FFF-Class Trashero - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
@gevudan Yeah like he said himself, he's not someone who should be summoned. There are plenty of people, myself included, who would be 100% ok with being summoned to a fantasy world. I would have zero problem with it because to me the benefits out weight the loss almost entirely. People with no strings attached are fine to summon, as are people who dream of adventure and magic. They summoned a guy who was comfortable and liked his life.

This is like if i was summoned to a medieval world with no magic powers. Its basically torture. Summoning should only be performed on those who desire the summon. This however feels like they want to summon people specifically to "reform" them. At this point i would be purposefully ignoring them and rebelling on principle.

Anyway summons don't have to be traumatic, but there will almost always be great psychological effect. More stories should go into those effects. I mean someone who wanted the summon might change drastically due to the realization of that dream, not to mention all the power that inevitably comes with it. Those kinds of characters are mostly written as the bad guys though. I find this kinda strange since the good guy is usually not sentimental over his home world but also has to want to go back... being ok with the transfer mentally while wanting to go back is kinda odd in my book.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
MC sounds just like a teenager. All "I'm right and everyone else is wrong." and doesn't understand why their selfish and cruel actions are wrong. Granted has a point that their summon spell kidnaps somebody and only person who can kill the Demon King, but that doesn't mean he has the right to act like a spoiled brat and everyone else has to act like his punching bag. Still hasn't realized he crossed a bunch of lines shouldn't have or did wrong despite being forced to take a re-test or the reason a special instructor was included. Yes kidnapping someone to fight their battles is a bad thing, but they are treating him courteously and being honest about why they summoned him and that can go back home once defeats the Demon King (they don't know about redos so only know heroes who defeated Demon King went home afterwards.) There's lots of stories where subordination magic was incorporated into the summoning spell or having a bunch of guards capture the summoned so a slave collar or slave magic can be forced on turning the summoned 'hero' into a slave who has to follow orders and/or considered a thing or possession rather than a person.

@gevudan Don't know fully what happened with party members so can't say was rational or not, but ambushing and killing them is definitely too far. He never said he tried to leave them behind or separate from them, just that he joyfully ambushed and murdered them because didn't like how they were criticizing his decisions. Did he try or think of anything to separate from them before settling on murder? What were the reasons for the criticism, like did he cast a large AOE spell to kill enemies happily without caring about any innocents or party members caught in the spell believing that if they're not strong enough to survive or evade it's their fault for being too weak or dying, not his? Considering his age, attitude and refusal to reflect on his past actions as possibly being in the wrong I'd say most of the criticisms were due to his rotten personality, being a teenager with a lot of misconceptions and self-righteousness bordering on hubris, and them trying to straighten him out or have the proper mindset of a hero. He has to do a redo because of his bad personality and rather than consider what he did wrong before he's already shoving everyone's noses into how great his position is and bullying them just because he can and taking out his anger on them because the god of the world is forcing him to do a redo. Yes they did kidnap him and are forcing him to fight their battles for the chance to go home, but his arrogance and behavior is more likely to create problems and more delays to defeating the Demon King than if he at least maintained some common courtesy and expressed his feelings honestly rather than act like he can abuse them however he wants and is in the right because he's the hero and they're not.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2018
@Merilirem, I guess being isekai'd wouldn't be traumatic as long as there's a way back. Although everyone has their own situation and some people do want to go to other worlds and have an adventure, I have two words, Toilet Paper. I could do without Internet, games, Iphones, toilets, showers, heaters, and comfortable clothes, but don't take away my toilet paper or you'll have one very upset hero.

Jokes aside, very few people would be willing to leave EVERYTHING behind, most of those who truly have nothing to live for in this world have already left for the next. I suppose being isekai'd might not always be traumatic, but it's at the very least going to be a very emotional event. Like being shipwrecked on an island and knowing that you'll never get back to civilization.

That reminds me of one of my favorite manga Nagasarete Airantō. Man, I haven't thought of that manga in years.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2018
@Mathiason Accidentally deleted the long post I was going to use to reply to you're post so let me summarize it.

First, you are asking questions that cannot be answered without spoilers. We do not know what happened between the party members, so we DON'T KNOW if he was JUSTIFIED in killing his party members, he night not have gone FAR ENOUGH depending on the circumstances. But again we don't know, we're just speculating at this point.

Second, I agree that he is a teenager with a rotten personality, but he is not self-righteous, the people around him are, the gods are, but he is not self-righteous. He would be if he actually believed he's a good person, but he shows no indication of that.

"He has to do a redo because of his bad personality and rather than consider what he did wrong before he's already shoving everyone's noses into how great his position is and bullying them just because he can and taking out his anger on them because the god of the world is forcing him to do a redo. Yes they did kidnap him and are forcing him to fight their battles for the chance to go home, but his arrogance and behavior is more likely to create problems and more delays to defeating the Demon King than if he at least maintained some common courtesy and expressed his feelings honestly rather than act like he can abuse them however he wants and is in the right because he's the hero and they're not."

