Fallen Angels

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Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
I think further arguing won't change any of our position. We would like to continue keeping up with the no upload policy here. We're really sorry but this is going to be it and it's not my decision at all. So many other staff members also think the same including our leader (yes it's not me so you're arguing with the wrong person here). It does not change the fact that having our own site makes it pretty useless to have our releases maintained here as well.

About the part about Tachiyomi support, our site is supported if you download "My Manga Reader CMS" extension plus we also have a DDL archive available at mega.nz for offline reading and batch downloading.

Seriousness aside, whenever you guys mention supporting KM in any argument. We feel obliged to spread something else because at the very least that site does not say we care about scanlators:

Courtesy of our staff member

No further comment from us would be made from now on.
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012

And that is totally fine. Respecting all active scanlation groups include respecting those who may have opinions which differ from MD's. No active group is forced to use MD after all, as you guys have your own website.

In the event you guys change your mind in future, you will always be welcome to return.
Group Leader
Feb 7, 2018
Lack of effect doesn't often mean a lack of objection.

Group restrictions were removed meaning MangaDex disregarded the group's wishes.
I honestly do not think scanlators should actually be allowed to keep stuff hostage indefinitely. Or at all, really.
I mean for fucks sake, even actual publishers lose their hold over their licenses eventually. Not to mention a publisher that actually went defunct.
Yet we as what basically amounts to pirates shouldn't? I always felt the sense of entitlement many scanlators appear to be equipped with is hilariously unreal.

I don't remember MangaDex having a right to host all scanlations. Also the highest quality scanlation? I highly doubt that. More than a few chapters were ripped from other aggregators because MangaDex was a free-for-all upload in the beginning. Not every uploader went to the original scanlation site to rip the chapters. Moreover, it is a very arduous task to go through all the uploads by other people and make sure it's the chapter you released.
Of course they don't have the right. Just like how scanlators don't actually have the right to scanlate. We are effectively pirates, after all. You might want to keep that in mind.
Also, the "in the beginning" bit kind of says it all. So I won't comment on that further.
However, I do believe I distinctively remember batoto dealing with the same problem by, well, simply letting the community report and replace chapters as needed. And it actually worked out rather well.
Of course that's significantly more difficult with groups that have a hard-on for complete control. Especially if they're dead and all that noise. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

MangaDex proudly displays One Snowshoe's discord link, despite them being "dead". They could have tried that. Alas, they only care when a group wishes to remove their uploads. For example, Easy Going Scans. They planned on removing their uploads and hadn't even contacted MangaDex staff about that when two staff members joined their discord the day after.
I have positively no idea what this paragraph is supposed to mean or allude to. :V

The whole story isn't that hard to understand. I seriously doubt that either of them didn't take the time to understand what was going on before taking action. Moreover, they went to the MangaDex discord for clarification and took action based on that. (iZN and Houdini are free to correct me if I said something incorrect).
Well, then I suggest you actually go reread what he said before: "It's still unclear so we backed away." <- Which implies that they did, in fact, not properly clarify the whole situation.
Nor did he answer my question whether they actually tried to contact MD staff through the discord, directly or at all.
So no, it actually sounds like they took a rash action based an arbitrary emotional impulse. <_<
And of course they're not actually going to correct you on that. Like, how would that even serve their narrative? That would be like actually coming out and confirming: "Yes, we're actually just throwing a temper tantrum over an inappropriate sense of entitlement and are far too stubborn and proud to admit they we may not be acting in accordance with reason."
Although I'd say that digging your heels into the ground and sticking to your guns is actually the far greater embarrassment, by this point. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This argument is probably the dumbest one I ever hear. "By not supporting one aggregator, you are supporting other aggregators". Many groups have their own site, they're not required to "support" any aggregators.
Well, although I'm not quite sure where the "required" is coming from, it's technically not wrong. Albeit indirectly. Though I really don't think I should have actually needed to spell that bit out. <_<
But anyway. This simply goes back to a matter of user convenience. You see, people actually like being able to easily access all the content they intend to consume, from one place. Well, the utter majority anyway.
Which is why aggregators are a thing to begin with. Of course, the same applies to any other site that allows you to easily access a lot of different things from one place, such as youtube or even google. :>
And the nature of sites like these is that they're going to be more popular the more they actually allow you to access. Now, regarding what that means for aggregators x user relationships shouldn't be too difficult to figure out, but let me say it anyway: They're going to start using another one. A more complete one. A more... convenient one.
So technically speaking, saying that this will end up supporting other aggregators isn't actually wrong. Of course, only indirectly, but I said that already.

