Lets start with your weakest point. The difference between ad revenue and patreon is that one is free and one isn't. Id prefer visiting a website over donating to a patreon just to look at a chapter a few hours before official release. Some people can't afford monthly patreon donations just for a early releases from a group that doesn't even support the official release. This is why I prefer flame. Saying that its the same is clearly shortsighted and ignoring the fact that flame uploads to mangadex(which they get no money from) around the same time they upload to their website. Not to mention the fact that you are very obvious bias toward wicked because of your affiliation.
As for your narcissism, let me give you a quote: "Feelings of authentic pride are related to having high self-esteem, while hubristic pride is related to narcissistic traits like entitlement, arrogance and egotism,". You aren't entitled to this manhwa any more than flame or vale are, you're using your opinion as if its an objective fact. You openly say "my group's superior work", that's some high level elitism. You tick all the boxes for being a narcissist.
I'm not denying that you take pride in your work, just that saying pride and narcissism are equal is the same as brushing away the negative connotations that apply. aka, dodging criticism.
The little you know obviously isn't accurate or is out of context. My point is that if you don't know enough about these groups, then don't talk about them. In fact, Wicked might count as a sniper with your logic since Flame was scanlating solo leveling since season 1.
No matter the point of view you look at this in, you're very blatantly trying to steer the conversation toward talking shit about the other groups when the previous reply from
@lootcrate was clearly just a remark on your narcissism. You're very obviously trying to dodge criticism, which has nothing to do with your ability to give criticism.
I can't say that saying you're superior or calling them snipers(with a obviously negative connotation) counts as "giving respect when its due".
you can't validate talking shit by trying to "thank" them, your intentions are very obvious.