Fiancée Be Chosen by the Ring - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The Magic Knight and The Embroidery Girl

Group Leader
Jun 30, 2019
Just by having a series in your project list in EJ's discord does not mean that you have claim to the series. You can't claim a series unless you post the first chapter, otherwise all groups would be hoarding whatever series they find online.

What you guys are doing is killing your staff with the amount of work there is (30 freaking series with 3 series assigned to each staff sounds like a death sentence to me) and not giving other groups (who could probably manage 1-2 more series a lot better than you guys could) a chance to release them!

This is also unfair to the readers who are waiting for so long for these chapters and are so excited and unfair to the series itself to not be updated often cause the readers might just end up forgetting about it.

Please keep these things in mind when you guys are picking up new series. I'm genuinely worried for your staff cause what you guys are doing is totally not feasible.
Mar 26, 2018
Scan quality is inferior to the other version. Shoulda just stolen it and called it a day.
Group Leader
Apr 5, 2019

..having a series in your project list in EJ's discord does not mean that you have claim to the series.
-> When did we say we claimed it?

You can't claim a series unless you post the first chapter
-> I'd love to see you say this to the other team after what happened to Gokutsuma, considered you know them pretty well.

Please read the statement again, you're contradicting yourself. Thanks for the worries!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2018
This is also unfair to the readers who are waiting for so long for these chapters and are so excited and unfair to the series itself to not be updated often cause the readers might just end up forgetting about it.
lmao the only unfair thing is your ego.
Group Leader
Jun 30, 2019

“Though a few of these projects do not currently have published chapters, we announce that we are working on them to also inform other groups: this is to avoid any potential misunderstandings that may arise from multiple groups working on the same project, wasting everyone’s time and effort.”
How would you interpret this if you're the one reading cause from what I understand, you guys expect other groups to back off from touching that series if it's on your project list. If someone else releases a chapter even though you guys have not specifically released one, you guys seem to think it's been sniped (this is being based off of a previous event that has happened before).

-> I'd love to see you say this to the other team after what happened to Gokutsuma, considered you know them pretty well.
As to this point, I honestly have no idea what you're talking about????
Group Leader
Jun 30, 2019

Real smooth. Please stay relevant and don't just butt in for the sake of it.

I'm also considered a reader FYI.


Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
*Munches on popcorn*

This argument is more entertaining than the manga itself even though I don't see the point of it. Since I do not know much about the working conditions in the manga translating industry, I will first assume that everything diiana says (about working conditions) is true. And so here comes my opinion

1. The 'overworked staff' could obviously choose to do less IF and WHEN they can't cope. Chronic slackers be damned. There is no need to worry about them. They won't die of karoshi.

2. For the claim issue, one could always request to take over certain stories due to the lack of quality/updates. If that doesn't work, take a picture of the 'negotiations' and then come back and complain about it afterwards here, especially for the rest of us lazy asses who don't bother going to Discord to do investigative popcornism. Well if you don't you would be seen as egoistic people picking fights for no reason by we, the ignorant masses. Your choice though

3. If there is no 'claim' AND 'handover' or any other stupidly complicated human things going on, then starting a race would be legit. The 'weaker team' would have to eventually give up. Of course the ones with terrible quality would also lose out even if they are 'faster'. It happened before on the LN/WN department. Pros include more actual chapters due to extra motivated translators. Cons include plenty of inferior (one of them has to be inferior) "v2" taking up the table of context space. I am sure we lazy readers should at least be hardworking enough to choose which chapter we want manually instead of blindly clicking NEXT CHAPTER.

4. "unfair to the readers" statement is unfair. Honestly, the readers 'deserve' nothing for leaving the work to the translators without bothering to buy the book/translate it themselves. Any chapters on here or anywhere else is a 'luxury' despite how much I hate licensing from taking everything away ESPECIALLY when my fkin country won't sell them! *rants about it for 24 hrs*

*deep breath* *rants a little more*

5. I understand its a newly formed team trying to get more translators but slow is still slow (And i am not even looking at the quality yet). This side(Endless Journey) could just take a few and finish them up properly to the latest available chapter before grabbing other stories. Are you guys addicted to chapter 1's or something? I have never seen so many consecutive "one"s in my life. Note that I actually DO read half of the stories translated by you guys (and like it) and if you were to "temporarily drop" all of them (the half I read) without anyone else picking it up so that you could focus on the remaining half, it would be "a huge loss" to me. Even then, I suggest you do it so that the 'other half'... thrives... or something. Is thrive even the right word to use 🤔?

