Nah, the fact that people are actually trying to defend her, talking about "to be fair" is actually insane.
People are saying it's somehow understandable for her to not believe his story as if she's not a literal magician who uses magic, magic, the thing that literally turns the impossible into reality.
Her assumption that summoning humans is impossible and that other worlds don't exist is based on what? Because she says so? So based on nothing but her own baseless knowledge, she would quicker accuse her own "friend" of being a liar and even an evildoer than consider the possibility that magic can do more than what she thinks it can? She even said herself that she couldn't find him in their world even with the use of magic so what other possible explanation does she have that would be more believable?
Then without caring about a thing he's saying, she just starts making things up in her own head that she immediately treats as facts and starts treating him like utter crap because of it, like he's all of a sudden some kind of no-good scumbag rather than the only person that went out of his way to be her friend when they were younger.
And then she has the audacity to act hurt, like she's somehow the victim in all of this, rather than the guy who disappeared off the face of the Earth as a literal kid and managed to make it back alive.
The fact that she does all this despite hiding the fact that she's a magician from him for all this time is just the cherry on top. And the fact that he actually thinks he's somehow in the wrong for worrying her with his uncontrollable disappearance and blames himself for telling her the literal truth when interrogated means that he's going to go through hell just to try and prove to her that he wasn't lying. All for the approval of this person who couldn't find it within their friendship to maybe just listen and consider what he had to say without immediately invalidating everything and going off on him for zero reason.
I seriously have not seen a character written this horribly in years, like how can people actually defend this?