Right, the U.S. loves changing the names alot in any games from Japan, frankly real tired of that.
While it might happen in other regions too, I've never encountered such cases elsewhere.
And don't try come with stupid excuses like it ended up like that in translation,
seen a fair bit of cases where the original names were westerner ones and written out with our letters ingame.
(Sticking out among the jap symbols even more thanks to that.)
Kinda funny how harsh the censorship of jap(looking) games is in the states for that matter.
Defo more harsh than it is for games that don't look like jap game.
FE series makes for a decent example of that in how far they can go to try make sure authorities in the states won't interfere.
(Had a serious laugh when I saw the degree of censorship they decided on for the states because of that mess.)
Anyways, just continue using the original names, that way most people will know right away since it's only a limited amount that's exposed to the stupid namechanges.
Edit: If it's not too much work, guess it could be a help adding a small note about the namechanges for those not familiar with the original names,
although even if they don't realize who it is they'd usually find out in the comment section anyways.