FFF-Class Trashero - Vol. 1 Ch. 12

Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
To be fair everything indicates she deserved this loss.

He killed his team member before fighting the last boss in the first run. It is the only reason he got a F.
Jul 2, 2019
This is getting to be an interesting read. Usually in revenge-stories you're supposed to sympathise with the protagonist, but I just feel bad for her now. She was shit out of luck and he spits in her face to spite her. Even if she deserved something bad, I don't think she deserved this.
Active member
Aug 19, 2018
If people don't like this type of dark MC and what he did, there are several cookie-cutter cliche insekis they can read besides this. By all means go to the same old stuff you expect.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
Hmmmmmmmmmmm....... Enlightenment is something, that shines the brightest, when we find it ourselves. But if I have to mention something and to keep it short, I noticed, that humor (That LN is fucking hilarious!) can change one's mind (It's soooo good, I didn't gave any fuck about, where my moral compass was pointing at.).
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2019
Well I see where the rating came from. He's MERCILESS, and i'm ok with that. He has a clear goal in mind, "drop the dead weight, level up ASAP, kill the Demon king, Get home."
He's already expressed enough annoyance about Miss dead Elf. Funny enough, her actions are quite a cliche trope of "freeing the slaves." This is a dedicated middle finger to that trope.
Am I gonna like this series? Honestly, I'm not a fan of this kind of mercilessness. It kinda depends on how it'll go from here on. Considering the fact that the professor is capable of reverting time back, and there's literally no way in hell they approve of this behavior... I'm expecting something from them. (first time reading this series, and I know there's still like, 12 chapters to go haha)
Double-page supporter
Sep 10, 2019
geeze, without context of how much of an asshole people were to him before this is pretty excessive
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 5, 2018
@marcyvq based on the context shown alone, I think most of the problem is because the MC has a dumb skull instead
Active member
Dec 15, 2018
This isn't a story to forgive the mc at all jesus fuck, this guy's just an asshole. Where tf is the correctional officer?
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 17, 2020
@simply_fiction well i mean, think about it for a sec. he basically got kidnapped and was forced to spend 10 years to defeat some dude, after doing that, some mysterious batch of dickholes tell him to do it all over again, id be pretty pissed. plus, elf girl is a hypocrite, calls him a demon for killing her friends when she did the same to the black market boys
Active member
Dec 15, 2018
He responded by killing swathes of people including his allies. These people weren't even his kidnappers nor his enemies, pretty much only lanuvel and the king had any direct part to play(And even then she's not really all too smart in that regard, that and she's a doll of the inspectors regardless. If you wanna blame anyone, blame the king and the gods). If he'd have met and allied with similar people in his world, do you think he would've killed them?

Also no, the black market straight up kidnapped and sold her kin. The human kingdoms were already prepared to unite against the elves, this was like saying "Watchu gon' do about it?". If it's hypocrisy to fight against slavery, I'll be a hypocrite too. Black market dudes can suck these toes. These elves acted to save their stolen family and were utterly distraught by their slaughter. If a loved one was taken from my family I'd do everything in my human power to save them. Instigators will always be the villains.

And in the end, it's an Isekai. The fact that you're reading it at all makes me 100% DOUBT you'd be pissed to go to another world for ANY reason. There's being picky, then there's being mad about getting to live a dream. You'd be pissed to be him, in his shoes, with his mindset, not any other case. If you got sent to another world and complained so bad they decided to just send you back, I reckon you'd regret the facade.
Double-page supporter
Nov 2, 2018
I dont get this power of friendship thing.. They were a rescue team to rescue a an Elf master. They all knew what they were coming to save, I guess they didnt all think they would die..

Now we never find out what makes Silvia so bad ? Why did he kill her in the frist run,,, and now he killed her again without us learning what makes her bad.... this is pretty terrible story writing to be honest. All we know MC is loving his xp runs.
Mar 10, 2019
if the elf race in this series was ugly sure no one would complaint about they being kill by hero🙂🙂😘
Dex-chan lover
Nov 5, 2019
To anyone who still is pissed off at how the hero is acting... imagine yourself as the main character of a 90s harem anime, like Tenchi Muyo or Love Hina. You know, where the most tropey cliches happen that cause the girls to mistreat and beat the shit out of the MC when most of the time it was a misunderstanding or accident.

In the previous run he put up with all of that shit for 10 years, getting the snot beaten out of him by people who were supposed to be his allies and didn't seem to show him any kindness (yes it's his word against there's) but so far Silvia acted like the careless tunnel visioned meat head who didn't show him a shred of gratefulness despite him bidding for her, letting her join his party and not treating her as a slave.

And yes, slavery is bad m'kay, but just like you don't know Silvia's backstory, you don't know the slave trader's backstory either, but the direct parallel is obvious. It's their jobs to take care of their customers and they do so, they even handed over the elf slave to MC without taking money so they're holding up their contract at the very least and they can't save all the slaves because they're encumbered.

Compared to Silvia, who sacrificed all her allies lives, twice now, the first time she lost and became a slave herself (and any other elf who survived), giving them a horrible fate. The second time around they all for sure died and she didn't give a flying fuck about anyone, even willing to collapse everything and murder everyone, even any slaves that didn't get killed in the first volley of arrows.

If Silvia was labeled as a villain and we weren't dealing with slavery (m'kay), Silvia would be labeled as an out and out villain, if at the very least a terrible anti-hero due to her selfish pigheadedness and blind self righteousness (that doesn't even seem to change in the first run despite 10 years with the hero).

So yeah, the MC certainly isn't acting as a righteous hero in most senses (though come on with the goddess, two A's and a D and an F should've averages to a C, that's technically a pass so you should've just let him go home but just wiped his memory and shit) but I agree with this mentality of FUCK EVERYTHING, especially if it's going to be a never ending groundhog day bullshit with terrible people you're trying to be forced to side with or you die.

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