Domestic na Kanojo - Ch. 276.2 - Days With Hina

Active member
Dec 4, 2018
This ending is the best satisfying ending for this kind of story.

People acting like they are not watching Stepsibling porn or Cheating porn... how the heck do you think those would end if they would not be only 1 scene? :-D Just like this.
Why should the author feel bad about imagining more than 1 (2-3-20) such scene? Please grow up so maybe you can stop being a hypocrite and scum towards the author.

10/10 gj Author.

Also, lol @ people for the Nth time who say it was shit yet kept on reading the whole time.

Damn, out of popcorn. :(
Double-page supporter
Feb 7, 2019
Thanks for the translation!
Well, it was roller coaster reading this manga, the ending gave me a bitter taste in my mouth, even though i liked Hina.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 15, 2018
great ending we have come full circle. from losing his virginity with rui to being with the one he wanted from the start to having a kid with Rui and to marrying Hina and making a book about her . This is domestic girlfriend.
Aggregator gang
Nov 11, 2018
A chapter showing Rui and Kajita (the guy who liked her when they were in the USA) agreeing to date each other would have been better though.
Interesting ending, good thing the author didnt let Hina die or sad until the end.
Many unrealistic thoughts and feelings in the characters
Feb 5, 2018
I just can't. This ending is way too bittersweet it makes me nauseous. Also, I am confused as to whether Rui and Haruka are just going away for a week to allow Hina x Natsuo some alone time or if they are moving away due to the next panels saying, "do we really have to live apart no matter what?" I honestly can't understand how separating the family because of difficult questions is even a good idea in the first place. They all knowingly allowed/had Haruka to be born knowing it would be difficult to explain, and It's not like moving away won't stop the questions from ever showing up. It honestly would've been better if they stayed together and had a family talk where they explain everything to Haruka instead of hiding it like what they did was some horrible crime (though incest is technically a crime). This just leaves you feeling happy because nobody seems sad, but it makes you feel all tangled up emotionally because you know the writing could've been so much better.
Nov 11, 2019
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2019
"cant the four of us just stay together?" while i fuck your man, and you get to listen to my moans at night while changing your kids diapers LMAO

i dropped this series quite a bit ago and definitely preferred rui. im fine with my ship not working but i found it BRAIN smoothening to find out he impregnated rui only to leave her....FOR HER SISTER. i mean...goddamn just imagining myself in his position would make me feel like scum...
Despite the mangaka being a woman she's somehow written Rui to be in a state wheres she somehow fine with this....a single young mother who lost her love and may have to give up dreams to her sister of all people.....damn.

while i proudly dislike this ending, the bullshit harassment on twitter for the author is equally as brain smoothening, for fucks sake we just had a young japanese wrestler star kill herself over internet bullying and harassment and you wanna do it again?? sick fucks, most of the complainers probably havent bought a single volume....
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2018
Alright the first pages really shows how stupid and immature hina became because of her love for natsuo.

"can't the four of us just stay together?" Set aside rui's feelings for all I care but think about the child's feelings you dimwitted adult. Lmao rui and hina remained polar opposites till the end but now it's rui who is the mature one.

And the last pages are how she's just a slave to natsuo and her feelings. Her dream of being a teacher is gone. She herself is gone. She just wants what natsuo's wanting to be true. A martyr. Hina was the best girl along with rui but that best girl is gone.
Apr 22, 2020
@dojinshi Just to be clear, Rui ended things with Natsuo. Even in context, it's still really dumb, but she didn't really give Natsuo a choice.

For others like dojinshi who haven't kept up, here's the build-up:
Rui is preggers
Togen-sensei dies, gives Natsuo his unfinished manuscript
Natsuo finishes the manuscript to wide praise, proposes to Rui
Paparazzi tries to expose Natsuo's sister-fucking ways
Hina exposes paparazzi's unethical methods to his boss and gets him fired before article is published
Paparazzi runs down Hina in his car, Hina goes comatose
Rui tells Natsuo they can't wed, Hina's love was too stronk
Timeskip, kid is born, Natsuo and Rui live together caring for Hina
Rui tells Natsuo to marry Hina
Hina comes out of her coma, recovers over a second time skip

That's like 35-40 chapters of stuff so obvs there was more nuance but not enough to make this ending feel good.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2019
@AztechDan ahh i see, though it was because he was clearly falling for hina again right? how many times times has this man flipped flopped? lol

that is better to be fair, in some ways maybe he wouldnt have done that decision to care for the child, though you could also look at it as rui knowing her time is up, and rather than feeling a sense of dread as she slowly loses him and natsuo loves the sis more and more, she'd rather just end the shit right then and there to spare her future pain?

if thats true....then thats actually pretty mature of her, nice
Apr 22, 2020
Yeah, you basically got it. In 276 proper Rui tells Hina "I knew I couldn't beat you" at Hina and Natsuo's wedding.

It was partly because of Natsuo falling for Hina again. Rui getting pregnant was the full swing back to Rui from Hina. Before that it wasn't a full on thing with Hina, but Natsuo was struggling and Rui went to America (and iirc broke it off with Natsuo before going, iffy on that) and Hina was there to support him "as a sister," but then she went to bar every night and poured her heart out to the bartender (forget his name). The bartender ultimately tells Natsuo the full extent of their conversations when Hina goes comatose, and Rui is conveniently within earshot around the corner.

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