Yeah, I was about to drop it too. OP MC is alright but there still needs to be some challenge. This dude backhanded the Wind Demon Lord last chapter and insta-killed it. Thanks to the translation group for persevering this far.
i dropped this after it became apparent this arc / story line was going to be around for awhile. Wasn't so much the dress as it was the making him a small kid. Spotted it in a list and thought I'd check to see if the story line was over. Glad I did. I see it's not over but Shit Scans notice was hilarious.
Maybe the author noticed his stuff was being pirated and decided to fight it. Thought how do I do that? I know I'll write something that even translators won't want to work on. See it's working.
you know what? i agree. this is indeed getting worse. can anyone tell me how much shit we'd have to wade thru before we see some form of anything that does not consist of turds?