Tell us more kind sir.
from now on, we'll be releasing half chapters, just because we already caught up to raws. if you wanted a whole chapter, then it would be a month wait per chapter because that's how long it takes for the chapters to release fully, but at least the half chapters are pretty long anyway hahaFucking cliffhanger! Are you going to release chapters whole or split? I know community usually prefers whole chapters but are split chapters easier to TL?
Or...Don't make the same mistake twice PLEASE for the sake of your sanity.
he got as many second chances as he wants, it's all a matter of save scummingDon’t stick your dick in crazy
And this is a bi-weekly, split-chapter release.They DO make as far as the boss room and even defeat it, but we’ll just say that Ageha needs him to stick around and predictably MC and now vampire gf get got.
And then…pain.
Then sword waifu!
Then vore!
Then revenge!
Then…pain again, then MC makes it out of the dungeon and meets (not)God. THAT’S when the second arc starts.
It’s a wild ride and it goes weird and sometimes clever places.
Well Ageha out of the picture for now and it's good I guess? (you know... cause of shitty split murder persona). Still no Yandere per se though (not that I absolutely want it just that it's in the title). We'll see where it goes with the vampire gf (thanks @vannn for the soft spoils that gives a general idea without revealing it all, feels like a more twisted Kaifuku).
"Undecided", lolDon't make a mistake, MC.
You gotta be careful here.
You need to not lose sight of your end goal:
Inside? Outside? Or Both?