@cryum@icarushector Didn't spend too much time looking at it, but I doubt it is base 2 considering I can see a clear "2" to the very left ("1/2" to be exact). Looks more to me like regular base 10, but with numbers changed a lot to not be recognizable (like the 6 looks almost like an @, the 3 is all straight lines like an inverted E, etc.).
@feha I don't remember the base. Maybe 4 or 6, but I'm pretty sure it's not 10.
Like, the biggest line represents the largest digit, while more lines add to that digit and an extended line is the next lowest digit which could have its own lines.
This somehow reminds me of Konosuba. Not because of winter spirits or short tempered heroine, but because of the magical tool created. It's just like that (single use) giant frog exterminating device that cost more then reward for giant frog.