Like I mentioned before, this argument is dumb. Many active readers do read from manga.fascans.com (like they are directed to on the group page). For Android users, they can use tachiyomi or the aforementioned website.
And this counter "argument" too, basically means nothing.
Yes, I'm sure many do. But realistically speaking, an even greater number probably doesn't.
So... what of it?

Although I can appreciate a good meme as much as the next guy, given the context of the situation, that's just coming across as hilariously childish. /o/
But no matter, I just wish you guys the best. :>
Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018

So, MangaDex is no different from other aggregators in regards to respecting scanlators.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
You're not even trying anymore. You're just trotting out the same old lines over and over and over again. Last I recalled, aggregators don't take down chapters when requested. I'd like to see groups get their stuff taken down from KissManga, MangaFox, or whatever.

We bent over backwards to compromise for groups not happy with our rules. Sadly, said groups aren't happy still. That's their choice. We aren't Batoto and have no intention of asking "How high?" when groups tell us to jump.

In short, stop trying to demonize MangaDex when everyone here knows very well just how unlike your standard, uncaring aggregator we are. It's a testament to our desire to support scanlators that we give them the ability to control their content to the extent that we do.

You're deliberately spreading misinformation and attempting to start a campaign of hate because you're mad about how your behavior, after being dismissed for months due to your contributions to MD, was finally punished and you were stripped of your privileges.

Lastly, don't pretend like you're a champion of scanlators now when a short time ago, you were all for not respecting their rights.

What you've said recently:


What you've said not too long ago:



Hypocritical much? What you've said in MangaDex Discord doesn't jive with what you're telling groups that you were talking tough about not too long ago.
Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018

>posts screenshots from nearly four months ago in an archived chat that nobody other than staff has access to


MangaDex actively knows One Snowshoe wants their chapters taken down and refuses to take them down.


Interesting how I deleted those chapters that I uploaded but they mysteriously got restored and reassigned to the MangaDex account. I wonder who has the power to do that...

"We bent over backwards to compromise for groups not happy with our rules."
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
So, MangaDex is no different from other aggregators in regards to respecting scanlators.

Come back when you manage to get all of EGS and FA's chapters removed from kissmanga, mangafox and mangarock...
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Stop implying that we doctored that chat because it's in a channel only Power Uploaders and staff have access to. That's one of the privileges you lost on Discord though you've retained on the site.

Miss me with that weak crap. It's a sad attempt to refute these pretty ugly things you said about scanlation groups. The length of time involved does not excuse your hypocrisy now.

As for One Snowshoe, they've run out of excuses. There has been no attempt at official contact by them other than through middlemen and randos, to my knowledge. If they want their chapters down, they can contact staff either on here via PM or on Discord. If they have done so, they're welcome to submit screenshots as proof. But they don't exist because it didn't happen.

We don't take chapters down at the behest of random people on the internet and groups should be glad of that.
Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018

Come back when the benchmark for being scanlator-friendly is not just being better than KissManga. This obsession with other aggregators is getting so ridiculous that creating bait chapters is now encouraged by MangaDex staff.


2.3.5 Joke or troll releases are not allowed, except on April 1st.

Rules are always followed here at MangaDex :)


Just confirmed with one of the Power Uploaders on Discord and no, that channel is not accessible to them. Only staff can see that channel. "Miss me with that weak crap."

Clearly MangaDex is monitoring One Snowshoe's Discord as proven by the screenshot you provided. Perhaps you could give them the same treatment you did with EGS where you and Plykiya joined a day after they announced they were taking down the chapters. For them, you made a whole PR move seemingly only for the purpose of keeping their 6000+ releases up.


