Look at all these big boys defending Bette "im strong so i get to act this way" Loga. There's a big difference between being naive and being a decent person, he doesn't have to hold hands and sing kumbaya to be the latter. This has gotta be the edgiest character in the story so far. He might as well wear a jacket with a skull in the back and a "shut up weakling, you don't understand my pain" in the front. Lots of people have the same belief as him, his mindset really ain't that special, and yet he's unique because he's also a massive dickhead. Closest excuse I can give him is that maybe his personality is a defensive mechanism born out of trauma. But then again he acts like an asshole even when there's nothing to defend from? How does putting everyone down reinforce his belief of "dog eats dog"? Is that what the eating part is supposed to be? Like, you get confidence by taking it from others? He's been in the Loki familia for 6 years. 6 years he's been with people way stronger than him who don't feel the need to step on others' self-esteem? As his philosophy goes, they should be treating him like their bitch, no?
Also, I don't know if this is poor writing, or just bad timing, or the author had to double down or something, but man this backstory was way too weak. It felt forced, was terribly generic and wholy uneccessary. If it was supposed to sway people or tug at our heartstring then.. yikes.