As to this point, I honestly have no idea what you're talking about????
He is saying this as evidence.
Endless Journey did Gokutsuma chapter 1. Secret Land Castle did chapter 1-3 after that. Meaning he did chapter 1 but DIDN'T claim the series. Secret Land Castle probably 'claimed' it without asking or asked and then said 'claim' got handed over. I wouldn't know because I don't discord for investigative popcornism.

Also I don't know about Kiriha's reasoning but calling this 'unfair to the readers' speaks plenty about your ego. There is a difference between telling someone how much more beneficial it is to do less stuff for everyone involved compared to accusing someone of being unfair for providing a small portion of what should be considered a luxury.
Mar 30, 2019
Is there really a need to fight over the series, if people want to update faster would it be so hard to just contact the current team and work together to update faster? On most group's credit pages they always say that they are looking for more people, rather then posting it on your own. Yes the other group did great with idk 2 people team but could you sustain a consistent update? If so then by all means keep posting, but has you seem to have felt entitled to have a consistent update more then one chapter every other month--given it's been a month since EJ posted this chapter-- would it be right of me to expect that of you?

If you are unhappy about their release rates, as they said "we do not claim" it's just to let others know their working on it so people don't accidentally post the same chapter as to not waste each other's efforts. However if both groups are okay with publishing the same series then why fight it, both groups can work on it as no one has the right to claim anything but readers should understand that they aren't entitled to demand/expect a frequency of releases for a free service.

As some have addressed, even with free services there are certain expectations and I agree to an extant. However, as it is a FREE service they are not required to fulfill your expectations. If you want to change something then take it upon yourself and change it--as "nogorup" had done, if you can't then--as they say-- change your attitude. Their are plenty of other great projects out there, read a few others while you wait. I myself am currently actively reading over 100 books/webtoons/manges/etc. While I wait for the main projects I read to update.

Although the majority of this may sound biased, I don't mean to attack anyone. It was my personal opinion if this had offended you anyways please note that was not my intention. I am thankful for anyone who post a release regardless of whether it's by a group or some passionate people as they have different translations at times which creates a different dynamic at given scenes. There a few projects that have two groups working separately that I read and that's fine since I read both. NO ONE has the right to claim a project, you can notify people that our working on it but you can not claim it as other people have the right to post as well since they use their own time and effort as well. That being said, it usually should be common curtsy to let other people know as to not waste effort on anyone's part if they only work on it so the public and read it. If someone wants a more constant update and expresses a desire to work on it as well then they have the right to do so.

Just read and enjoy, want more update? Either join or post your own update. It's your own time. But I must say, it'd be much more efficient to work together than separately. Have a good day y'all and just keep swimming.

lol for my first post here it was rather lengthy, if anyone reads this let me know. You must be quite the bookworm to not feel put off by such a big block of text

@Nep thanks for catching my typo!! Honestly glad someone agreeed i was worried I'd get attacked


Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018

INTELLIGENCE! No really. I have read so many actual stupid things in the past few days (not on mangadex. Elsewhere. Nobody here should feel offended) that intelligent ones are extremely fresh. I read everything and completely agree with you except this.
However, as it is a FREE service they are required to fulfill your expectations.

Unless you missed a 'not' (as in "they are not required to fulfill your expectations") in which case i fully agree with you.

P.S I read everything
Group Leader
Jun 30, 2019

About the readers comment: the only reason we are releasing chapters is to make them available for everyone to enjoy. If scanlators were selfish, they wouldn't release them in the first place. So, technically, yes, it is selfish of the readers to ask for chapters without contributing to the process but then again, scan teams release it for the sake of everyone.

About the negotiations problem, I don't mind contacting Atris (@blackbunii) about possibly picking up some of the series I enjoy reading from their list but I highly doubt they'd be willing to let them go since the reason they picked them up is probably also due to the fact they liked it.

About the staff problem, we have seen many complaints about the way EJ handles their staff and the previous drama that went on internally, which is why I brought it up.

