Eiyuu to Kenja no Tensei Kon: Katsute no Koutekishu to Kon'yakushite Saikyou Fuufu ni Narimashita - Vol. 4 Ch. 17 - Their capital each

Dex-chan lover
Dec 1, 2019
I'm glad to see people who understand that circumstances do not excuse one's actions. One can sympathize with and understand where Rufus' behavior comes from, and admonish her mother's abusive actions, but that should not justify the recklessness and endangerment of those around Rufus during the mock battle.

I personally do not hate or dislike Rufus as a whole, and am curious to see how and where her character develops if she continues to have a presence in this manga.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
This kind of chapter always makes me think about how people can't let go of grudges when a character was a jerk, yeah nothing excuses Rufus actions, but she's literally a child, and not just a child, but an abused child, I know it can be hard to let things pass, but although rare sometimes people do have a justification for why they're a bad person.

The fact that some people choose to hate Rufus instead of her abusive mother, the literal cause of her poor behavior, is honestly pretty baffling, imagine focusing your grudge on a child that is an abuse victim instead of her abusive mother :worry:

And before anyone tries to use strawman argument that this is just fiction or whatever, that's not a excuse to not have a bare minimum of empathy and sympathy, especially when the plot involves a child, an adult I can understand, but children poor behavior can virtually always be blamed on the parents, children don't become bad for no reason.
Yeah, what she did wasn't great, but I doubt they'd act much different if their mom threatened to take their favorite pet out back and ole' yeller them if they didn't get first place on every test. Not even just not failing or straight A's, just getting second. Hell I bet the mom is weaker than the kid anyways.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2020
Elria to shitty mom - I am watching you

"How dare you talk to me. You're just a teenager."
"How dare you talk to me. You're just a mom."
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
Yeah, what she did wasn't great, but I doubt they'd act much different if their mom threatened to take their favorite pet out back and ole' yeller them if they didn't get first place on every test. Not even just not failing or straight A's, just getting second. Hell I bet the mom is weaker than the kid anyways.
Yeah, I'm actually quite curious on how they're gonna deal with this situation, I hope it won't be brushed off with talk no jutsu, cause the mom sure looks like actual full-on abusive "do what I tell or I kill your dog" type.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
You can sympathize with someone while not hating them and still wanting them to suffer consequences for their actions, cause you can understand why they're like that, and the "boys will be boys" bullshit has completely unrelated context and don't need to have heinous shit involved.

Breaking how exactly? She's a literal child, her entire life is directly connected to her mother, if she doesn't obey her mother will just hit her more, are you really expecting a defenseless child to have the mental fortitude to take a beating for choosing to do the right thing?

Or what, you expect her to run away and live in the streets?
Nice strawman. Please try actually engaging with what I said, not what you wanted me to say. Perpetuating the cycle of abuse upon others has nothing to do with obeying rules and orders placed upon her.

Actually, as a 12 year old, a literal child, that sure as fucking hell don't happen at all, children are 99.9% of the time terrified of their abusive parents, they absolutely won't choose to be a different person, at best they'll try ask help from an adult, get ignored, and just give up, she literally has no choice.
At the age of 12 most kids have already been acting out for years against their parents, actually. Teenagers who get angsty and rebellious don't just suddenly pop up out of nowhere; that behaviour has a long history of patterns for the child already. As for the rest, see above.

Also, responsibility? Are you kidding? Who the fuck expects literal children to have their own interpretations and actions? The entire point for children to not being alloweed to do many stuff, with many of them being even a crime if an adult helps them, is exactly because they're not capable of making informed choices like an adult.
Anyone with two braincells to rub together does, that's who. Children are not these brainless morons that you are implying with this statement; they often lack knowledge and/or experience, and thus can make decisions based off of bad information unwittingly, certainly, but they aren't incapable.

I'll remind again, she's 12, she's not like 16 or 17 like the rest of the characters, it's already normal for teenagers to do stupid choices, to expect better from a child is just plain insanity, much less an abused child who absolutely would never go against their parents.
See above.

