So, assuming they have caught these two murdering aliens with some "affordable" satellites, and they have "clients" with huge chunk of moolah to burn, so I guess the Alien Genocide Movement has been on the way in other area too. And maybe in larger scale.
The problem is just the cleanup so clean that it doesn't leave bad odor. Hope that's all.
What I wonder more is, if this 'organization' manage to do it, government should have actually implemented these things before them?
Two explanations I can think of are:
1. They're just slow. Like, as mentioned there're a few other suspects and they might not have a strong enough case to show up and invite the two for some queries yet; or
2. These organization is in fact, secretly backed by government. Less believable and some conflicts info already, but not too hard to hand wave away.
I kinda prefer the first route. Heck, I want a cop showing up on their tail soon; but since they move their operation into somewhere roofed from now on, the cop still have no strong evidence and it becomes sort of like Deathnote.
Anyway, Nomamoto kinda showed their hands already there. With the duo operating together, and she admit she can't kill the aliens herself, that left the disposal as her only role. Let's see if four eyes can catch on to that.
And BTW, what's up with all those bottles at the end of their negotiation? I mean, you can say those are booze he drank, and brushed off as he's a monster drinker; but how long did this negotiation last? And their conversation were so continuous that I don't see any moment a waitress come in to serve more booze; did they magically materialize onto the table? If it's a joke, it just flew over my head