Third, THE DEMON KING IS NOT THE PROBLEM, HE'S ALREADY PROVEN HE CAN DEFEAT THE DEMON KING and if the grades by the god are reliable he's a much better hero than almost every other hero with achievements of an A- and a combat power of S. THE PROBLEM IS THAT A GOD has kidnapped a boy for NO DISCERNABLE REASON, has forced him to become a hero FOR NO DISCERNABLE REASON, expects him to act like a hero FOR NO DISCERNABLE REASON, grades him with a report card for NO DISCERNABLE REASON.

So the hero is fed up with this and he is REBELLING AGAINST THE GOD.

He's not being a stupid meek little lamb that follows orders. He might be weaker than the god, but he's essentially saying YOU KIDNAPPED ME AGAINST MY WILL, TOLD ME TO DEFEAT THE DEMON KING, I DID AND NOW YOU SAY THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH? F*** YOU.

That's what's going on right now. At least as far as I can tell.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2018
@Mathiason, the first part of your post wasn't addressed to me so let me reply to that. I

"MC sounds just like a teenager"
I'm sorry, but he is a teenager.
"and doesn't understand why their selfish and cruel actions are wrong."
Perhaps, but the god that kidnapped him has the same problem as the god apparently see's nothing wrong with kidnapping random unwilling heroes, when there are probably plenty of more willing candidates.

Ok, let me say this, It's clear that the WORLD DOES NOT NEED SAVING after the demon lord was defeated, the GOD just resets everything. So it's clear that all the suffering, all the wrongs in that world are caused by this GOD and that this GOD has the power to FIX IT, but does not. INSTEAD, he uses this world as some sort of TEST for people he ARBITRARILY chooses to undergo that TEST.

Now I have no idea why GOD is doing this, but I'm pretty sure that subjecting random people to tests for personal reasons falls under the "selfish and cruel" category of actions. You expect this Main Character to grow up and be mature, when GOD himself can hardly achieve the same, you complain that he sounds like a teenager, when he is a teenager.

You should probably think a bit deeper about what the story could be about. Ask yourself questions like, for what reason could this character be acting this way. What is the author trying to convey in this chapter? What kind of things are happening in the background, that isn't clear to see?

Edit: I should probably say that you should only ask yourself these questions if you actually like to do such things, there's no point in asking yourself these questions if they impair your ability to enjoy the work as a whole.

For example, the whole exchange between the main character and the Demon King is the MC asking the Demon King "Why did you not act rationally and take me out early, yourself. Instead you sent all these subordinates for me to kill so that I could level up to be strong enough to kill you?"

Yet curiously you can see the demon king is unable to give a satisfactory answer as if he was speaking FROM A SCRIPT and was unwilling to deviate from the SCRIPT
Now, if the whole world was SCRIPTED, why would you feel obligated to help anyone in this world, why would you treat anyone like a human being?
Apr 16, 2019
So, he lived in the fantasy space for 10 years so he should be around 25. Yet, he still acts like a child. wat. I understand his reasoning of being thrown into another world and forced to be a hero, but like I said before. He lived in that world for 10 years, you'll think he actually be more meticulous but can still act like an asshole but in a way that don't view him as a complete dipshit. Anyways, let's hope his shitty child-like attitude improves, despite aging around 25 but still have a child-like mentality.
Double-page supporter
Nov 2, 2018
MC is acting like this cause hes pissed off. hes been told to redo 10 years of his life without a proper toilet and toilet paper.

The companions were pretty much your cliche "treating the MC like a piece of shit lot" that can even piss me off time to time . So apparently he ended up killing them. While I get why he would kill them when your fed up with them for 10 years. There was probably other means to get rid of them. So I am a little half and half.
basicly this whole "grading thing" is a joke, its like its some game between gods. the whole killing the demon king is cliche as fuck anyway. So I dont know about this one., just giving it a few chapters
Dex-chan lover
Nov 5, 2019
Yeahhhh, if I was him I'd be pissed too.

I mean, unless we see later that he actually instigated his companions mistreating him and it isn't just the usual anime tropes, I'd want to kill them too.

And the gods of this world are so unfair. XD
Nov 9, 2018
Oct 4, 2019
Moral professor? Can't be a good one when they're working for an evil god who created a world of pain and suffering and kidnaps people. Nothing moral about that.

"I killed the demon king"

"Thats the problem"

Dec 12, 2018
Given he was forced to become a slave warrior for 10 years, it makes sense that he's pissed. Not sure why some people are saying he's acting like a spoiled teenager, any normal adult would act like that in his circumstances. If you don't, you're the weird one, realistically.
Oct 1, 2020
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
"Those who raise themselves will be lowered and those who lower themselves will be raised"

Did an interdimensional deity just quote the Bible?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019
Okay... what the heck is this "God's" game? Wanting to teach a brat a lesson? Guess what? Their fault for casting the line, and pulling out a dude that's pissed how they hamper and harp him.

It would be better if he teamed up with the Demon Lord.
Mar 30, 2020
MC should kick her ass off, and teach them what respect is.
He got summoned, two times. He got the right to do what he wants.

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