@Philinle Interesting excuse but, female virgins are valued higher in society and that's a fact (I didn't make it up). Would you still say the same thing to a whore who gives away her pussy freely? You may not have a problem but, I assure you a lot of people would. Treating someone else's whore like your princess is gross.
@MavB_Ver You have something against Popeyes? I'm not sure how to reply to your video link...
@nazarmf I need help because you can't understand or I can't understand you? Can't I say the same to you, lol? People aren't objects but, are used like ones countless time. There's a lot of examples online so I don't need to go into detail. But hey, I'm not going to make fun of you for it because like you said, they are still people... even if they're used-good. Just means more virgins for me mate 😎
Unrelated to any of you 3: Waiting for the clown to show up and see what type of excuse he comes up with this time. I'm only replying to people who mentioned me, kid. Calm down