You absolutely can and should choose one or the other, shitty is acting as if children have a choice, because they rarely have, they're literally powerless for the most part, at best they can maybe try get help from another adult or run away when they're in an abusive household.
See above.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
Nice strawman. Please try actually engaging with what I said, not what you wanted me to say. Perpetuating the cycle of abuse upon others has nothing to do with obeying rules and orders placed upon her.
It is when the abused child is basically threatened into doing everything the abuser says or suffer the consequences.
At the age of 12 most kids have already been acting out for years against their parents, actually. Teenagers who get angsty and rebellious don't just suddenly pop up out of nowhere; that behaviour has a long history of patterns for the child already. As for the rest, see above.
We're talking about literally abused children, if you think they act against their abusive parents then you really don't know a lot about abuse victims, because vast majority absolutely never act against them.
Anyone with two braincells to rub together does, that's who. Children are not these brainless morons that you are implying with this statement; they often lack knowledge and/or experience, and thus can make decisions based off of bad information unwittingly, certainly, but they aren't incapable.
Anyone with two braincells to rub together knows that abused children rarely act against their abuser due to fear, and yes children are not brainless morons, but not only psychology and the law, but even reasonable adults know children are  not capable of properly making their own decisions, it's why every time shit happens due to their actions people always blame the parents for it, because they're fucking children, who the hell expects children to be able to make their own choice? It's not just about bad information, they're also not physically, emotionally and psychologically developed enough to be able to make their own decisions, that's literally an accepted fact of life.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
I think this chapter shows exactly why both she was trying so hard and "didn't care" and why you should feel bad for her.
Her mother is obviously holding something (that is the Steel Dragon) as a hostage probably under some threat of "You will be number 1 or your dragon will die."
Expecting reading comprehension from MD readers is asking too much
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2018
LMAO at the party just walking past in the background while Millis was squealing over the big city. Sheep Girl becoming Sheep Queen in Fareg's time of greatest need is hilarious. Lol at the distracted boyfriend.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 24, 2020

Waifu got so happy from getting praised. And was so precious this whole chapter. Although I did not expect some uncensored hand-holding action ngl.

Millis got her time to shine, and boy she made use of that opportunity to assert dominance lol.
So the girl was bratty due to her mom. I hope Elria slaps the mom like Batman.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
You guys are amateurs, time for real devil's advocacy. If my daughter was relying on a substandard summon to protect herself in battle for emotional reasons, I'd probably give her a slap too, because I love her.
The mother does not love her daughter. Because she didn't even bother to study the basics of summoning with her daughter, and is unable to understand the reasons why she isn't using the big dragons.
Also, a freaking steel dragon is by no means "substandard". It's about as good as it gets for most summoners.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
The mother does not love her daughter. Because she didn't even bother to study the basics of summoning with her daughter, and is unable to understand the reasons why she isn't using the big dragons.
Also, a freaking steel dragon is by no means "substandard". It's about as good as it gets for most summoners.
Her operating under faulty knowledge doesn't invalidate my conjecture based on the information presented so far.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
Her operating under faulty knowledge doesn't invalidate my conjecture based on the information presented so far.
Her being unwilling to obtain basic knowledge, shows that she does not truly love her daughter, and is just using her.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
"You're wrong. It wouldn't matter what dragon she used, she wouldn't have beat me."
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2019
Not really supporting one side or the other, but I can't help be feel there is a rather fundamental misunderstanding of the character in question.

Sure she is a only 12 years old, but this is a fantasy setting where characters mature early and are considered adults at a fairly early age. Not only that, but she is also a highly trained individual who has not only entered a highly respected academic for mages but has tamed several  DRAGONS and is widely acclaimed as a genius and a prodigy for her achievements.

I also reject the assumptions that Rufus was abused during her childhood. The mother certainly is a rather cold hearted bitch, but how many abused individuals do you know that would be truely happy to see their abuser, and seem so eager to please them. While manga makes such things difficult to discern, there was no cowering, nor did she seem to flinch away from the hand that struck them. Only shock, confusions, and surprise.
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Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
I don't get why people are saying this is just a "turn your brain off" type of manga, like it's like everything else. Yes, the premise may be similar to many other manga, but I think there are a few things that actually make this stand out.

There was no run-around about will they won't they, they got engaged practically right away. And I felt it was believable, especially with how the start of the series was handled with their clear respect for each other. Sure there may be some cases where they're embarrassed about holding hands, but overall they've been open and willing to show affection with each other. They're clearly acting like adults when it comes to their thoughts and decisions, and they're aware they are adults amongst teens. They're taking a more guiding and teaching role, while also getting to experience and have fun enjoying a society and youth without war, something they couldn't do before.

Like I said, it's not groundbreaking but I feel like this manga is clearly trying to do something interesting.
Jan 25, 2018
Wait a second didn't Elria investigate Reid how does she not know he has siblings. I wonder when we get to see the family together.

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