As a scanlator and a reader, I mind it if groups are hogging projects and not updating because someone else could do the exact same job and could do it probably the same or even better quality. As a reader, I want to read, which is why everyone is here to begin with. Yes, it's selfish and I'm not the only one here who has the same issues over this.
Jan 22, 2019
Such unnecessary fight. Once more proving that even a community like this can't escape toxicity and entitlement.
Sometimes I just wonder 'do these people forget this is made by fans for fans? And that all these scanalation teams have real people with a real life pouring time and hard work for a sake of another stranger behind another screen just to provide everyone a chance for them to read a story they enjoy.'
I mean while I do agree that overworking yourselves is not good the reason for it is not for the sake of a good releasing schedule but the health of someone who's doing me a favor by translating this stories that otherwise I would have no chance to read.
I'm extremely thankful for all the scanalation teams out there that provide me content to read inclunding EJ.
In regards of picking many projects if you're a translator, redrawer, typesetter, proofreader, another scanalation group and you want express your concerns or voice your opinion (maybe you wanna take over a project or work together, doesn't matter) there's way more civilised ways than this. If you're just a reader without no information whatsoever about anyone that's working on the project or that wants to take it over then, excuse me, you have no right. Just because you read something that doesn't give you the right to make demands. I mean you can voice your opinion but voicing your opinion is different than complaining. You can say you wish the updates were faster or maybe even volunteer to help but go around acting all high and mighty like the scanalation teams owe you anything makes you look stupid and entitled.

@blackbunii I'm sorry your team is having a hard time with this. Thank you for your work it's appreciated by some of us.
Group Leader
Apr 5, 2019

Let me explain it once and for all for you:

When we pick up a series, we did our research to make sure no one has done it yet. We don't wanna waste anyone and our effort; thus, we've done our due diligence in making sure the community knows which projects we're working (We also learned this from the previous incident you mentioned). In case any individual or team happen to do the same series, they can come to us to discuss this matter, avoid further misunderstanding and wasted effort.

You can't claim a series unless you post the first chapter.
-> I'm not sure whether you don't know this incident or try to play dumb here.
We released the first chapter of Goku means we "claimed" it, right? Based on your logic. But SLC released the same manga just days later. So tell me what does "claim" do?

You may not know this, we recently added Flower Moon King's doctor to our project list and were ready to release it. SLC released the manga on that same day. We didn't release and drop it instead cos it was claimed.

We've been playing by your rules here, but it seems like your friends at SLC didn't.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
Smh, what even. . . As someone who read both versions but couldn't bother commenting before I'd just like to say that If someone wants to work on a series they're all free to do so, in the end readers will just move on to the versions they prefer and as dick-ish as it may sound no translators own anything but their own work, they're not the publisher/authors.

Anyway, most likely gonna keep reading this groups ver, since that whole ''teach you a lesson'' stuff really rubbed me the wrong way.


Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018

About the negotiations problem, I don't mind contacting Atris (@blackbunii) about possibly picking up some of the series I enjoy reading from their list but I highly doubt they'd be willing to let them go since the reason they picked them up is probably also due to the fact they liked it.

About the staff problem, we have seen many complaints about the way EJ handles their staff and the previous drama that went on internally, which is why I brought it up.

As a scanlator and a reader, I mind it if groups are hogging projects and not updating because someone else could do the exact same job and could do it probably the same or even better quality. As a reader, I want to read, which is why everyone is here to begin with. Yes, it's selfish and I'm not the only one here who has the same issues over this.

1. Did anyone contact them in the first place? If nobody even bothered to try then you cannot accuse them of anything. Them 'liking it which is why they picked it up' is not a good enough reason since NO ONE ELSE picked it up until they did. If someone wanted to do it, they would get the end result without needing to put in any effort. On top of that, they are supposedly already severely overworked and understaffed. If I were them, i'd give it up in a heartbeat with promise of regular releases (since i'd supposedly want to read it to).

2. Worrying about the staff is great. There is nothing wrong there. But the staff are also people. If they can't cope, they can personally ask to decrease their own workload by themselves/resign. Its not like their 'boss' could go over to them and force them to do anything especially since this is free service. If staff treatment is a problem the group can crash and burn, the guys all go separate ways and possible translate separately. In the end there wouldn't be a difference.

3. Then stop being over privileged entitled selfish children. You are not the only one so its fine? No. ALL OF YOU with this problem need to stop. These are fan translations. They are doing all the work for nothing in return and you want to make demands? They are not your slaves. No gratefulness at all.
Group Leader
Jun 30, 2019

I honestly have no idea what SLC did since I'm not part of their team nor their server. I will personally request to pick up a series you guys are working on since I really enjoyed the first chapter and sadly it is still at its first chapter since you guys seem to be more open-minded to the idea of negotiations.


As for your comment, I agree with the privileged entitled selfish children part as well but you can't just call everyone here ungrateful. Also, scanlators don't do the work for nothing in return. When people are happy, that's what makes them happy. We're not just ungrateful people who read and forget, so mind the language a little and be respectful of others.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2019
@blackbunii I'm not taking the other team's side here, but if there are people who want to take this project off your hands and you've got so many other projects you're working on, won't it be just better to hand this over?

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