Uhhhhhh I don't have the raws, but aren't they just saying that ambiguous "suki" bullshit that could either mean "I like you" or "I like the fireworks"?
>shit, I accidentally said it
>did she heard it?
>my heart's beating so fast right now
>oh god, I hope the fireworks' loud enough
>shit, she's staring at me
>fuck, she knows.
They finally confessed, but yeah. I'm not really complaining, but that was plain. They could hold hands. A little bit cheesy is okay in this kind of situations.
Took the words right out of my mouth. There's just a vampire here, in this world, for no reason.
I had it in my head that there was this whole background where her parents found and adopted her when she was a baby and her and Kenji weren't actually related. That's why I was kinda expecting a wincest ending.
This manga never really went ANYWHERE with it which really disappoints me. It really was a gimmick and nothing more.