Have a nice day~
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Once again, you're omitting context in an effort to make us look bad. Those quotes in question are from the old Power Uploader channel that we removed from service after it was discovered that we had a serial leaker.

For our other readers, PU chat is a place where, aside from shit posting, staff converses with members of MD who have contributed a minimum of 500 chapters to MD to get their feedback on possible policies and current issues. We removed the old channel from service because there was a lot of discussion in the early days when we were forming policy that could be taken out of context by the leaker and used to make us look bad for giggles.

So again, don't try to imply that we've made this stuff up. I'll gladly open it back up from archives to prove it if I need to.

And is there something wrong with being in Discords of other groups? If you aren't in our Discord (which I sincerely doubt) you have people informing you of what's going on. Why are we in the wrong for doing something that yourself and other members of scanlator groups do as well? For that matter, please explain just why it's a bad thing to want to open a dialogue with groups. Of course we want to keep as many chapters as we can, but we ultimately accept and respect scanlator decisions, even if we don't like it.

As for the attempt to make it look like we have refused to take chapters down, we have not officially heard from anyone at OSS. They want their chapters down? They need to officially contact staff either on Discord, on MD forums, or via MD PM. That's it. Super simple. Not at all difficult. We don't deal with middlemen or random people claiming to speak on a group's behalf.

Have a great day and please come back with an argument that isn't easily refuted.
Jan 21, 2018
@_das Those toll chapters you mentioned being uploaded as an obsession with the other aggregators all stemmed from readers on the AniDex discord server and actually were not encouraged by staff. The staff actually treat the troll chapters like any other troll report and delete them. The Anti-KissManga Anthology was made by a reader to put successful trolls there instead of deleting them.
Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018

So, you agreed with me that the channel is not accessible to PUs as you had initially claimed. Nice refutation.

Never implied that you were making it up. Merely pointing out the convenience of posting from a channel that only select people can access.

Normally joining group discords is great. However, MangaDex staff joins them only when certain groups wish to take their releases down. Easy Going Scans was talked to multiple times by at least 3 different staff members. Their stance didn’t change yet MangaDex continued to harass them. You didn’t talk to One Snowshoe or Fallen Angels. Perhaps it’s because their release count was too low for MangaDex to bother.

Come back when you know what a refutation is.
Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018

Holo was the first person to post a link to the anthology. There are also multiple times where Holo congratulated the people running the KissManga troll chapter.

Unless Holo isn’t staff, MangaDex staff definitely supported those :)
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018

So, you agreed with me that the channel is not accessible to PUs as you had initially claimed. Nice refutation.

Never implied that you were making it up. Merely pointing out the convenience of posting from a channel that only select people can access.

Normally joining group discords is great. However, MangaDex staff joins them only when certain groups wish to take their releases down. Easy Going Scans was talked to multiple times by at least 3 different staff members. Their stance didn’t change yet MangaDex continued to harass them. You didn’t talk to One Snowshoe or Fallen Angels. Perhaps it’s because their release count was too low for MangaDex to bother.

Come back when you know what a refutation is.

Fair enough. I hadn't realized that this was from the old PU chat until I asked @Plykiya about it.

Are you asking for us to open up the old PU archives for people to view those logs? Because I'll be more than glad to ask Holo to do that if it'll keep you from continuing to imply that we have something to hide. We're not doing shady stuff here, das. You are.

In what world is conversation between group members harassment? Please, post it. Post everything. Let's see the screenshots of "harassment". That's because there was no harassment whatsoever and you didn't post screenshots of it because it doesn't exist.

It has always been MD policy to let groups come to us if they have concerns or questions. You know why we reached out to EGS? Because we felt we had to defend ourselves from your half-truths and outright lies. Some advocated against even giving you the satisfaction of responding to your butthurt antics but other staff and I disagreed. So we sent @Plykiya to try and clear up the mess you caused and keep what chapters that were still on MD. Unfortunately that didn't work out, but we took down EGS's non-joint chapters as soon as it was requested of us and @Holo was available to do so.

