MC, channeling every Japanese MC: "If I be honest with her... what will happen..." (which, just FYI, should be written: "If I honesty tell her what happened... what will happen...?")
But I really dont get this; back in high school, I lied to my parents about shit, and I would BS my friends... but I didnt lie to my partner about this kind of shit. I mean, I only had the one GF in HS, but... I didn't lie about shit.
I still don't, and I just don't get what the question is, here; he's thinking really hard to himself about NOT lying, as if lying is the normal thing to do.
As if lying to the face of people you claim to love is normal?
Maybe if they aren't real people to you; if you can't trust them in any way; if they are simply a tool to you, and not an actual human being.... then, yeah, I guess?
If you're a total psychopath or sociopath, then... yeah; lying all the time is normal.
Otherwise, it's really actually not.
And I don't get the way this seems to exist in a world like ours, but where there is no basis of trust, and thus lying is normal.