Fight Class 3 - Ch. 82 - Round 82: Sequela

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Grim4531 I'm not saying the author can't elaborate on things at a later date. I'm saying I'm worried that he wont, and that not knowing while watching the story play out effects my ability to empathize with the MC. I understand for some people that's not a problem. Also "Asshole" is just me summing up his behavior quickly so that I'm not typing more than I already am. But I'm not trying to force people to think my way, I'm trying to explain to people why it's not stupid to think the way I do, like some people are acting like, throwing out shade trying to say people who don't like this have never read mystery books, or don't understand how mysteries are structured and stuff. (As demonstrated by Keraton so marvelously just now)

@Keraton The only one thinking in extremes is you. Never have I said he -can't- elaborate. In my previous post I even specifically said "if we follow these trends" note the word if. Also I did give an example of why it's bad writing, by demonstrating the drastic difference in one's empathy of the MC can be based on the 'how' he got to where he is now. If you can't actually piece together how that is a bad thing...well maybe every book is a mystery book for you. As for the "It's set up wrong" no I didn't go into great detail about that, because it'd be stupid to give a dissertation about the way to structure mysteries, however I did point out that a mystery requires having enough information present that it is possible for the audience to solve it. Again, that should be enough for you to realize what I'm implying is that this doesn't qualify as a mystery because it's not a puzzle for us to solve, it is simply information that is being withheld from us until the author wants us to know, assuming they do eventually tell us.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 24, 2020
Glad to see there are people like @WillLi who finds empathizing to the MC hard. Doing a face-heel turn is difficult to do in a story, and this one wasn't convincing for people like me. That's why it's a common response for people to say the mc is edgy suddenly when you don't see the specific event that made him like that or something, I don't know.
Double-page supporter
Jul 25, 2020
I honestly think the MC is forcing himself, I understand why people don't agree with this but y'all have to realise he tryna find his sister and he has to possibly face his insane fucking father to do so, which means going through tons of fights and obstacles.

He just going through it right now.

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