Fiancée Be Chosen by the Ring - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The Magic Knight and The Embroidery Girl


Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
Everyone? Not everyone. Just the people who decided complaining about it and then doing nothing is a wonderful idea. I won't think its you anymore since you have decided to pick up a series from them but just from your previous few posts on top of the various other comments I tend to find on novelupdates.

Sorry for sounding harsh but 'ungrateful' is probably the kindest word I can give these people (who do nothing).

P.S There are a lot of such people out there. Glad you are not one of them.
Group Leader
Jun 30, 2019

I'm actually a scanlator and work on many series. For you to call the readers ungrateful is really rude and disrespectful. For us who work hard on these and spend our time on series we actually like and sharing that with others is our pleasure (from my perspective). Yes, we all have lives and real life responsibilities but this is something where we come to get away from it all. It might be the same for the readers, which is why we all are happy reading mangas/manhwas, whatnot. When it can't be updated, usually there's a reason and 99% of the time, our readers understand that and sympathize with us so for that I'm very grateful.

This issue is mainly from the scanlator community and readers who are also scanlators that have felt this so bringing this up now is better than having everyone be hostile at the same time.
Dec 12, 2018
Not to derail this conversation, but can you guys just take it somewhere else. I understand that this series has started this conversation, but it had dissolved into the whole scanlation business and nothing to do with this chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2019

Let's be real, a lot are and have expectation about a free and illegal product in a sense that is provided, they are entitled and whenever they aren't happy about the wait, do some passive-aggressive attack/comments, the person that had translated the other chapter could help the team but no he decided to be an ass and just complain.

You either solve the situation by contacting the group and seeing to pick up the series yourself, join the team to help on THIS particular manga don't just complain in comments about being entitled of daily releases or do a one off "OH LOOK IT TOOK ME ONLY THIS LONG TO TRANSLATE BUT YOU GUYS TOOK LONGER URR DURRR".

This is not a job, this is just done on the side by many people, who have lots of other projects (perhaps too many but that's not the point here) so either do something properly or shut up, nobody is entitled to free translations of such a product (it's basically piracy).
Mar 26, 2019
Umm.. I'm still confused 😕. The magician said he is an acquaintance of her fiancé but she questioned if he knew felix? I don't understand haha
Group Leader
Aug 15, 2018
"putting out high quality chapters"
> puts out blurry images with massacred tones
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2018
@Solistia It's the same quality with the official online raws and the other release is as blurry as this. Since they're looking for an experienced cleaner, I prefer they left it like this rather than attempting a whack job like scanlation of old time.
Mar 4, 2019


“As blurry”? Really?
Apr 13, 2019
I just don’t see the need to keep trying to bully Endless Journey.

Everyone keeps saying “oh, other groups would pick up your jobs if you let them”. Well then let those “other groups” speak to EJ if they would like to do so.

Otherwise, let us not speak of all these imagined other groups that would put out faster, better quality releases.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2018
@mazuran lol okay, my fault for not comparing it at original resolution (assuming both picture is just cut as is without being resized by you). All three (raw, EJ and no group) look the same on my phone screen which is automatically resized the image to fit screen width. No group ones maybe using something similar to waifu2x to increase the resolution while reducing blurriness at the same time.

People have already tried and gotten rejected lmao

I'm not trying to defend EJ but i won't believe any claim without proof. If they really got rejected but really want to do faster release, they should just simply release their own translation. It might create drama but as long as they don't put a drama bait credit page like certain someone then it probably wouldn't be getting big. Because speedscans always happen.
Mar 9, 2019
Thank you I love this series and I’m happy to see it updated. I also don’t mean this rude at all, but did you guys only decide to upload a second chapter now because of the people who posted the same chapter? That kind of bothers me.. I don’t want to say anything that offends anyone but I don’t understand that. If it was ready to be posted than why wait so long to do so?
Double-page supporter
Apr 8, 2018
Yeah I just read and forget about it til I see it updated lol

So thanks 🙌🏻💕
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
at first it look like just temporary proposal but now this boy want it to be perma u can't escape now girl lmao
they have good chemical compatible btw
Mar 13, 2019
If each volunteer is given 3 projects and you have more than thirty ongoing with many of them having no updates with months in between... I can see validity in the claim that you are hoarding projects... If you are going to insist on taking such a high workload you should have more staff and take responsibility of the claim that you've made on these titles.
Group Leader
Jun 30, 2019

I won't shut up, mind you. I'll stand for what I believe is right and this community is here to bring up these issues. It's not like I'm bitching about people here. I'm talking about just the fact that there are too many series that EJ has picked up which could be worked on with other groups. If you have a problem with my bitching, then please exit out of the comment section.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2019

What I have a problem with is trying to excuse shitty behaviour and ignore that there is a big part of the community that has unrealistic expectations of this service. They're picking up series that no one picked and are willing to actively translate which is my point, the community at large prefers the passive aggressive attack like the lone translation and bitching about it instead of providing their services to make the release go faster. The only this creates and furthers is a behaviour where scanlation teams treat the community like shit and act like entitled shits about reserved series (like Jaimini's for example). It's not a cohesive group with one leader and organisation, it's a loose structure with people working on their free time on projects they like, it's not a concious decision by EJ to pick up tons of series in order to create a monopoly (look at the groups that left MD for that shitty behaviour).

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