And you wanna know why we took down Fallen Angel's chapters? Because we were *asked* to, like we have been telling groups they need to do in a million different places on both Discord and the forums:


Man, all that not talking to Fallen Angels really helped us figure out what they wanted.

The only thing holding One Snowshoes back is One Snowshoes.
Jan 21, 2018
@_das Holo only did that as he was fishing to see which IPs were suspicious and which were not, so if they were a scrapper from another site, he could block that IP address.
Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018

Having three different staff members contact the group over the same issue over the span of months isn’t harassment to you?

To the claim that I’m doing shady stuff: I’m not running MangaDex. I have nothing to prove here. It is your job to prove that you truly act in the scanlators interests. With the rate at which groups are leaving, you are clearly failing :)

I am assuming you mean the mess Holo caused with EGS. Evidently, you’re either misinformed or just willfully ignorant.

I see no evidence that I am speaking half truths or lies. The only half truth I saw in the EGS discord is when Plykiya offered them hosting but neglected to mention the requirement for the chapters to be hosted on MangaDex for them to truly have no server costs. But whatever helps you sleep at night I suppose.

You gave EGS the honor of talking to them, even attempting to persuade them over the span of months to change their mind. Not affording other groups that same opportunity of you reaching out first seems to me like it’s a little biased. The only thing I can think of is that EGS had a lot of releases while FA and One Snowshoe did not (comparatively).

Blaming me for messes I didn’t create is very professional of you.

I won’t respond to any other posts. I’ve made my point. Good luck!
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
What you mean to say is "I'm grasping at straws so I'll just bow out before I'm called out on more of my bullshit."

It's not our job to prove anything. You made the accusations. You started this "MangaDex is the Great Satan!" stuff. It's up to you to present evidence that we're in the wrong. All you've done is spew rhetoric but haven't provided one ounce of proof beyond your word, what little that is worth to those who truly know you, that we've done all of these terrible things that you've said we have.

@Plykiya will be posting some clarifications. Feel free to continue to not post before you dig your hole any deeper.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018

Normally joining group discords is great. However, MangaDex staff joins them only when certain groups wish to take their releases down. Easy Going Scans was talked to multiple times by at least 3 different staff members. Their stance didn’t change yet MangaDex continued to harass them. You didn’t talk to One Snowshoe or Fallen Angels. Perhaps it’s because their release count was too low for MangaDex to bother.

I guess talking like staff for MangaDex wasn't enough, now you're trying to represent the opinions of Easy Going Scans? The reason we went over to Easy Going Scans was to apologize for Holo's mistake in his early days for ignoring their email among the hundred thousand other emails (not an exaggeration) he's received and also to try and salvage whatever relationship we could from the damage you've been causing.


I don't know what you consider harassment, but an apology letter sure isn't one. Are you going to bring up how it took two days to remove their chapters?
We waited one day to make sure we heard Ell's response because that's what we do, we communicate with groups and make sure to clear up any misconceptions there are.


We were waiting on the second day for Holo to come back from IRL because he had things to do with his family. But I guess you've been trying to spin it as if we had no intentions of listening to their request.


Or maybe you're going to bring up how I offered them wordpress hosting and how I left out the detail that it'd be in exchange for hosting their chapters?


I asked Ell who I should actually contact about it since she wasn't interested in discussing it. I laid out the offer in full detail to Gapan, who Ell told me to talk to instead of her since she wasn't involved in the web hosting. If she didn't want the offer, she wouldn't have told me who to talk to.



Gapan, by the way, had no issues with the offer and said he would share our offer in full detail to the other staff members. He even liked what we were doing. I don't see any information I left out, the only reason you would think it's left out is because you aren't a staff member for EGS who has access to their staff channel. You're just trying to fish for any public information that you can get your hands on so that you can leave out any kind of context you can to make us seem like we don't care about groups.

Oh, and there are even members of EGS who want to upload things to MangaDex. But I guess you'll leave out that information as well to make it seem like all of EGS hates MangaDex.

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