Attention story writing hacks all over the world...
Good story; X causes Y, but instead Z happens, which causes W.
This; X happens, Duroa piss on the bed, Nocton shit on the floor, we snort 100mg of ketamine.
If something has no matter being in the story, there's no point in adding it in the story. Literal gun with chekhov labelled on it can be in every frame of this chapter, and Duroa would stare at it and say, "Yeah, I don't get it." Characters should react to shit.
There is NO payoff WORTH it at the end of this story.
Settings don't matter, because characters don't react to them as they should, which leads to consequences, that no one fucking cares about.
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Finally... I can be at peace with dropping this series. Well atleast until it's axed/completed, and I can speedread it in one toilet sitting.