- cover page :
it must be very hard for Sishys/Sissy , being the only "black" elf in a party of "white" elf-s , lol . at least she has the biggest b00bs in the party , lol .
and about the owner of the pixies , she keeps sweating , worry-ing , angry-ing , while other elf-s are just chilling and smiling .
- the elf-s are call The Canaries , probably because :
they have good singing voice .
or because : coal miners/adventurers brought canaries into coal mines/dungeons as an early-warning signal for toxic gases . The birds, being more sensitive, would become sick before the miners, who would then have a chance to escape or put on protective respirators .
- page 11 : when dwarf santa claus turns into dwarf godfather , lol .
- page 12 , 1 elf is saying " hey , put this sticky , juicy tentacle inside your mouth"
- page 19 , i guess the elf leader wants to say : damn you , pixie . stop humping my head . my head is not a helicopter landing platform .