I'm glad to have experienced in my lifetime. You won't be disappointed.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 10, 2020
is the name not supposed to be "you dog" or "this dog" or something. pretty sure that's what it means.

*actually never mind. seems it is an English release so that^ does not add up. but i'm pretty sure that is what it means in Korean.
Oct 7, 2020
I saw the title, yo wtf.
I read the description, WTF! everyday we stray further to god
Oct 7, 2020
bruh its says in the alt name(s) Dog Ningen and Ningen means human right? Why just why

Do they have the N Word pass??

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