Don't Touch That Ballot! Higashikata Josuke! - Oneshot

Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2020
This is exactly why Trump is going to lose this election. He didn't have a single rally in a graveyard and completely ignored the dead demographic. It's entirely his own fault for failing to campaign for a group that's out voting in force this year. He shouldn't have ignored the dead voters.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
@Plykiya Oh, I assumed all staff had some level of moderator power. Well, Ganbare whoever is gonna moderate this thread!
Mar 5, 2019
After reading this thread, I tried to find out about the Michigan votes and found this report:

TLDR: It was a reporting error on the results map of a news site and was corrected shortly after. There never was a sudden jump of 138k ballots for Biden.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
What are the jokes about dead citizens voting? There's no way the most technologically advanced country in the world couldn't keep track of if a citizen is dead or alive. Technically there could always be cases of a person registering as a voter but then dying before voting (lethal accident, acute sickness, etc), but in such a case a vote from that person, if it still appeared, should be rejected by the system. Already dead people trying to register as voters should result in nothing but a fraud investigation in any developed nation. Yet the Internet is always full of nonsense of such cases actually happening in the USA. Must be some QAnon bullshit.
Active member
Jun 9, 2018
"This is exactly why Trump is going to lose this election. He didn't have a single rally in a graveyard and completely ignored the dead demographic. It's entirely his own fault for failing to campaign for a group that's out voting in force this year. He shouldn't have ignored the dead voters."
ikr? joe nailed it (look, notice why joe's rallies were so empty and being distanced between each participant? Well yeah that's why) @dsfargeg
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
I don't mean for this comes off as rude, but is your post satire? Honest question, because I can't tell.

Fraud occurs in elections around the world. Even in a scenario where it's common knowledge, it can still be easily gotten away with. All it takes is for people with influence to prevent any legal repercussions from happening.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
@Kaarme its something someone said about it taking some time to get deaths into the system (understandably, needs to be ID'd, varified dead, wait to see if the body has any resurrections rituals running, let Juliet's fake-death poison run its due course, and so on), saying ppl somehow get their hands on their ballots and using it to cheat. So as there aren't enough ppl dying for it to rly matter in an election going by regular deathrates, they must mean that allegedly election periods have the political parties arm up and go out by force on election night, gunning their way through the oppositions crowds, raiding their bodies for ballots, and submitting them in their own favour.

Yes, I am joking. Mostly. It is true(tm) someone claimed ppl used dead ppl's ballots to cheat in large magnitudes, which was so absurd it became a meme. (true(tm) because I dont know if it is actually true someone claimed that, but I assume it is because I have seen the meme so often that someone must have claimed it)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2020
What? I didn't steal anything. I'm just honestly impressed by how powerfully the democrat message resonated with dead voters. Even my grampa, who voted straight republican all his life, changed to voting democrat this election after passing away. The GOP better start campaigning in cemeteries if they ever want to win another presidential election.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@bigtiddyoneesan There's fraud and there's incompetence, sure, but dead people voting doesn't happen, unless someone purposefully lets it happen. However, you wouldn't need to be any Sherlock or Derrick to track down the official who somehow mysteriously allowed it to happen. Why would it be worth it for such an official?

It's useless to talk of "around the world" because then you include all the countries that haven't even seen democracy ever and those that rejected it (like Belarus). The USA is the oldest democracy, however.

@feha Yeah, in my opinion if someone dies with excellent timing, I wouldn't mind their vote being counted. It means it indeed was their vote. They registered (over here you don't need to register, the government registers you), voted in advance, and only then died. I'm actually not sure what the laws say of such cases, might depend on the country as well, but even if they weren't rejected (if the death had been registered in the system already), it would still be fine as far as I'm concerned. It's just a matter of living or not living a couple of weeks more. It was their right to vote as long as they are alive and eligible. Yet even in a country with the USA's population, such cases would be few and far between. They wouldn't really affect the will of the people.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
dead people voting doesn't happen, unless someone purposefully lets it happen. However, you wouldn't need to be any Sherlock or Derrick to track down the official who somehow mysteriously allowed it to happen. Why would it be worth it for such an official?
It almost feels like you're answering your own questions here, though. It doesn't matter if it's obvious who's behind fraud or why fraud happens, since if there's no undeniable proof or if the person behind the fraud can prevent undeniable proof from being legally acted on, they'll get away with it. If a crime can be gotten away with, then there will always be people who take advantage of that.
It's useless to talk of "around the world" because then you include all the countries that haven't even seen democracy ever and those that rejected it (like Belarus). The USA is the oldest democracy, however.
I referenced fraudulent elections in other countries because it demonstrates that these things happen even if it's obvious, and the U.S. isn't an exception. If everyone thinks "there's no way that could happen, as it would surely have already been taken care of by the law", then it gives opportunities for others to get away with crimes due to the naivety of onlookers.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Politics aside, can we all appreciate that there's someone literally named "JoJo" running in this election>

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