Everything Was a Mistake

Aggregator gang
Nov 16, 2018
he only tested her at first, later they were all the MC's misunderstandings and didn't even try to understand and just assumed that he kept his tests on her. He didn't need her at first, but she approached him for HER OWN BENEFITS, she HAD ULTERIOR MOTIVE and he was all insecure, his ability - his only comrade - didn't work on her, who would blame him for testing her?

She also thinks of him as friend until the last straw
She thought of him as a friend? But she didn't trust him? What kind of friend would that be?
Dec 12, 2020
I mean, this isnt a dramatic one, in fact, this is very true to what probably some people have experienced, it's all just a misscomm/missunderstood and a bunch of people that don't know how to be honest/communicate better. BUT OH GOD, THEY LACK THE FLUIDITY. The story doesn't flow smoothly, it's like you put an ice cube or lego next to each others/on top of each others. I need to scroll up and down to fully understand what they're saying bcs sometimes it just doesnt make sense. It feels like they just throw out the important little details that makes this story smooth. I'm thinking of dropping this, but would prob reading it again if new chaps available to check my feelings abt this one.


Jun 28, 2019
A mix of false confession and virtue of villainess.....

The misunderstanding is at the max level....
Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018

Hey, I didn't deny she comes with motive to survive. But I don't condone his behaviour either.

I understand the tea scene, but throwing the gift into the pool and asked her to get it is not qualified as test anymore, just harassment. Sure, he's insecure, but that didn't forgive or justify his bad action. In fact, MC only survives because she doesn't exactly follow the plotline or stay with Nicton. If she did it, he eventually used his power on her, making her a mindless doll like the original story into villainess.
Again, I pity his condition, but what he did isn't helping his situation.
Dec 15, 2020
The flow of the first 15 chapters is TERRIBLE. It’s extremely fast-paced in the beginning, and while I was reading it, I even thought that I may have accidentally skipped chapters by accident because it seemed like some events were skipped.

Things do get a LOT more clear for like the last 5-10 chapters?? (Chapt 15-25) But yea, wow what a mess. It’s an okay read, the plot is interesting and it has potential, but the way the story was told (including the flashbacks) were all over the place. Good for a quick read, but don’t get too invested.
Jan 1, 2020
Want to read about a REAL vilain love interest? Then this is for you !
But be aware that you fear and despise the Ml for long until most of the misunderstandings disappear, although the character still remain grey and morally wrong in other occasions cause he is still a vilain😅
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
i still cant trust him because of what he did in the OG story line
from what i see OG Alice and Duroa is also a friend and why he want to kill the emperor (?).
Aug 13, 2018
ahhhh it had a good start but the pacing is kind of weird. i think reading this felt kinda wonky bc there’s no background info on the world and there’s not a lot of characterization. like we don’t know
if using magic is rare or the consequences/reputation of dark magic. the characters seem to gloss over the ml being a dark magic user. we also don’t know mc’s memories of the novel she read? and somehow the characters feel flat. idk
Sep 24, 2020
I really wanted to like this story, I really did. With every scroll, I was hoping that it would get better and make more sense, but I was wrong. The story has little to no depth, the character's feelings lack impact, they're pretty much 1 dimensional and a cliche of similar stories I've read before. The art is beautiful and I thought that it would make up for the lack of skill in the storytelling and bad dialogues, but it didn't. The story has a bad flow. From telling us of how she woke up as the villain of the novel to telling us of how Edgar could read people's thoughts but not hers, to how she was trying to build a friendship with him that didn't make any sense whatsoever since it was so obviously one-sided, to him suddenly being jealous in the next chapter because of Aaron and her engagement made NO sense to me. Like it's obvious he doesn't like her, but then he suddenly likes her. They didn't even show us how that happened. Plus, the story tells you more than it shows you. The time frame skips are strange and some of the information they dump onto us are also pretty overwhelming. The flashbacks are horribIy delivered too. I didn't get the bit that she was also befriending Alice through letters until chapter 10 or something. I didn't even understand the bit where she suddenly got engaged to Aaron, or why and how that happened. Or why Edgar suddenly loves her even though he doesn't? Honestly, I can't feel sympathetic towards any of the characters, because as I said, they're one dimensional. Edgar is meant to be the main lead, but he's so unlikable. I mean he's meant to be a villain...but still, give us something to make us like him! The main girl isn't very interesting wither. She's very bland. The only characters I can root for would be Aaron and Alice but it's frustrating how the writer reveals stuff. One second Aaron is telling Duroa that his 'love' is dead, then we see his POV and he knows she's alive and he's avoiding her. Why? The drama is unecessary and the writer doesn't give you believable ground to...believe it, you know? Also, another thing I noticed was how the story is obviously situated in a Western historical period, yet the way the characters speak and engage with each other does not fit the setting. So all in all, I'd say this story had potential but it's not working. The romantic part of it doesn't work. The 'magical' fantasy characteristics don't belong in it and don't flow. The historical part isn't even remotely accurate. The characters are not likable enough and there's nothing to it that stands out. I was disappointed. I usually don't give such bad reviews or even criticise writers much, I read these as a hobby and I mean to keep it light-hearted and fun, but this story really got me frustrated in more ways than one and I had to dump my thoughts somewhere and just let them out. Thank you for hearing me out.
If you're planning on reading this...don't do it if you have any rational brain cells left. But if you're planning to get confused and frustrated with a badly delivered story...jump right in!

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Apr 14, 2020
Wow the title is so fitting for this story lol. I love isekai with female protagonists so I'll see how this goes, hope it gets better.
Sep 8, 2020
I don’t know which character I should get mad at and which one to support. And the 2nd leads are nosy like wt*. They all want to have understanding without telling what is wrong and what happened to them, like yeah everyone can read your mind. Characters development are worst in this comic and frustrates the readers.

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