Doki Fansubs

Nov 7, 2018
@RadioactivePanda Lahel and Rachel are somewhat a same name. Rachel is the latin alphabet translation of Rahel, and in Korean they use the same character for "l" and "r" therefore Lahel and Rahel is the same name in Korean.
It's like Rachelce, Rakel, Raquel, Raychel, Rechell, or Rahil are also Rachel (in other language)
(sorry for my English, I haven't speak it for over 4 years)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2019
After getting up to around chapter 150 of season 2 on the official site, boy do I hate the antagonist of this series more than I have any other for a long time.
Also Bam is the literal definition of a Simp and it annoys the hell out of me.
Aggregator gang
Mar 14, 2020
Manhwa on webtoon is up to chapter 472 (475 for people who aren’t cheap like me). Would recommend.
Active member
Apr 16, 2019
Oh god, I just can't do it. I just can't make it through the early art. I don't know how I used to do it with all those shitty looking comics on Webtoon. I KNOW the story is supposed to be good. It just looks like someone's middle school deviant art. You guys are so strong.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2019
@heml8ck I was there when the first TOG scan was out and for a year or so I've tried to start it but always dropped it for the art quality, but after I passed the first thirty or so chapters... boy if it was worth it. This is probably one of the most interesting read of the XXI century and surely a top 10 best korean manhwa, no kidding.
Give it a try


Mar 11, 2018
The ratings on this site are messed up, how does such a bad series get so many 10's while anything with adult themes gets 1's
Jan 18, 2020
This series is awesome, that’s why they started an anime out of it.
I guess author don’t upload it here though... webtoons or kissmanga it is. :/
Mar 11, 2019
This webtoon is so fucking awful. It literally pisses you off so much the whole time. MC is the biggest simp to have ever existed.
Inb4 muh frenship. Story is so bad like every cliche possible just placed on top of another. Risking everything for someone trying to kill you, helping your enemies because theyr boss doesn't care about them, rejecting power because it's used to step on others. Jesus have Koreans never actually read a good story and that's how this became so famous or what?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 20, 2019
@Z : because of fanbase duhh... in official site this comic has a lot of fan. I know they kind of exaggerating this comic like saying this is has the best world building etc.. but tbh this is quite entertaining
Aug 22, 2018
I'm reading the official translation right now because, as bad as it is, it's at least the farthest ahead, but The Company has a loving dedication to the source material and is doing a very good job from what little I've seen. If you're reading this for the first time, go with the translation hosted here.

Non-spoiler general thoughts: it's an okay read, it's not as bad as stuff like SAO as some hyperbolically claim it to be, but I think it's average even for shonen manga standards. Being a gook comic and all and given the confusing production history of this series, it's easy to look down on it, but it's really not that bad though it certainly is not the gook masterpiece that some really hardcore fans meme it to be. If you're kinda cynical like me, you can see right through the bullshit formula, and if you're new to these kinds of stories, I think you'll have a great time, there are much worse reads out there. It's quite enjoyable in a "turn your brain off" kinda way.

Also, why exactly is this Title ID #1? It's "mangadex", not "gookdex", m'kay? I bet this is just the site admin having some kind of cheeky laugh. Good on them, I think.
Mar 14, 2020
I like the story of this manhwa, but the battle action is kinda underwhelming.
I hope the author try to fix that fast

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